Haeinsa is linearly scalable multi-row, multi-table transaction library for HBase. Haeinsa uses two-phase locking and optimistic concurrency control for implementing transaction. The isolation level of transaction is serializable.
Please see Haeinsa Wiki for further information.
- ACID: Provides multi-row, multi-table transaction with full ACID senantics.
- Linearly scalable: Can linearly scale out throughput of transaction as scale out your HBase cluster.
- Serializability: Provide isolation level of serializability.
- Low overhead: Relatively low overhead compared to other comparable libraries.
- Fault-tolerant: Haeinsa is fault-tolerant against both client and HBase failures.
- Easy migration: Add transaction feature to your own HBase cluster without any change in HBase cluster except adding lock column family.
- Used in practice: Haeinsa is used in real service.
APIs of Haeinsa is really similar to APIs of HBase. Please see How to Use and API Usage document for further information.
HaeinsaTransactionManager tm = new HaeinsaTransactionManager(tablePool);
HaeinsaTableIface table = tablePool.getTable("test");
byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("data");
byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes("status");
HaeinsaTransaction tx = tm.begin(); // start transaction
HaeinsaPut put1 = new HaeinsaPut(Bytes.toBytes("user1"));
put1.add(family, qualifier, Bytes.toBytes("Hello World!"));
table.put(tx, put1);
HaeinsaPut put2 = new HaeinsaPut(Bytes.toBytes("user2"));
put2.add(family, qualifier, Bytes.toBytes("Linearly Scalable!"));
table.put(tx, put2);
tx.commit(); // commit transaction to HBase
- Haeinsa Overview Presentation: Introducing how Haeina works.
- Announcing Haeinsa: Blog post of VCNC Engineering Blog (Korean)
- Haeinsa: Hbase Transaction Library: Presentation for Deview Conference (Korean)
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