Nigel's Port of the TexShade Package.
Texshade is the display backend for the bioconductor MSA package (and on github):
Texshape has great coloring for amino acids, but is more limited in displaying DNA alignments. I added one of the color brewer color packages to enable better DNA display.
I am tricking the program to generate shading by nucleotide by making this a type of functional annotation. You need to copy the file to a global install as well e.g. sudo cp texshade.sty /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/tex/latex/texshade/
Example code to generate MSA plot from R below
# if a new computer, just edit this file:
system.file("tex", "texshade.sty", package="msa")
dm = readDNAMultipleAlignment("/Users/nigel/pacbio/9320All.fna")
msaPrettyPrint(dm, shadingMode="functional", showNumbering="none", showLegend=FALSE, askForOverwrite=FALSE, shadingModeArg = "accessible area", shadingColors="blues", consensusColors="BlueRed", showLogo="none", file="All.pdf",y=c(500, 737))
msaPrettyPrint(dm, shadingMode="functional", showNumbering="none", showLegend=FALSE, askForOverwrite=FALSE, shadingModeArg = "accessible area", shadingColors="blues", consensusColors="BlueRed", showLogo="none", file="GoodSnp.pdf",y=c(586, 592), psFonts=TRUE)
msaPrettyPrint(dm, shadingMode="functional", showNumbering="none", showLegend=FALSE, askForOverwrite=FALSE, shadingModeArg = "accessible area", shadingColors="blues", consensusColors="BlueRed", showLogo="none", file="BadIndel.pdf",y=c(705, 712), psFonts=TRUE)
And as a pure latex document: