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This is the source code of my website. The result of an unquenchable desire for having my own space. I enjoyed every moment of the long development process and feel joyous to share it with you. Hope it helps!


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Welcome to the source code of my personal website, This site is a dedicated portal where I share my work, experience, ideas, interests, and thoughts. The project represents the culmination of four years of strong desired to have a place of my own, and one year of devoted work to make it possible. The initial design was just a single info page about myself, but it eventually turned into a more complete and complex platform.

One of my favorite sections in the site is the archive. Before starting the web, I faced a dilemma: use an existing platform like Hugo, or create a blog manager myself from scratch. After some thinking, I chose to build my own blog manager—what I decided to call the archive. Here, I address subjects I find interesting and worth sharing. As other sections of the site, the archive is fully managed through an RPC-like API that powers the content, and constitutes one of the core parts of my website, alongside my playground. In this archive, I discuss certain topics that interest me.

As a back-end engineer, I encountered a problem most of us have suffered when we want to have a website to present our work. When we work on APIs, we often want to showcase some of our labor. We could talk about it in a detailed article, but most of the time we want to play around with the product. That is why I created the second cornerstone of my website—what I call the playground; which is, by the way, open source and available for integration into other projects.

cheerfully celebrating the launch of my personal website built with go 1.23 —

cheerfully celebrating the launch of my personal website built with go 1.23 —

Table of Contents

The Archive


A screenshot of the's archive in its final development phase.

The archive is a blog managed entirely through an API, featuring various entities like:

  • topics,
  • tags,
  • article drafts,
  • published articles,
  • and article patches.

Topics represent the main themes I write about, offering an organized way to group content by themes. On the other hand, tags are keywords or labels to help categorize and locate articles related to similar discussions.

Articles are finalized pieces of writing on a particular topic, with one or more tags that are inherent to the discussion of the articles and enhance their discoverability. Each article begins as an **article draft, or just draft **, which is a rough and initial version of the article that outlines its main facts and points. Drafts are improved by making revisions, and can be shared for feedback until they are ready for publishing as complete articles.

archive article

A screenshot of one article in the's archive.

Once published, articles may need to be improved or amended; this is done through article patches, or just patches, which are temporary entities pointing to the original article, where updates and enhancements are stored. Patches allow continuous improvement without taking the article offline and can also be shared to get feedback. When the patch is coherent and complete, it can be merged into the article, making the changes live.

Each article can have only one active patch, both referenced by the same unique identifier. However, the patch is a completely different object that can be handled separately and privately. Since both entities share the same identifier, it becomes easy to access any patch that an article currently has.

Articles Lifecycle

Following is the workflow diagram of the articles lifecycle; as you can see, articles start as drafts, then they become real and published articles, once in that state, they can undergo updates or improvements through patches.

articles lifecycle

The workflow diagram the articles in the's archive undergo.

The Playground


A screenshot of the initial version of the's playground running with a collection exported from Postman.

Challenging in the beginning, this is the section that I find the most attractive on my website, not only because of its UI but also because of its functionality. Before I started this module, I didn't know how to integrate it into my website because I wanted this project to be separate and work as a plug-in to my website. I had two essential ideas: making it run in a different process using some sort of socket-based communication, or making it part of the same codebase as my website. However, the solution was simpler and intuitive.

the devise of the playground

A brainstorming on how to implement the's playground.

The playground is a web-based HTTP client to test APIs I've worked on or any other third-party public API. The very basic idea of creating this section was to have a dedicated space to showcase my work as a back-end engineer, since most of the time we find ourselves working far from the unwary visitor, making it hard sometimes to actually show what we do. Another strong reason I had to build it was to experience the challenges the project presented.

For more details about the playground and its nuances, refer its source repository.

API Reference

My website is, at its core, fundamentally an API; however, I didn't choose to implement a ubiquitous REST API, but rather a more specialized RPC-like collection of methods that provides me more flexibility in action. In essence, it is similar to APIs like Slack's.

The API supports only two HTTP methods: GET and POST. The arguments to these actions are passed in two forms:

  • for GET methods, as query string,
  • and for POST methods, as application/x-www-form-urlencoded arguments in the request body.

So for POST requests, the Content-Type header must always be present with the application/x-www-form-urlencoded value.

All methods are named in snake_case and organized by namespace.

​The following is the set of methods the API supports.

