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refine standard library and interpreter
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Haoqiang Fan committed Dec 22, 2016
1 parent 4b0e2c7 commit 0fc79dc
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Showing 15 changed files with 238 additions and 153 deletions.
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ Getting Started

U.hs uses file extension .u. Example of helloworld.u:
(import io)
(import* io)
(def main (run
(_ (io.putStrLn "hello world"))
(_ (putStrLn "hello world"))
(exit 0)
Expand All @@ -37,12 +37,15 @@ A basic repl calculator is also included.
$runghc urepl.hs
; type :q to quit, :? for help
>(+ 3 1)
prelude>(+ 3 1)
>(putChar 'a' (\_ (putChar '\n' exit)))
prelude>(import* io)
prelude io>(putStrLn "ha" print)
Note that, "print" is just the identity function (\x x). When using it as a callback, the execution is terminated with result printed.

Language Specification
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion UData.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ applyBBinaryArith BDiv (BFloat a) (BInt b) = numToBResult (BFloat (a/(fromIntegr
applyBBinaryArith BDiv (BInt a) (BFloat b) = numToBResult (BFloat ((fromIntegral a)/b))
applyBBinaryArith BDiv (BFloat a) (BFloat b) = numToBResult (BFloat (a/b))
applyBBinaryArith BMod _ (BInt 0) = BException "mod by zero"
applyBBinaryArith BMod (BInt a) (BInt b) = numToBResult (BInt (a `div`b))
applyBBinaryArith BMod (BInt a) (BInt b) = numToBResult (BInt (a `mod` b))
applyBBinaryArith BMod _ _ = BException "cannot use non-integer value in mod"

compBNum :: BCompType -> BNum -> BNum -> Bool
Expand Down
32 changes: 24 additions & 8 deletions UEnvironment.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ module UEnvironment where
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import Data.Char
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class

class UEnv e where
Expand All @@ -15,6 +17,7 @@ class UEnv e where
ePeekChar :: Int -> e Int
ePutChar :: Int -> Int -> e Int
eGetArg :: e Int
eSystem :: [Int] -> e Int

data UEvalResult r a = URunning a | UExited Int | UExceptionHappened [Char] | UResultReturned r
newtype UEvalEnv r e a = UEvalEnv {runUEvalEnv :: e (UEvalResult r a)}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,6 +67,9 @@ flGetArg (UFileList hdls (a:ar)) = (a,UFileList hdls ar)

newtype URealWorldEnv a = URealWorldEnv {runRealWorldEnv :: UFileList Handle ->IO (a,UFileList Handle)}

liftUR :: IO a -> URealWorldEnv a
liftUR b = URealWorldEnv (\f -> (b>>=(\a -> return (a,f))))

instance Monad URealWorldEnv where
(URealWorldEnv f) >>= g = URealWorldEnv (\initfiles ->
((f initfiles) >>= (\(va,files1) -> runRealWorldEnv (g va) files1)))
Expand All @@ -75,7 +81,7 @@ isValidCharInt a = (a>=0 && a<1114112)

instance UEnv URealWorldEnv where
eOpen filename mode = URealWorldEnv (\initfiles ->
if (mode>=0 && mode<=length efOpenModes) then
if (mode<0 || mode>=length efOpenModes) then
return ((-2),initfiles)
else if (any (not.isValidCharInt) filename) then
return ((-3),initfiles)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,15 +128,25 @@ instance UEnv URealWorldEnv where
let (ret,files1)=flGetArg initfiles in
return (ret,files1)
eSystem cmd_int = URealWorldEnv (\initfiles -> do
if (all isValidCharInt cmd_int) then do
let cmd = map chr cmd_int
exit_code <- system cmd
case exit_code of
ExitSuccess -> return (0,initfiles)
ExitFailure a -> return (a,initfiles)
return ((-3),initfiles)

initRealWorldEnv :: URealWorldEnv ()
initRealWorldEnv = URealWorldEnv (\oldstate ->
getArgs >>= (\args ->
let iargs = listjoin (-1) (map (map ord) args) in
return ((),UFileList [Just stdin,Just stdout] iargs))) where
initRealWorldEnv :: [[Char]] -> URealWorldEnv ()
initRealWorldEnv args = URealWorldEnv (\oldstate ->
let iargs = listjoin 0 (map (map ord) args) in
return ((),UFileList [Just stdin,Just stdout] iargs)) where
listjoin s [] = []
listjoin s (a:[]) = a
listjoin s (a:ar) = a++(s:(listjoin s ar))

