Logic Test (Individual Income Tax Calculator):
In 2014, there are 4 edges which have their own tax rate:
From Rp 0 to Rp 50,000,000 the tax rate is 5%.
From Rp 50,000,000 to Rp 250,000,000 the tax rate is 15%.
From Rp 250,000,000 to Rp 500,000,000 the tax rate is 25%.
Above 500,000,000 the tax rate is 30%.
If your annual taxable income is Rp 75,000,000
Your annual income tax amount will be:
5%*50,000,000 + 15%*25,000,000 =
2,500,000 + 3,750,000 = Rp 6,250,000
If your annual taxable income is Rp 750,000,000,
Your annual income tax amount will be:
5%*50,000,000 + 15%*200,000,000 + 25%*250,000,000 + 30%*250,000,000 =
2,500,000 + 30,000,000 + 62,500,000 + 75,000,000 = Rp 170,000,000
Write a simple algorithm / pseudocode / php code, to calculate the annual income tax above. Try to make a flexible solution as there might be a change of rules in the future.