 GET /me.get
POST /me.set
POST /me.set_photo
POST /me.set_resume
POST /me.set_hireable

 GET /me.experience.list
 GET /me.experience.hidden.list
 GET /me.experience.get
POST /me.experience.create
POST /me.experience.set
POST /me.experience.hide
POST /me.experience.quit
POST /me.experience.remove

 GET /me.projects.list
 GET /me.projects.get
 GET /me.projects.archived.list
POST /me.projects.create
POST /me.projects.set
POST /me.projects.archive
POST /me.projects.unarchive
POST /me.projects.finish
POST /me.projects.unfinish
POST /me.projects.remove
POST /me.projects.set_playground_url
POST /me.projects.set_first_image_url
POST /me.projects.set_second_image_url
POST /me.projects.set_github_url
POST /me.projects.set_collection_url
POST /me.projects.technologies.add
POST /me.projects.technologies.remove

 GET /technologies.list
POST /technologies.create
POST /technologies.set
POST /technologies.remove

POST /archive.drafts.start
POST /archive.drafts.publish
 GET /archive.drafts.list
 GET /archive.drafts.get
POST /archive.drafts.share
POST /archive.drafts.revise
POST /archive.drafts.discard
POST /archive.drafts.tags.add
POST /archive.drafts.tags.remove

 GET /archive.articles.list
 GET /archive.articles.hidden.list
 GET /archive.articles.get
POST /archive.articles.amend
POST /archive.articles.set_slug
POST /archive.articles.set_summary
POST /archive.articles.set_cover
POST /archive.articles.hide
POST /archive.articles.remove
POST /archive.articles.unpin
POST /archive.articles.tags.add
POST /archive.articles.tags.remove

 GET /archive.articles.patches.list
POST /archive.articles.patches.revise
POST /archive.articles.patches.share
POST /archive.articles.patches.discard
POST /archive.articles.patches.release

POST /archive.tags.create
 GET /archive.tags.list
POST /archive.tags.set
POST /archive.tags.remove

POST /archive.topics.create
 GET /archive.topics.list
POST /archive.topics.set
POST /archive.topics.remove


The API implements error handling using the * RFC 7807 Problem Details for HTTP APIs* standard. When an error occurs, the API responds with a structured JSON object that includes details about the problem. This standardized format improves interoperability and provides clients with consistent error messages, making it easier to troubleshoot and respond to issues programmatically.

The standard application/problem+json media type is used for error responses, which provides the following fields:

  • type: A URI reference that identifies the problem type.
  • title: A short, human-readable summary of the problem.
  • status: The HTTP status code that is applicable to this problem.
  • detail: A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
  • instance: A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem (if applicable).


Indicates a server-side error. This error does not provide detailed information about what happened in the server to the client. Only a contact email for support is provided.


This error occurs when a required argument is missing in the request body of a method.


This error occurs when a value provided in the request is in an incorrect format (e.g., invalid URL or improperly formatted boolean).


This error indicates that the requested resource could not be found in the database.


This error occurs when an input value is too high, too low, or otherwise falls outside the permitted limits, which may be numeric, or based on other boundaries. In other words, the provided value for a method argument is outside the acceptable range defined for it.


This error occurs when one or more fields in the request do not meet the expected validation rules. The response will typically include specific information on each field that failed validation to help identify the issue.


This error occurs when the provided value to a method argument already exists in the database and must be then unique.


This error occurs when an action cannot be repeated because it has already been completed for the target resource. For example, attempting to publish an article draft that is already published.


This error occurs when the requested action cannot proceed because one or more required preconditions have not been met, or a prior step is missing. This typically means that a specific state or prerequisite action is needed before the current action can be performed.


This group of endpoints manages the user profile information.


  "username": "",
  "first_name": "Jeremy",
  "last_name": "Fonseca",
  "summary": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
  "job_title": "Software Engineer",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "photo_url": "about:blank",
  "resume_url": "about:blank",
  "coding_since": 2018,
  "company": "Gotlim",
  "location": "unknown",
  "hireable": true,
  "github_url": "",
  "linkedin_url": "",
  "youtube_url": "",
  "twitter_url": "about:blank",
  "instagram_url": "about:blank",
  "created_at": "2024-07-02T23:08:05.306051Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-10-01T20:11:23.320304Z"


 GET /me.get
POST /me.set
POST /me.set_photo
POST /me.set_resume
POST /me.set_hireable


GET /me.get

Retrieves the current user's profile information.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.set

Updates the user's profile information. Only the fields provided in the request body will be updated. Fields not included in the request remain unchanged.


