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Haoqiang Fan committed Dec 19, 2016
1 parent 2ab4380 commit 409ff51
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Showing 7 changed files with 268 additions and 25 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions UData.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,11 +7,40 @@ data BFunc = BArithFunc BArith | BArith2Func BBinaryArith deriving Show
data BValue = BNumVal BNum | BFuncVal BFunc | BIntList [Int] deriving Show
data BResult = BClean BValue | BException [Char] deriving Show

showBNum :: BNum -> [Char]
showBNum (BInt v) = show v
showBNum (BFloat v) = show v

showBBinaryArith :: BBinaryArith -> [Char]
showBBinaryArith BAdd = "+"
showBBinaryArith BSub = "-"
showBBinaryArith BMul = "*"
showBBinaryArith BDiv = "/"
showBBinaryArith BMod = "%"

showBFunc :: BFunc -> [Char]
showBFunc (BArithFunc (BArith2 b v)) = "("++(showBBinaryArith b)++" "++(showBNum v)++")"
showBFunc (BArithFunc BToInt) = "toInt"
showBFunc (BArithFunc BToFloat) = "toFloat"
showBFunc (BArith2Func b) = showBBinaryArith b

showBValue :: BValue -> [Char]
showBValue (BNumVal v) = showBNum v
showBValue (BFuncVal v) = showBFunc v
showBValue (BIntList v) = "(fileName (list"++(concat $ map (\x -> (' ':(show x))) v)++"))" where

numToBResult :: BNum -> BResult
numToBResult a = BClean (BNumVal a)

data BCompType = BLe | BGe | BNLe | BNGe | BEq | BNEq deriving Show

showBCompType BLe = "<"
showBCompType BGe = ">"
showBCompType BNLe = ">="
showBCompType BNGe = "<="
showBCompType BEq = "=="
showBCompType BNEq = "/="

applyBVal :: BValue -> BValue -> BResult
applyBVal (BFuncVal b) (BNumVal v) = applyBFunc b v
applyBVal (BFuncVal b) _ = BException ("cannot apply non-numeric argument to builtin function "++(show b))
Expand Down
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions UEnvironment.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ import System.Environment
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as Map

class UEnv e where
eExit :: Int -> e ()
eException :: [Char] -> e ()
eReturnResult :: [Char] -> e ()
eOpen :: [Int] -> Int -> e Int
eClose :: Int -> e Int
eGetChar :: Int -> e Int
Expand All @@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ class UEnv e where
efOpenModes = [ReadMode,WriteMode,AppendMode,ReadWriteMode]
-- currently, only r and w are supported

data UFinishState a = URunning a | UFinished Int | UExceptionHappened [Char] deriving Show
data UFinishState a = URunning a | UFinished Int | UExceptionHappened [Char] | UResultReturned [Char] deriving Show
data UFileList h = UFileList {flFiles::[Maybe h],flArgToRead::[Int]} deriving Show

flAddHandle :: h -> UFileList h -> (Int,UFileList h)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +51,7 @@ instance Monad URealWorldEnv where
case finishstate1 of
UFinished r -> return (UFinished r ,files1)
UExceptionHappened e -> return (UExceptionHappened e,files1)
UResultReturned e -> return (UResultReturned e,files1)
URunning va -> runRealWorldEnv (g va) files1
Expand All @@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ instance UEnv URealWorldEnv where
return (UFinished retval,initfiles))
eException msg = URealWorldEnv (\initfiles ->
return (UExceptionHappened msg,initfiles))
eReturnResult msg = URealWorldEnv (\initfiles ->
return (UResultReturned msg,initfiles))
eOpen filename mode = URealWorldEnv (\initfiles ->
if (mode>=0 && mode<=length efOpenModes) then
return (URunning (-2),initfiles)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,6 +128,7 @@ runRealWorld a = (runRealWorldEnv (initRealWorldEnv >> a) (UFileList [] [])) >>=
case exitstate of
UFinished 0 -> return ()
UFinished a -> putStrLn ("exit with code "++show a)
UExceptionHappened e -> putStrLn e
UExceptionHappened e -> putStrLn ("Exception: " ++ e)
UResultReturned e -> putStrLn e
URunning _ -> putStrLn "execution interupted"
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions ULambdaExpression.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module ULambdaExpression where