runRealWorld :: URealWorldEnv a -> IO a
runRealWorld f = (runRealWorldEnv (initRealWorldEnv>>f)) (UFileList [] []) >>= (return.fst)
runRealWorld :: [[Char]] -> URealWorldEnv a -> IO a
runRealWorld args f = (runRealWorldEnv (initRealWorldEnv args>>f)) (UFileList [] []) >>= (return.fst)
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions ULambdaExpression.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ defaultBuiltinNames = [
Expand All @@ -35,5 +35,6 @@ defaultBuiltinNames = [
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions UModuleLoader.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ mAddDefs modname revimports defs c = case defs of

addModuleFile :: ([Char],SPosition) -> [Char] -> [Char] -> MLoadContext -> IO (MMayFail MLoadContext)
addModuleFile caller filename modname c = do
addModuleFile caller filename modname c0 = do
let c = (\(MLoadContext loaded curchain) -> MLoadContext (Set.insert (" "++modname) loaded) curchain) c0
hasfile <- doesFileExist filename
if (not hasfile) then (return$MFail ("cannot find "++filename) (fst caller) (snd caller)) else do
s_mod <- loadModule filename
Expand All @@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ addModuleFile caller filename modname c = do
addImport :: ([Char],SPosition) -> [Char] -> MLoadContext -> IO (MMayFail MLoadContext)
addImport caller modname c = let
(MLoadContext loaded curchain)=c in
if (Set.member modname loaded) then (return$return c) else
if (Set.member (" "++modname) loaded) then (return$return c) else
addModuleFile caller (modname++".u") modname c

addImports :: ([Char],SPosition) -> [[Char]] -> MLoadContext -> IO (MMayFail MLoadContext)
Expand Down
15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions UParse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ parseSSExp (tree,sp) = case tree of
STTList (((STTNode (STAtom "list")),p):r) -> constructListSugar r p
STTList (((STTNode (STAtom "run")),p):r) -> constructRunSugar r p
STTList (((STTNode (STAtom "do")),p):r) -> constructDoSugar r p
STTList (((STTNode (STAtom "let")),p):r) -> constructLetSugar r p
STTList [] -> SFail "empty expression" sp
STTList (_:[]) -> SFail "extra parenthesis" sp
STTList (f:r) -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,7 +244,15 @@ parseSSExp (tree,sp) = case tree of
(e1,p1) <- parseSSExp e
(e2,p2) <- constructRunSugar r p
return (SSApply (e1,p1) (SSLambda name (e2,p2),p0),p0)
constructRunSugar ((_,p1):r) p = SFail "invalid statement in do/run clause" p1
constructRunSugar ((_,p1):r) p = SFail "invalid syntax in do/run clause" p1
constructLetSugar [] p = SFail "empty let clause" p
constructLetSugar (h:[]) p = parseSSExp h
constructLetSugar ((STTList [(STTNode (STAtom name),p0),e],_):r) p = do
(e1,p1) <- parseSSExp e
(e2,p2) <- constructLetSugar r p
return (SSApply (SSLambda name (e2,p2),p0) (e1,p1),p0)
constructLetSugar ((_,p1):_) _ = SFail "invalid syntax in let clause" p1

parseSSModule :: [(STokenTree,SPosition)] -> SMayFail SSModule
parseSSModule trees = do
Expand All @@ -258,10 +267,10 @@ parseSSModule trees = do
) where
getImportBlock blocks = case blocks of
[] -> SSucc ([],[])
((STTList [(STTNode (STAtom "import"),_),(STTNode (STAtom name),_)]),p1):r -> do
((STTList [(STTNode (STAtom "import*"),_),(STTNode (STAtom name),_)]),p1):r -> do
(sis,remain) <- getImportBlock r
return ((((SSImport name SIUnqualified),p1):sis),remain)
((STTList [(STTNode (STAtom "import"),_),(STTNode (STAtom "qualified"),_),(STTNode (STAtom name),_)]),p1):r -> do
((STTList [(STTNode (STAtom "import"),_),(STTNode (STAtom name),_)]),p1):r -> do
(sis,remain) <- getImportBlock r
return ((((SSImport name SIQualified),p1):sis),remain)
_ -> SSucc ([],blocks)
Expand Down
35 changes: 23 additions & 12 deletions URunTime.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ULambdaExpression
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class