Name Type Required Where Description
summary string No Body A brief description of the user's profile.
job_title string No Body The user's current job title.
email string No Body The user's email address.
company string No Body The user's company.
location string No Body The user's physical location.
github_url string No Body URL of the user's GitHub profile.
linkedin_url string No Body URL of the user's LinkedIn profile.
youtube_url string No Body URL of the user's YouTube channel.
twitter_url string No Body URL of the user's Twitter profile.
instagram_url string No Body URL of the user's Instagram profile.


Type Reason
unparseable_value One or more provided URLs are invalid, or the email format is incorrect.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.set_photo

Updates the user's profile photo by providing a new URL to the resource.


Name Type Required Where Description
photo_url string Yes Body The URL of the new profile photo.


Type Reason
missing_argument The photo_url argument was not provided.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.set_resume

Updates the URL of the user's résumé PDF file.


Name Type Required Where Description
resume_url string Yes Body URL pointing to the location of the résumé file.


Type Reason
missing_argument The resume_url argument was not provided.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.set_hireable

Updates whether the user is currently hireable.


Name Type Required Where Description
hireable bool Yes Body Indicates if the user is open to work right now.


Type Reason
missing_argument The hireable argument was not provided.
unparseable_value The hireable argument contains an invalid boolean value.
internal A server-side error occurred.


This set of endpoints manages the user's professional experience entries, allowing for the addition, updating, hiding, and removal of experiences within the user's profile.


  "uuid": "bb4ef809-28ce-42b2-aa08-fd06af14e5e8",
  "starts": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "ends": null,
  "job_title": "Future Security Liaison",
  "company": "Glover Group",
  "company_homepage": null,
  "country": "Canada",
  "summary": "Condimentum id venenatis a condimentum vitae sapien pellentesque habitant morbi.",
  "active": false,
  "hidden": false,
  "created_at": "2024-07-02T23:10:18.274465Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-10-01T20:40:06.182398Z"


 GET /me.experience.list
 GET /me.experience.hidden.list
 GET /me.experience.get
POST /me.experience.create
POST /me.experience.set
POST /me.experience.hide
POST /me.experience.quit
POST /me.experience.remove


GET /me.experience.list

Retrieves all experience entries for the user.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


GET /me.experience.hidden.list

Retrieves all experience entries that are marked as hidden from the public view. Newly created entries are hidden by default.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


GET /me.experience.get

Retrieves the details of a specific experience entry.


Name Type Required Where Description
experience_uuid uuid Yes Query The UUID of the experience to retrieve.


Type Reason
not_found The specified experience entry was not found.
unparseable_value The provided experience_uuid format is invalid.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.experience.create

Creates a new experience entry for the user. This newly created entry is hidden by default. Use to make it publicly available.


Name Type Required Where Description
starts date Yes Body The start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
ends date No Body The end date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
job_title string Yes Body The title held in this position.
company string Yes Body The name of the employing company.
company_homepage string Yes Body The URL of the company's homepage.
country string Yes Body The country where this position is based.
summary string Yes Body A brief description of the role and responsibilities.


Type Reason
unmet_validation One or more fields do not meet validation requirements.
unparseable_value Invalid URL format for company_homepage.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.experience.set

Updates an existing experience entry. Only fields provided in the request body will be modified.


Name Type Required Where Description
experience_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the experience to update.
starts date No Body The start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
ends date No Body The end date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
job_title string No Body The title held in this position.
company string No Body The name of the employing company.
company_homepage string No Body The URL of the company's homepage.
country string No Body The country where this position is based.
summary string No Body A brief description of the role and responsibilities.


Type Reason
not_found The specified experience entry was not found.
unmet_validation One or more fields do not meet validation requirements.
unparseable_value Invalid URL format for company_homepage.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.experience.hide

Marks an experience entry as hidden, making it private.


Name Type Required Where Description
experience_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the experience entry to hide.


Type Reason
not_found The specified experience entry was not found.
unparseable_value The argument experience_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


Marks a hidden experience entry as visible, making it public.


Name Type Required Where Description
experience_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the experience entry to show.


Type Reason
not_found The specified experience entry was not found.
unparseable_value The argument experience_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.experience.quit

Marks the experience entry as no longer active, setting the ends field to the current date.


Name Type Required Where Description
experience_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the experience entry to quit.


Type Reason
not_found The specified experience entry was not found.
unparseable_value The argument experience_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.experience.remove

Permanently deletes an experience entry from the user's profile.


Name Type Required Where Description
experience_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the experience entry to remove.


