x-board v2 The board has an optical sensor and an xbee interface.
lightsensor detects optical signal and pairs the signal with a counter and a timer
sends collected data through the serial-xbee interface
x-board relay The board is connected to the Ethernet and has an xbee interface.
receives data through the serial-xbee interface and stores it in memory.
provides an interface to access data stored in memory.
The Transmitter transmits summaries of collected datapoints every x seconds.
= :: = [0-9]+ = [0-9]+ = (,|) = [0-9]+
idx: is a counter which allows to track lost packages. data-length: is an indicator of how many times the sensor spiked in x seconds. data: a comma separated list of timestamps, where every timestamp indicates an individual spike.
Example #1 (three spikes): 1:3:300,302,309
Example #2 (no spikes): 2:0:
Example #3 (one spike): 3:1:335
Real Example Log: 1:10:12,25,28,29,33,34,34,36,36,67 2:10:73,73,84,86,87,87,92,98,98,100 3:10:100,100,103,103,106,117,118,118,122,137 4:10:137,138,142,142,150,152,155,155,155,158 5:10:159,162,162,167,167,167,167,172,173,174 6:10:176,183,183,185,188,189,191,192,197,197 7:4:199,199,204,205 8:10:314,317,319,321,322,322,323,325,327,329 9:10:331,355,358,358,361,363,363,366,366,366 10:10:377,417,417,417,424,426,428,428,429,429 11:10:430,431,431,431,440,446,446,446,455,459 12:3:463,526,530 13:10:572,582,586,589,590,590,593,595,595,595 14:10:597,600,600,600,602,604,604,604,606,609 15:10:610,612,612,614,616,616,616,616,618,618