data LExpr = LInt Int | LDouble Double | LRef [Char] | LAbs [Char] LExpr | LApply LExpr LExpr deriving Show
127 changes: 112 additions & 15 deletions UParse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
module UParse where

import Data.Char
import ULambdaExpression

type SPosition = (Int,Int)
data SMayFail a = SFail [Char] SPosition | SSucc a deriving Show
data SToken = STAtom [Char] | STInt Int | STDouble Double | SLeftPar | SRightPar | STLambda | STStr deriving Show
data SToken = STAtom [Char] | STInt Int | STDouble Double | SLeftPar | SRightPar | STLambda | STStr [Char] deriving Show
data STokenTree = STTNode SToken | STTList [(STokenTree,SPosition)]

instance Show STokenTree where
Expand All @@ -13,10 +14,22 @@ instance Show STokenTree where
STTNode token -> take indent (repeat ' ') ++ ((show token) ++" ;"++(show pos)++ "\n")
STTList trees -> ((take indent (repeat ' '))++"STTree ;"++(show pos)++"\n")++concat (map (\(x,p) -> show' x (indent+4) p) trees)

data SSExp = SSInt Int | SSDouble Double | SSLambda [Char] (SSExp,SPosition) | SSRef [Char] | SSApply (SSExp,SPosition) (SSExp,SPosition) deriving Show
data SSImport = SSImport [Char] Bool deriving Show
data SSDef = SSDef [Char] (SSExp,SPosition) Bool deriving Show
data SSModule = SSMainModule [(SSImport,SPosition)] [(SSDef,SPosition)] (SSExp,SPosition) | SSSubModule [Char] [(SSImport,SPosition)] [(SSDef,SPosition)] deriving Show
data SSExp = SSInt Int | SSDouble Double | SSLambda [Char] (SSExp,SPosition) | SSRef [Char] | SSApply (SSExp,SPosition) (SSExp,SPosition)
data SVisibility = SVLocal | SVGlobal deriving Show
data SImportMode = SIQualified | SIUnqualified deriving Show
data SSImport = SSImport [Char] SImportMode deriving Show
data SSDef = SSDef [Char] (SSExp,SPosition) SVisibility deriving Show
data SSModule = SSModule [(SSImport,SPosition)] [(SSDef,SPosition)] deriving Show

instance Show SSExp where
show t = show' t 0 (0,0) where
show' t indent pos = case t of
SSInt val -> ((show val) ++" #|"++(show pos)++"|#")
SSDouble val -> ((show val) ++" #|"++(show pos)++"|#")
SSRef name -> (name ++" #|"++(show pos)++"|#")
SSLambda name (e,p) -> ("(\\"++name ++" ;"++(show pos)++ "\n" ++ (take indent (repeat ' ')) ++ show' e (indent+4) p ++(take indent (repeat ' '))++")")
SSApply (e1,p1) (e2,p2) -> ("("++ show' e1 (indent+4) p1 ++ "\n" ++ (take indent (repeat ' '))++show' e2 (indent+4) p2++")")

instance Monad SMayFail where
(SSucc a) >>= g = g a
Expand All @@ -27,12 +40,17 @@ annotatePositions :: [Char] -> [(Char,SPosition)]
annotatePositions content = zip content (scanl (\(l0,c0) c ->
if c=='\n' then (l0+1,0) else (l0,c0+1)) (0,0) content)