Type Reason
not_found The specified experience entry was not found.
unparseable_value The argument experience_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


These endpoints manage the user's projects, whether personal or done on behalf of a company or third-party clients.


  "uuid": "ecda6002-e2d8-40bb-9ba7-5a7bf21f8872",
  "name": "Awesome Granite Gloves",
  "slug": "awesome-granite-gloves",
  "homepage": "",
  "company": "Baker and Sons",
  "company_homepage": "",
  "starts": "2024-01-15T00:00:00Z",
  "ends": "2024-10-08T00:00:00Z",
  "language": "Go",
  "summary": "Sequi repellat eligendi aut quis qui id eligendi autem incidunt.",
  "read_time": 1,
  "content": "Eaque reprehenderit rerum consequuntur aut recusandae ipsa.",
  "first_image_url": "",
  "second_image_url": "",
  "github_url": "about:blank",
  "collection_url": "about:blank",
  "playground_url": "about:blank",
  "playable": false,
  "archived": false,
  "finished": false,
  "technology_tags": [
  "created_at": "2024-10-19T02:28:26.30186Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-11-01T02:03:43.455466Z"


 GET /me.projects.list
 GET /me.projects.get
 GET /me.projects.archived.list
POST /me.projects.create
POST /me.projects.set
POST /me.projects.archive
POST /me.projects.unarchive
POST /me.projects.finish
POST /me.projects.unfinish
POST /me.projects.remove
POST /me.projects.set_playground_url
POST /me.projects.set_first_image_url
POST /me.projects.set_second_image_url
POST /me.projects.set_github_url
POST /me.projects.set_collection_url
POST /me.projects.technologies.add
POST /me.projects.technologies.remove


GET /me.projects.list

Retrieves the list of all user's projects.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


GET /me.projects.get

Retrieves details of a specific project by its UUID.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Query The UUID of the project.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
unparseable_value The argument project_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


GET /me.projects.archived.list

Lists all projects marked as archived.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.create

Creates a new project entry.


Name Type Required Where Description
name string Yes Body The name of the project.
homepage string No Body The project homepage URL.
company string No Body The name of the company (if any).
company_homepage string No Body The URL of the company homepage.
starts date No Body Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
ends date No Body End date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
language string No Body The programming language used.
summary string No Body A brief project description.
content string No Body Detailed project content or overview.
first_image_url string No Body The primary image of the project.
second_image_url string No Body The secondary image of the project.
github_url string No Body The URL of the project in GitHub.
collection_url string No Body A URL to download the JSON collection exported from Postman. (If set, the project will be playable.)


Type Reason
unmet_validation Required fields are missing or invalid.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.set

Updates details of an existing project.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project to update.
name string No Body The name of the project.
homepage string No Body The project homepage URL.
company string No Body The name of the company (if any).
company_homepage string No Body The URL of the company homepage.
starts date No Body Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
ends date No Body End date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
language string No Body The programming language used.
summary string No Body A brief project description.
content string No Body Detailed project content or overview.
first_image_url string No Body The primary image of the project.
second_image_url string No Body The secondary image of the project.
github_url string No Body The URL of the project in GitHub.
collection_url string No Body A URL to download the JSON collection exported from Postman. (If set, the project will be playable.)


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument The project_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unmet_validation Required fields are missing or invalid.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.archive

Marks a project as archived.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument The project_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument project_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.unarchive

Unarchives a previously archived project.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument The project_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument project_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.finish

Marks a project as finished.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument The project_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument project_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.unfinish

Marks a project as unfinished.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument The project_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument project_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.remove

Permanently deletes a project.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument The project_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument project_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.set_playground_url

If the project is technically an HTTP/1.1 API, sets the URL to the Postman collection in the Playground.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.
url string Yes Body The URL of the Postman collection in the Playground.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument Either the argument project_uuid or url was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value Any of the arguments have an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.set_first_image_url

Sets the primary image of the project.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.
url string Yes Body The URL of the image.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument Either the argument project_uuid or url was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value Any of the arguments have an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.set_second_image_url

Sets the secondary image of the project.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.
url string Yes Body The URL of the image.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument Either the argument project_uuid or url was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value Any of the arguments have an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.set_github_url

Sets the URL of the GitHub repository for the project.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.
url string Yes Body The URL of the repository.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument Either the argument project_uuid or url was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value Any of the arguments have an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.set_collection_url

The URL to the exported Postman collection.


