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Forked from ghostsec420/SCPASophisticated cyber penetration attacks is a series of advanced techniques, notes and guidance that will help you to prepare as a hacker on your journey.
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Forked from r00t-3xp10it/hacking-material-bookscollection of articles/books about programing
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Forked from Soliux/Snapchat-WikiWiki of Snapchat’s private API
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Forked from boh/RedBlueNotesPersonal notes from Red teamer for Blue/Red/Purple.
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Forked from The-Lynx-Team/OSCPOur OSCP repo: from popping shells to mental health.
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Forked from twelvesec/gasmaskInformation gathering tool - OSINT
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Forked from 0xDeed/0xDeed.github.ioA minimal, sidebar, responsive web design Jekyll theme, focusing on text presentation.
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Forked from PKUFlyingPig/MIT6.S081-2020fallMIT undergraduate operating system course
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Forked from 9bie/How-to-create-a-csgo-cheating-programCSGO游戏透视自瞄辅助实现教程
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This is A Simple Tool That is Used to Change Your Mac Address
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Forked from angrave/SystemProgrammingAngrave's Crowd-Sourced System Programming Book used at UIUC
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Forked from RedTeamOperations/Red-Team-Infrastructure-WikiWiki to collect Red Team infrastructure hardening resources
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Forked from cc-crack/awesome-iOS-resource📱 A curated list of awesome iOS resources, including conferences, books, blogs, articles, websites and documentations
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 22, 2019 -