dropWhiteSpace :: [(Char,SPosition)] -> [(Char,SPosition)]
dropWhiteSpace [] = []
dropWhiteSpace :: [(Char,SPosition)] -> SMayFail [(Char,SPosition)]
dropWhiteSpace [] = return []
dropWhiteSpace ((a,ap):ar)
| isSpace a = dropWhiteSpace ar
| a==';' = dropWhiteSpace (dropWhile (\(b,_) -> b/='\n') ar)
| otherwise = ((a,ap):ar)
| a=='#' && not (null ar) && (fst (head ar))=='|' = waitUntilClose (tail ar) ap
| otherwise = return ((a,ap):ar) where
waitUntilClose [] ap = SFail "unclosed block comment" ap
waitUntilClose (_:[]) ap = SFail "unclosed block comment" ap
waitUntilClose (('|',_):('#',_):arr) ap = dropWhiteSpace arr
waitUntilClose (_:arr) ap = waitUntilClose arr ap

isValidCharInt :: Int -> Bool
isValidCharInt a = (a>=0 && a<1114112)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,14 +83,14 @@ splitChrSpecial ar ap = case ar of
((c,_):arr) -> SSucc (c,arr)
splitStrLiteral :: [(Char,SPosition)] -> SPosition -> SMayFail ((SToken,SPosition),[(Char,SPosition)])
splitStrLiteral ar ap = case ar of
('"',_):arr -> SSucc ((STAtom "",ap),arr)
('"',_):arr -> SSucc ((STStr "",ap),arr)
('\\',arp):arr -> do
(c,arrr) <- splitChrSpecial arr arp
(((STAtom sr),_),arrrr) <- splitStrLiteral arrr ap
return ((STAtom (c:sr),ap),arrrr)
(((STStr sr),_),arrrr) <- splitStrLiteral arrr ap
return ((STStr (c:sr),ap),arrrr)
(ah,_):arr -> do
(((STAtom sr),_),arrr) <- splitStrLiteral arr ap
return ((STAtom (ah : sr),ap),arrr)
(((STStr sr),_),arrr) <- splitStrLiteral arr ap
return ((STStr (ah : sr),ap),arrr)
[] -> SFail "unmatched \"" ap
splitCharLiteral :: [(Char,SPosition)] -> SPosition -> SMayFail ((SToken,SPosition),[(Char,SPosition)])
splitCharLiteral ar ap = case ar of
Expand All @@ -83,7 +101,7 @@ splitCharLiteral ar ap = case ar of
('\'',_):arrr -> SSucc (((STInt (ord c)),ap),arrr)
_ -> SFail "unmatched \'" ap
(c0,_):('\'',_):arr -> SSucc (((STInt (ord c0)),ap),arr)
[] -> SFail "unmatched \"" ap
_ -> SFail "unmatched \'" ap

isStopChar c = isSpace c || elem c "()\\;"
splitNumLiteral :: [(Char,SPosition)] -> SMayFail ((SToken,SPosition),[(Char,SPosition)])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,7 +151,7 @@ splitFirstString ((a,ap):ar)
| otherwise = (let (al,arr) =span (\(x,_) -> not (isStopChar x)) ((a,ap):ar) in
SSucc ((STAtom (map fst al),ap),arr))
groupStrings :: [(Char,SPosition)] -> SMayFail [(SToken,SPosition)]
groupStrings = groupStrings' . dropWhiteSpace where
groupStrings = (\x -> (dropWhiteSpace x) >>= groupStrings') where
groupStrings' [] = SSucc []
groupStrings' a = do
(f,r) <- splitFirstString a
Expand All @@ -160,3 +178,82 @@ groupTokenTree a = (groupTokenTree' a) >>= (\(r,remain) -> case remain of
(t,rr) <- groupTokenTree' a
(ts,rrr) <- groupUntilRightPar rr sp
return ((t:ts),rrr)