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.
url string Yes Body The URL of the Postman collection.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project was not found.
missing_argument Either the argument project_uuid or url was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value Any of the arguments have an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.technologies.add

Adds a technology tag to the specified project. (See Project Technology Tags.)


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.
technology_id uuid Yes Body The UUID of the technology tag.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project or tag was not found.
missing_argument Either the argument project_uuid or technology_id was not provided in the request.
duplicate_key The tag that was provided is already added to the project.
unparseable_value Any of the arguments have an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /me.projects.technologies.remove

Removes a technology tag from the specified project. (See Project Technology Tags.)


Name Type Required Where Description
project_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the project.
technology_id uuid Yes Body The UUID of the technology tag.


Type Reason
not_found The specified project or tag was not found.
missing_argument Either the argument project_uuid or technology_id was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value Any of the arguments have an invalid format.
internal A server-side error occurred.

Project Technology Tags

These endpoints manage the technology tags that can be associated with the user's projects. Originally, these tags were intended to represent languages or tools, but now they have evolved to represent other kinds of concepts, such as tools, social skills, frameworks, and related matters.


  "uuid": "b5c12413-5f93-4dc3-93d6-892e52bce2b7",
  "name": "SQL",
  "created_at": "2024-10-01T21:44:45.660805Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-10-01T21:44:45.660805Z"


 GET /technologies.list
POST /technologies.create
POST /technologies.set
POST /technologies.remove


GET /technologies.list

Retrieves a list of all available technology tags.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /technologies.create

Creates a new technology tag.


Name Type Required Where Description
name string Yes Body The name of the technology tag.


Type Reason
unmet_validation The technology tag name is missing or invalid.
duplicate_key The technology tag name is already registered.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /technologies.set

Updates the name of an existing technology tag.


Name Type Required Where Description
id uuid Yes Body The UUID of the technology tag.
name string Yes Body The name of the tag.


Type Reason
not_found The specified technology tag was not found.
missing_argument The id argument was not provided in the request.
unmet_validation The technology tag name is missing or invalid.
duplicate_key The technology tag name is already registered.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /technologies.remove

Removes a technology tag.


Name Type Required Where Description
id uuid Yes Body The UUID of the technology tag.


Type Reason
not_found The specified technology tag was not found.
missing_argument The id argument was not provided in the request.
internal A server-side error occurred.

Archive Article Drafts

The following endpoints help to manage article drafts in the archive. An article draft, or simply draft, is an early version of an article that has not yet been finalized or published. A draft serves as a space to outline the main ideas, facts, or arguments of a subject. It can be revised and refined before being shared for feedback, helping to improve clarity and appeal. Once the draft meets the desired standards for completeness and engagement, it can be published.


  "uuid": "5ed25d57-219d-4617-b709-36cc358bfaee",
  "title": "At autem impedit dolor maxime quae beatae adipisci.",
  "slug": "at-autem-impedit-dolor-maxime-quae-beatae-adipisci",
  "author": "",
  "read_time": 1,
  "is_draft": true,
  "is_pinned": false,
  "published_at": null,
  "modified_at": null,
  "drafted_at": "2024-07-11T16:43:49.80269Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-07-11T16:43:49.80269Z",
  "topic": {
    "id": "thinking",
    "name": "Thinking",
    "created_at": "2024-07-09T20:28:18.564315Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-07-09T20:28:18.564315Z"
  "tags": null,
  "content": "Molestias ut sapiente nihil error iure ea necessitatibus maxime aliquam."


POST /archive.drafts.start
POST /archive.drafts.publish
 GET /archive.drafts.list
 GET /archive.drafts.get
POST /archive.drafts.share
POST /archive.drafts.revise
POST /archive.drafts.discard
POST /archive.drafts.tags.add
POST /archive.drafts.tags.remove


POST /archive.drafts.start

Initiates the creation of a new article draft and returns its UUID. Only the title is required to start a draft; other fields can be added or modified in subsequent revisions. A unique slug is automatically generated based from the title, and it will get automatically updated if the title ever changes.


Name Type Required Where Description
title string Yes Body The name of the article draft.
content string No Body Initial content of the article draft.


Type Reason
unmet_validation The technology tag name is missing or invalid.
duplicate_key The technology tag name is already registered.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.drafts.publish

Publishes an article draft, making it publicly available. If it is called on a draft that's already published, the request will have no effect. Before a draft can be published, it must be associated with a topic within the archive to ensure it is properly categorized. (See archive topics)


Name Type Required Where Description
draft_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article draft.


