This is a touch based virtual keyboard, ios style for STM32DISCO using STEMWIN library. This keyboard can be ported to any controller which uses StemWin GUI library.
How to use :
- Include keypad.h in the parent window file. Add Virtual_Keyboard.c file in the project.
- Create a Parent window of the screen resolution of the LCD display.
- Pass the handle of the parent window to the API CreateKeypad() and you're done. Call this only after the parent window is created.
- The handle of the keyboard is _hKeyboard and can be used as showing or hiding the keypad. Use WM_ShowWindow(_hKeyboard) to display the keyboard.
- Keyboard can be configured as numeric as well as alphanumeric by api Config_Keyboard(). Pass the maximum length of data, and editbox ID wherever the pressed key character needs to be displayed.