data VComp = VComp BCompType | VComp1 BCompType BNum deriving Show
data VSysCall = VExit | VExit1 Int | VOpen | VOpen1 [Int] | VOpen2 [Int] Int | VOpen3 [Int] Int VResult | VClose | VClose1 Int | VClose2 Int VResult | VGetChar | VGetChar1 Int | VGetChar2 Int VResult | VPeekChar | VPeekChar1 Int | VPeekChar2 Int VResult | VPutChar | VPutChar1 Int | VPutChar2 Int Int | VPutChar3 Int Int VResult | VGetArg | VGetArg1 VResult deriving Show
data VSysCall = VExit | VExit1 Int | VOpen | VOpen1 [Int] | VOpen2 [Int] Int | VOpen3 [Int] Int VResult | VClose | VClose1 Int | VClose2 Int VResult | VGetChar | VGetChar1 Int | VGetChar2 Int VResult | VPeekChar | VPeekChar1 Int | VPeekChar2 Int VResult | VPutChar | VPutChar1 Int | VPutChar2 Int Int | VPutChar3 Int Int VResult | VGetArg | VGetArg1 VResult | VSystem | VSystem1 [Int] | VSystem2 [Int] VResult deriving Show
data Value = VBuiltin BValue | VAbs [Char] VExpression | VCompFunc VComp | VSys VSysCall deriving Show
data VExpression = VClean Value | VApply VExpression VExpression | VRef [Char] deriving Show
type VContext=Map.Map [Char] VResult
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ showVSysCall (VPutChar2 v a) = "(putChar "++(show v)++" "++(show a)++")"
showVSysCall (VPutChar3 v a _) = "(putChar "++(show v)++" "++(show a)++" ...)"
showVSysCall (VGetArg) = "getArg"
showVSysCall (VGetArg1 _) = "(getArg ...)"
showVSysCall (VSystem) = "system"
showVSysCall (VSystem1 v) = "(system "++(showBValue (BIntList v))++")"
showVSysCall (VSystem2 v _) = "(system "++(showBValue (BIntList v))++" ...)"

showValue :: Value -> [Char]
showValue (VBuiltin b) = showBValue b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ vBuiltInList=[
("/=", (VCompFunc (VComp BNEq))),
("=", (VCompFunc (VComp BEq))),
("exit", (VSys (VExit))),
("open", (VSys (VOpen))),
("openCmd", (VSys (VOpen))),
("close", (VSys (VClose))),
("getChar", (VSys (VGetChar1 0))),
("getCharF", (VSys (VGetChar))),
Expand All @@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ vBuiltInList=[
("putChar", (VSys (VPutChar1 1))),
("putCharF", (VSys (VPutChar))),
("getArg", (VSys (VGetArg))),
("systemCmd", (VSys (VSystem))),
("consFileName", (VBuiltin (BIntList [])))