Type Reason
action_already_completed The draft is already published and does not need further action.
action_refused The draft cannot be published because it lacks a required topic association.
missing_argument The draft_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument draft_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article draft was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


GET /archive.drafts.list

Retrieves a list of ongoing article drafts. If a search query is provided, the method will filter results to include only drafts with titles that contain any of the keywords in the search string. The response supports pagination, with page and rpp (records per page) parameters for fine control.


Name Type Required Where Description
search string No Query A string to filter results by keywords in draft titles. If empty or omitted, lists all drafts.
page int No Query The page number to request. Defaults to 1 if omitted.
rpp int No Query The number of drafts per page. Defaults to 20 if not provided.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


GET /archive.drafts.get

Retrieves one article draft by its UUID.


Name Type Required Where Description
draft_uuid uuid Yes Query The UUID of the article draft.


Type Reason
unparseable_value The argument draft_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article draft was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.drafts.share

Generates a temporary, shareable link to an article draft, allowing those with the link to view the draft's progress and provide feedback. The link does not make the draft publicly accessible; only users with the exact link can access the draft. The link expires after a specified duration, which is implementation-dependent and might be included in the response. If this endpoint is called again before the previous link expires, it will return the same link.

The generated link has the format



Name Type Required Where Description
draft_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article draft.


Type Reason
missing_argument The draft_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument draft_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article draft was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.drafts.revise

Permits updating or enhancing an article draft by adding corrections or new information. It is also used to associate the draft with a specific topic for better organization. When a new title is provided, the slug will automatically be updated to reflect the title change. Additionally, if content is revised, the read_time will be recalculated.


Name Type Required Where Description
draft_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article draft.
topic_id uuid No Body The UUID of the topic of the topic to associate.
title string No Body The new or revised title of the article draft.
content string No Body The new or revised content of the article draft.


Type Reason
missing_argument The draft_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument draft_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article draft or topic was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.drafts.discard

Permanently deletes an article draft.


Name Type Required Where Description
draft_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article draft.


Type Reason
missing_argument The draft_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument draft_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article draft was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.drafts.tags.add

Associates a tag with the specified article draft. If the draft already has the specified tag, an error will be returned indicating a duplicate association.


Name Type Required Where Description
draft_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article draft.
tag_id string Yes Body The ID of the tag.


Type Reason
missing_argument The draft_uuid or tag_id argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument draft_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
duplicate_key The specified tag is already associated with the article draft.
not_found The specified article draft or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.drafts.tags.remove

Detaches a tag from the specified article draft.


Name Type Required Where Description
draft_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article draft.
tag_id string Yes Body The ID of the tag.


Type Reason
missing_argument The draft_uuid or tag_id argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument draft_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article draft or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.

Archive Articles

An article in the website's archive is a public piece of writing focused on a particular topic. Each article is carefully organized and tagged with relevant keywords, allowing readers to easily locate articles by subject. Tags are an integral part of an article's metadata, providing quick insights into its contents and connections with related articles.

Articles might undergo continual improvement to maintain accuracy, relevance, and quality. When changes are needed, an article patch is created internally to keep track of updates and enhancements while keeping the main article accessible to readers. The patch process ensures a seamless user experience, allowing real-time improvements without disrupting the article's availability.


  "uuid": "d63a34ea-65bd-421c-a1a9-5dd7790d8e3c",
  "title": "Tongue porchetta flank cupim frankfurter.",
  "slug": "how-to-change-an-article-s-slug",
  "author": "",
  "views": 67,
  "read_time": 1,
  "is_draft": false,
  "is_pinned": true,
  "published_at": "2022-03-22T11:26:37Z",
  "modified_at": "2024-07-10T22:34:44.894895Z",
  "drafted_at": "2024-07-10T21:27:07.504738Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-07-10T22:34:44.894895Z",
  "topic": {
    "id": "computer-programming",
    "name": "Computer Programming",
    "created_at": "2024-07-09T20:28:18.564315Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-07-09T20:28:18.564315Z"
  "tags": [
      "id": "git",
      "name": "Git",
      "created_at": "2024-07-09T20:29:30.909971Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-07-09T20:30:50.747377Z"
      "id": "go",
      "name": "Go",
      "created_at": "2024-07-09T20:29:56.933028Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-07-09T20:29:56.933028Z"
  "content": "Rerum perferendis illo optio quaerat excepturi repudiandae labore..."


