QAdvancedItemViews (QAIV) extends the capabilities of the Qt classes QTableView and QSortFilterProxyModel
在QTableView中使用各种自定义委托 包括ComboBox、DoubleSpinBox、CheckBox以及设置列只读
Read-only mirror of Wireshark's Git repository at
python爬虫教程系列、从0到1学习python爬虫,包括浏览器抓包,手机APP抓包,如 fiddler、mitmproxy,各种爬虫涉及的模块的使用,如:requests、beautifulSoup、selenium、appium、scrapy等,以及IP代理,验证码识别,Mysql,MongoDB数据库的python使用,多线程多进程爬虫的使用,css 爬虫加密逆向破解,JS爬虫逆向,…
Free and open implementation of the IEC 60870-5 104 protocol based on lib60870 from mz-automation.
fuint会员营销系统的会员端基于uniapp框架的前端源码,支持在线充值 + 领券 +下单 + 抽奖,基于Uniapp,支持小程序、h5、App。
fuint会员营销系统是一款实体店铺会员管理、积分商城、营销系统。基于Java SpringBoot、Vue、Uniapp,包含前台微信小程序、h5、后台管理收银端。具有优惠券、预存卡、实体卡、集次(计次卡)、储值卡、电子券,会员积分体系,会员等级等营销功能。适合各类实体店铺结合线上电商系统,如:零售超市、汽车4S店、花店、甜品店、餐饮等。本系统可当成收银系统使用,打通了线下收银系统和线上会…
Your most handy video processing software
[ICCV 2023] Tune-A-Video: One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation
SQL Translator is a tool for converting natural language queries into SQL code using artificial intelligence. This project is 100% free and open source.
The repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.
VideoCrafter2: Overcoming Data Limitations for High-Quality Video Diffusion Models
Build powerful, efficient, and flexible GraphQL APIs with seamless Django integration.
🎨 Infinite Drawboard in Python
Official code for "F5-TTS: A Fairytaler that Fakes Fluent and Faithful Speech with Flow Matching"
QtAwesome - Font Awesome for Qt Applications
Educational framework exploring ergonomic, lightweight multi-agent orchestration. Managed by OpenAI Solution team.
Python mplementation of the IEC60870-104 communication protocol frequently used for SCADA in the power systems sector
PyScada is a open source scada system that uses the Django framework as backend