Expand All @@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ applyFunc :: BoundValue -> VResult -> VResult
applyFunc ((VBuiltin a),ca) br = (case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood (VBuiltin b,_)) -> bValToVResult (applyBVal a b)
(VGood x) -> VException ("cannot feed non-builtin value to builtin value "++(show a))
(VGood x) -> VException ("cannot feed non-builtin value to builtin value "++(showBValue a))
bValToVResult (BException e) = VException e
bValToVResult (BClean v) = VGood (VBuiltin v,emptyContext)
Expand All @@ -120,48 +124,54 @@ applyFunc (VCompFunc (VComp1 c a),_) br = case br of
applyFunc (VSys VExit,_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BNumVal (BInt b))),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VExit1 b),emptyContext)
_ -> VException "cannot call Exit with non-integer value"
_ -> VException "cannot call exit with non-integer value"
applyFunc (VSys (VExit1 _),_) _ = VException "too many arguments given to syscall exit"
applyFunc (VSys VOpen,_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BIntList b)),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VOpen1 b),emptyContext)
_ -> VException "cannot call Open with non-IntList filename"
_ -> VException "cannot call open with non-IntList filename"
applyFunc (VSys (VOpen1 a),_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BNumVal (BInt b))),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VOpen2 a b),emptyContext)
_ -> VException "cannot call Open with non-integer mode"
_ -> VException "cannot call open with non-integer mode"
applyFunc (VSys (VOpen2 a b),_) br = VGood (VSys (VOpen3 a b br),emptyContext)
applyFunc (VSys (VOpen3 _ _ _),_) _ = VException "too many arguments given to syscall open"
applyFunc (VSys VClose,_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BNumVal (BInt b))),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VClose1 b),emptyContext)
_ -> VException "cannot call Close with non-integer handle"
_ -> VException "cannot call close with non-integer handle"
applyFunc (VSys (VClose1 a),_) br = VGood (VSys (VClose2 a br),emptyContext)
applyFunc (VSys (VClose2 _ _),_) _ = VException "too many arguments given to syscall close"
applyFunc (VSys VGetChar,_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BNumVal (BInt b))),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VGetChar1 b),emptyContext)
_ -> VException "cannot call GetChar with non-integer handle"
_ -> VException "cannot call getChar with non-integer handle"
applyFunc (VSys (VGetChar1 a),_) br = VGood (VSys (VGetChar2 a br),emptyContext)
applyFunc (VSys (VGetChar2 _ _),_) _ = VException "too many arguments given to syscall getChar"
applyFunc (VSys VPeekChar,_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BNumVal (BInt b))),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VPeekChar1 b),emptyContext)
_ -> VException "cannot call PeekChar with non-integer handle"
_ -> VException "cannot call peekChar with non-integer handle"
applyFunc (VSys (VPeekChar1 a),_) br = VGood (VSys (VPeekChar2 a br),emptyContext)
applyFunc (VSys (VPeekChar2 _ _),_) _ = VException "too many arguments given to syscall peekChar"
applyFunc (VSys VPutChar,_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BNumVal (BInt b))),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VPutChar1 b),emptyContext)
_ -> VException "cannot call PutChar with non-integer handle"
_ -> VException "cannot call putChar with non-integer handle"
applyFunc (VSys (VPutChar1 a),_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BNumVal (BInt b))),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VPutChar2 a b),emptyContext)
_ -> VException "cannot call PutChar with non-integer handle"
_ -> VException "cannot call putChar with non-integer handle"
applyFunc (VSys (VPutChar2 a b),_) br = VGood (VSys (VPutChar3 a b br),emptyContext)
applyFunc (VSys (VPutChar3 _ _ _),_) _ = VException "too many arguments given to syscall putChar"
applyFunc (VSys VGetArg,_) br = VGood (VSys (VGetArg1 br),emptyContext)
applyFunc (VSys (VGetArg1 _),_) br = VException "too many arguments given to syscall getArgs"
applyFunc (VSys VSystem,_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BIntList a)),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VSystem1 a),emptyContext)
_ -> VException "cannot call system with non-IntList command"
applyFunc (VSys (VSystem1 a),_) br = VGood (VSys (VSystem2 a br),emptyContext)
applyFunc (VSys (VSystem2 _ _),_) _ = VException "too many arguments given to syscall system"

evalExp :: VExpression -> VContext -> VResult
evalExp (VClean v) context = VGood (v,context)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,7 +206,8 @@ executeVResult vr = case vr of
(VSys (VGetChar2 f cont)) -> (lift$eGetChar f) >>= (\retval -> (executeVResult (feedVResult cont (veInt retval))))
(VSys (VPeekChar2 f cont)) -> (lift$ePeekChar f) >>= (\retval -> (executeVResult (feedVResult cont (veInt retval))))
(VSys (VGetArg1 cont)) -> (lift$eGetArg) >>= (\retval -> (executeVResult (feedVResult cont (veInt retval))))
(VSys s) -> eException ("insufficient syscall args in "++(show s))
(VSys (VSystem2 a cont)) -> (lift$eSystem a) >>= (\retval -> (executeVResult (feedVResult cont (veInt retval))))
(VSys s) -> eException ("insufficient syscall args in "++(showVSysCall s))
_ -> eReturnResult (val,context)

executeVExp :: (UEnv e) => (Monad e) => VExpression -> UEvalEnv (Value,VContext) e ()
Expand Down
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions a.u

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions aplusb.u
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
(import* io)
(import* str)
(a readInt)
(b readInt)
(_ (putStrLn (itoa (+ a b))))
(exit 0)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions helloworld.u
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(import io)
(import* io)
(_ (io.putStrLn "hello world"))
(_ (putStrLn "hello world"))
(exit 0)
22 changes: 18 additions & 4 deletions io.u
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(import str)
(import* str)
;impl helpers
(let readIfF (\handle condition
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -28,16 +28,30 @@
; input
(def readIntF (\handle
(_ (readWhileF handle str.isSpace))
(_ (readWhileF handle isSpace))
(sign_m (readIfF handle (= '-')))
(let sign (sign_m 1 (neg 1)))
(numbers_c (readWhileF handle str.isDigit))
(let numbers (str.atoi numbers_c))
(numbers_c (readWhileF handle isDigit))
(let numbers (atoi numbers_c))
(return (* sign numbers))
(def readInt (readIntF 0))

; getArg
(let getArgStr (recur (\f (do
(a getArg)
((< a 0) (return "") (run
(remain f)
(return (cons a remain))
(def getArgs (do
(a getArgStr)
(return (splitStr 0 a))

; output
(def putStrF (\handle (recur (\f (\s (do
(s (return 0) (\h r (
Expand Down

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