 GET /archive.articles.list
 GET /archive.articles.hidden.list
 GET /archive.articles.get
POST /archive.articles.amend
POST /archive.articles.set_slug
POST /archive.articles.set_summary
POST /archive.articles.set_cover
POST /archive.articles.hide
POST /archive.articles.remove
POST /archive.articles.unpin
POST /archive.articles.tags.add
POST /archive.articles.tags.remove


GET /archive.articles.list

Retrieves a list of published articles. If a search query is provided, the method will filter results to include only articles with titles that contain any of the keywords in the search string. The response supports pagination, with page and rpp (records per page) parameters for fine control.

Note: Pinned articles are always listed first.


Name Type Required Where Description
search string No Query A string to filter results by keywords in article titles. If empty or omitted, lists all articles.
page int No Query The page number to request. Defaults to 1 if omitted.
rpp int No Query The number of articles per page. Defaults to 20 if not provided.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


GET /archive.articles.get

Retrieves one article by its UUID.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Query The UUID of the article.


Type Reason
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either not present (empty) or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


GET /archive.articles.hidden.list

Retrieves a list of hidden articles. If a search query is provided, the method will filter results to include only articles with titles that contain any of the keywords in the search string. The response supports pagination, with page and rpp (records per page) parameters for fine control.


Name Type Required Where Description
search string No Query A string to filter results by keywords in article titles. If empty or omitted, lists all articles.
page int No Query The page number to request. Defaults to 1 if omitted.
rpp int No Query The number of articles per page. Defaults to 20 if not provided.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.amend

Initiates the revision process for an article, allowing you to update its content without affecting the live version. When this method is called, the article remains publicly accessible in its current state while a separate patch record is created for tracking any revisions. This setup enables you to make changes incrementally until the updated content is ready for publication. To view ongoing amendments, list the article patches.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
action_refused The article is already being amended.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.set_slug

Changes the slug of a published article.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.
slug string Yes Body The new slug of the article.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid or slug argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.set_summary

Changes the summary of a published article.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.
summary string Yes Body The new summary of the article.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid or summary argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.set_cover

Sets the cover URL and caption cover image of an article.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.
url string No Body The URL of the cover image.
caption string No Body The (optional) caption for the article's cover image.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.hide

Hides a publicly available article. Hidden articles can be listed with the method /archive.articles.hidden.list.

Note: Using /archive.articles.get on a hidden article returns a not_found error.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


Shows a hidden article, making it public again.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.remove

Permanently deletes an article.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


Makes an article appear to the top of any listing, ensuring higher visibility for highlighting key content. If an article is already pinned, no additional action is taken, ensuring that duplicates do not occur.

Pinned articles


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.unpin

Removes the pin from an article, returning it to its default position within the archive listing order.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.tags.add

Associates a tag with the specified article. If the article already has the specified tag, an error will be returned indicating a duplicate association.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.
tag_id string Yes Body The ID of the tag.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid or tag_id argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
duplicate_key The specified tag is already associated with the article.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.tags.remove

Detaches a tag from the specified article.


Name Type Required Where Description
article_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article.
tag_id string Yes Body The ID of the tag.


Type Reason
missing_argument The article_uuid or tag_id argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument article_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article or tag was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.

Archive Article Patches

An article patch, or simply patch, is a temporary internal entity used to manage updates, corrections, or improvements to an article while keeping the original article available to the public. A patch is created each time one article requires amendment, allowing changes to be prepared, revised, and finalized without disrupting the live content.

Each patch directly references its corresponding article, using the article's UUID, to maintain continuity and provide a clear connection to the content it improves. Because only one patch can exist per article at a time, accessing the patch through the article's UUID allows for seamless retrieval of any ongoing updates.

Patches can also be shared for feedback before the final release. Once a patch is complete and coherent, it is merged into the original article.


  "article_uuid": "090b38a9-fb88-4604-8c99-117a79b97026",
  "title": "Quia distinctio? Eum odit, quod ratione vel!",
  "slug": "quia-distinctio-eum-odit-quod-ratione-vel",
  "topic_id": "writing",
  "content": "Voluptates odit omnis quisquam odit ipsa aperiam..."


 GET /archive.articles.patches.list
POST /archive.articles.patches.revise
POST /archive.articles.patches.share
POST /archive.articles.patches.discard
POST /archive.articles.patches.release


GET /archive.articles.patches.list

Retrieves the list of ongoing articles patches.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.patches.revise

Permits updating or enhancing an article patch by adding corrections or new information. It can also be used to associate the patch with a specific. When a new title is provided, the slug will automatically be updated to reflect the title change. Additionally, if content is revised, the read_time will be recalculated.