parseSSExp :: (STokenTree,SPosition) -> SMayFail (SSExp,SPosition)
parseSSExp (tree,sp) = case tree of
STTNode (STAtom name) -> return (SSRef name,sp)
STTNode (STInt val) -> return (SSInt val,sp)
STTNode (STDouble val) -> return (SSDouble val,sp)
STTNode (STStr val) -> return (constructStrSugar val sp)
STTNode _ -> SFail "illegal token " sp
STTList (((STTNode STLambda),p):r) -> constructLambdaSugar r p
STTList (((STTNode (STAtom "lambda")),p):r) -> constructLambdaSugar r p
STTList (((STTNode (STAtom "list")),p):[]) -> SFail "list expression must not be empty" p
STTList (((STTNode (STAtom "list")),p):r) -> constructListSugar r p
STTList [] -> SFail "empty expression" sp
STTList (_:[]) -> SFail "extra parenthesis" sp
STTList (f:r) -> do
(e1,p1) <- parseSSExp f
constructApplySugar r (e1,p1)
constructStrSugar [] sp = ((SSRef "empty"),sp)
constructStrSugar (a:ar) sp = ((SSApply (SSApply (SSRef "cons",sp) ((SSInt (ord a)),sp),sp) (constructStrSugar ar sp)),sp)
constructLambdaSugar [] p = SFail "incomplete lambda expression" p
constructLambdaSugar (_:[]) p = SFail "incomplete lambda expression" p
constructLambdaSugar ((STTNode (STAtom name),p1):body:[]) p = do
(ebody,pb) <- parseSSExp body
return ((SSLambda name (ebody,pb)),p1)
constructLambdaSugar ((_,p1):_:[]) p = SFail "lambda expression needs a variable name" p1
constructLambdaSugar ((STTNode (STAtom name),p1):r) p = do
(ebody,pb) <- constructLambdaSugar r p
return ((SSLambda name (ebody,pb)),p1)
constructLambdaSugar ((_,p1):_) p = SFail "lambda expression needs a variable name" p1
constructListSugar [] p = return ((SSRef "empty"),p)
constructListSugar (f:r) p = do
(e1,p1) <- parseSSExp f
(remain,p2) <- constructListSugar r p
return ((SSApply ((SSApply ((SSRef "cons"),p1) (e1,p1)),p1) (remain,p2)),p1)
constructApplySugar [] (e,p) = SSucc (e,p)
constructApplySugar (f:r) (e,p) = do
(e1,p1) <- parseSSExp f
constructApplySugar r ((SSApply (e,p) (e1,p1)),p)

parseSSModule :: (STokenTree,SPosition) -> SMayFail (SSModule,SPosition)
parseSSModule (STTNode _,p) = SFail "program must start with (" p
parseSSModule (STTList trees,p) = do
(simports,others1) <- getImportBlock trees
(sdefs,others2) <- getDefBlock others1
(case others2 of
[] -> SSucc ((SSModule simports sdefs),p)
r -> SFail ("illegal declaration "++(show r)) (snd (head r))
) where
getImportBlock blocks = case blocks of
[] -> SSucc ([],[])
((STTList [(STTNode (STAtom "import"),_),(STTNode (STAtom name),_)]),p1):r -> do
(sis,remain) <- getImportBlock r
return ((((SSImport name SIUnqualified),p1):sis),remain)
((STTList [(STTNode (STAtom "import"),_),(STTNode (STAtom "qualified"),_),(STTNode (STAtom name),_)]),p1):r -> do
(sis,remain) <- getImportBlock r
return ((((SSImport name SIQualified),p1):sis),remain)
_ -> SSucc ([],blocks)
getDefBlock blocks = case blocks of
[] -> SSucc ([],[])
((STTList [(STTNode (STAtom "def"),_),(STTNode (STAtom name),_),body]),p1):r -> do
(firstexp,p2) <- parseSSExp body
(sds,remain) <- getDefBlock r
return ((((SSDef name (firstexp,p2) SVGlobal),p1):sds),remain)
((STTList [(STTNode (STAtom "let"),_),(STTNode (STAtom name),_),body]),p1):r -> do
(firstexp,p2) <- parseSSExp body
(sds,remain) <- getDefBlock r
return ((((SSDef name (firstexp,p2) SVLocal),p1):sds),remain)
_ -> SSucc ([],blocks)