Name Type Required Where Description
patch_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article patch.
topic_id uuid No Body The UUID of the topic of the topic to associate.
title string No Body The new or revised title of the article patch.
content string No Body The new or revised content of the article patch.


Type Reason
missing_argument The patch_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument patch_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article patch or topic was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.patches.share

Generates a temporary, shareable link to an article patch, allowing those with the link to view the patch's progress and provide feedback. The link does not make the patch publicly accessible or released; only users with the exact link can access the patch. The link expires after a specified duration, which is implementation-dependent and might be included in the response. If this endpoint is called again before the previous link expires, it will return the same link.

The generated link has the format



Name Type Required Where Description
patch_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article patch.


Type Reason
missing_argument The patch_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument patch_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article patch was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.patches.discard

Permanently deletes an article patch, leaving the original article intact.


Name Type Required Where Description
patch_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article patch.


Type Reason
missing_argument The patch_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument patch_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article patch was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.articles.patches.release

Merges the changes from an article patch into the original article, making the updates permanent and visible in the main article. After the patch is released, it is destroyed and no longer accessible.


Name Type Required Where Description
patch_uuid uuid Yes Body The UUID of the article patch.


Type Reason
missing_argument The patch_uuid argument was not provided in the request.
unparseable_value The argument patch_uuid is either empty or has an invalid format.
not_found The specified article patch was not found.
internal A server-side error occurred.

Archive Tags

Tags are metadata objects used to categorize articles, making it easier to organize and search content based on relevant matters.


  "id": "git",
  "name": "Git",
  "created_at": "2024-07-09T20:29:30.909971Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-07-09T20:30:50.747377Z"


POST /archive.tags.create
 GET /archive.tags.list
POST /archive.tags.set
POST /archive.tags.remove


POST /archive.tags.create

Creates a new tag.


Name Type Required Where Description
name string Yes Body The name of the tag.


Type Reason
unmet_validation The tag name is missing or invalid.
duplicate_key The tag name is already registered.
internal A server-side error occurred.


GET /archive.tags.list

Retrieves a list of all available tags in the archive.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.tags.set

Updates the name of an existing tag if it is not being used by an article already.


Name Type Required Where Description
tag_id string Yes Body The ID of the tag.
name string Yes Body The name of the tag.


Type Reason
not_found The specified tag was not found.
missing_argument The id argument was not provided in the request.
unmet_validation The tag name is missing or invalid.
action_refused The tag cannot be updated since the ID is in use by one or more articles.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.tags.remove

Removes a tag.


Name Type Required Where Description
tag_id string Yes Body The ID of the tag.


Type Reason
not_found The specified tag was not found.
missing_argument The id argument was not provided in the request.
internal A server-side error occurred.

Archive Topics

These endpoints help to manage topics in the archive. A topic is broad subjects that categorize the discussions in an article, helping to organize content by different themes.


  "id": "philosophy",
  "name": "Philosophy",
  "created_at": "2024-07-09T20:28:44.679679Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-07-09T20:28:44.679679Z"


POST /archive.topics.create
 GET /archive.topics.list
POST /archive.topics.set
POST /archive.topics.remove


POST /archive.topics.create

Creates a new topic.


Name Type Required Where Description
name string Yes Body The name of the topic.


Type Reason
unmet_validation The topic name is missing or invalid.
duplicate_key The topic is already registered.
internal A server-side error occurred.


GET /archive.topics.list

Retrieves a list of all topics available in the archive.


Type Reason
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.topics.set

Updates the name of an existing topic if it is not being used by an article already.


Name Type Required Where Description
topic_id string Yes Body The ID of the topic.
name string Yes Body The name of the topic.


Type Reason
not_found The specified topic was not found.
missing_argument The id argument was not provided in the request.
unmet_validation The topic name is missing or invalid.
action_refused The topic cannot be updated since the ID is in use by one or more articles.
internal A server-side error occurred.


POST /archive.topics.remove

Removes a topic.


Name Type Required Where Description
topic_id string Yes Body The ID of the topic.


Type Reason
not_found The specified topic was not found.
missing_argument The id argument was not provided in the request.
internal A server-side error occurred.


This is the source code of my website. The result of an unquenchable desire for having my own space. I enjoyed every moment of the long development process and feel joyous to share it with you. Hope it helps!








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