extractLExpr :: SSExp -> LExpr
extractLExpr s = case s of
(SSInt v) -> LInt v
(SSDouble v) -> LDouble v
(SSLambda a (v,_)) -> LAbs a (extractLExpr v)
(SSRef v) -> LRef v
(SSApply (v1,_) (v2,_)) -> LApply (extractLExpr v1) (extractLExpr v2)

parseLExprStr a = (groupStrings $ annotatePositions a) >>= groupTokenTree >>= parseSSExp >>= (return . extractLExpr.fst)
62 changes: 56 additions & 6 deletions URunTime.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module URunTime where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import UData
import UEnvironment
import ULambdaExpression

data VComp = VComp BCompType | VComp1 BCompType BNum deriving Show
data VSysCall = VExit | VExit1 Int | VOpen | VOpen1 [Int] | VOpen2 [Int] Int | VOpen3 [Int] Int VResult | VClose | VClose1 Int | VClose2 Int VResult | VGetChar | VGetChar1 Int | VGetChar2 Int VResult | VPeekChar | VPeekChar1 Int | VPeekChar2 Int VResult | VPutChar | VPutChar1 Int | VPutChar2 Int Int | VPutChar3 Int Int VResult | VGetArg | VGetArg1 VResult deriving Show
Expand All @@ -12,6 +13,43 @@ type VContext=Map.Map [Char] VResult
type BoundValue = (Value,VContext)
data VResult = VGood BoundValue | VException [Char] deriving Show

showVComp (VComp b) = showBCompType b
showVComp (VComp1 b v) = "("++(showBCompType b)++" "++(showBNum v)++")"

showVSysCall VExit = "exit"
showVSysCall (VExit1 v) = "(exit "++(show v)++")"
showVSysCall VOpen = "open"
showVSysCall (VOpen1 v) = "(open "++(showBValue (BIntList v))++")"
showVSysCall (VOpen2 v a) = "(open "++(showBValue (BIntList v))++" "++(show a)++")"
showVSysCall (VOpen3 v a _) = "(open "++(showBValue (BIntList v))++" "++(show a)++" ...)"
showVSysCall VClose = "close"
showVSysCall (VClose1 v) = "(close "++(show v)++")"
showVSysCall (VClose2 v _) = "(close "++(show v)++" ...)"
showVSysCall VGetChar = "getChar"
showVSysCall (VGetChar1 v) = "(getChar "++(show v)++")"
showVSysCall (VGetChar2 v _) = "(getChar "++(show v)++" ...)"
showVSysCall VPeekChar = "peekChar"
showVSysCall (VPeekChar1 v) = "(peekChar "++(show v)++")"
showVSysCall (VPeekChar2 v _) = "(peekChar "++(show v)++" ...)"
showVSysCall VPutChar = "putChar"
showVSysCall (VPutChar1 v) = "(putChar "++(show v)++")"
showVSysCall (VPutChar2 v a) = "(putChar "++(show v)++" "++(show a)++")"
showVSysCall (VPutChar3 v a _) = "(putChar "++(show v)++" "++(show a)++" ...)"
showVSysCall (VGetArg) = "getArg"
showVSysCall (VGetArg1 _) = "(getArg ...)"

showValue :: Value -> [Char]
showValue (VBuiltin b) = showBValue b
showValue (VAbs name e) = "(\\"++name++" "++(showVExpression e)++")"
showValue (VCompFunc v) = showVComp v
showValue (VSys v) = showVSysCall v

showVExpression :: VExpression -> [Char]
showVExpression e = case e of
(VRef v) -> v
(VApply v1 v2) -> "("++(showVExpression v1)++" "++(showVExpression v2)++")"
(VClean v) -> showValue v

veAbs a b = VClean (VAbs a b)

vTrue = VAbs "x" (veAbs "y" (VRef "x"))
Expand All @@ -27,14 +65,16 @@ boolValue True = vTrue
boolValue False = vTrue

veInt a=VClean (VBuiltin (BNumVal (BInt a)))
veFloat a=VClean (VBuiltin (BNumVal (BFloat a)))
veDouble a=VClean (VBuiltin (BNumVal (BFloat a)))

("+", (VBuiltin (BFuncVal (BArith2Func BAdd)))),
("-", (VBuiltin (BFuncVal (BArith2Func BSub)))),
("*", (VBuiltin (BFuncVal (BArith2Func BMul)))),
("/", (VBuiltin (BFuncVal (BArith2Func BDiv)))),
("%", (VBuiltin (BFuncVal (BArith2Func BMod)))),
("toInt", (VBuiltin (BFuncVal (BArithFunc BToInt)))),
("toFloat", (VBuiltin (BFuncVal (BArithFunc BToFloat)))),
("<", (VCompFunc (VComp BLe))),
(">=", (VCompFunc (VComp BNLe))),
(">", (VCompFunc (VComp BGe))),
Expand All @@ -50,8 +90,8 @@ vBuiltInList=[
("peekCharF", (VSys (VPeekChar))),
("putChar", (VSys (VPutChar1 1))),
("putCharF", (VSys (VPutChar))),
("getArgs", (VSys (VGetArg))),
("makeIntList", (VBuiltin (BIntList [])))
("getArg", (VSys (VGetArg))),
("consFileName", (VBuiltin (BIntList [])))

emptyContext = (Map.empty::VContext)
Expand All @@ -63,6 +103,7 @@ applyFunc :: BoundValue -> VResult -> VResult
applyFunc ((VBuiltin a),ca) br = (case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood (VBuiltin b,_)) -> bValToVResult (applyBVal a b)
(VGood _) -> VException ("cannot feed non-builtin value to builtin value "++(show a))
bValToVResult (BException e) = VException e
bValToVResult (BClean v) = VGood (VBuiltin v,emptyContext)
Expand All @@ -82,7 +123,7 @@ applyFunc (VSys VExit,_) br = case br of
applyFunc (VSys (VExit1 _),_) _ = VException "too many arguments given to syscall exit"
applyFunc (VSys VOpen,_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BIntList b)),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VOpen1 (reverse b)),emptyContext)
(VGood ((VBuiltin (BIntList b)),_)) -> VGood (VSys (VOpen1 b),emptyContext)
_ -> VException "cannot call Open with non-IntList filename"
applyFunc (VSys (VOpen1 a),_) br = case br of
(VException e) -> VException e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,8 +187,17 @@ executeVResult vr = case vr of
(VSys (VGetChar2 f cont)) -> (eGetChar f) >>= (\retval -> (executeVResult (feedVResult cont (veInt retval))))
(VSys (VPeekChar2 f cont)) -> (ePeekChar f) >>= (\retval -> (executeVResult (feedVResult cont (veInt retval))))
(VSys (VGetArg1 cont)) -> eGetArg >>= (\retval -> (executeVResult (feedVResult cont (veInt retval))))
(VSys _) -> eException "insufficient syscall args"
_ -> eException "expression not evaluated to a syscall"
(VSys s) -> eException ("insufficient syscall args in "++(show s))
r -> eReturnResult (showValue r)
-- r -> eException "evaluated to non-builtin type"
executeVExp :: (UEnv e) => (Monad e) => VExpression -> e()
executeVExp exp = executeVResult (evalExp exp vrBuiltInDict)

fromLExpr :: LExpr -> VExpression
fromLExpr l = case l of
LInt v -> veInt v
LDouble v -> veDouble v
LRef v -> VRef v
LAbs a v -> veAbs a (fromLExpr v)
LApply a b -> VApply (fromLExpr a) (fromLExpr b)

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