Compounds for rigging gkRig_pack is pack of rigging related compounds in one json file.
Copy the gkRig_pack to any directory you want. Then, add the path to gkRig_pack\bifrost_lib_config.json to the environment variable BIFROST_LIB_CONFIG_FILES in the Maya.env. Maya.env is normally located in the Documents\maya\20xx for Windows user. For example, if you saved gkRig in C:\Autodesk\Bifrost\gkRig_pack, you should add the following in the Maya.env. If you want to add multiple bifrost_lib_config.json, use ; for separating each path.
BIFROST_LIB_CONFIG_FILES = C:\Autodesk\Bifrost\gkRig_pack\bifrost_lib_config.json
This compound interpolates between the given control points(cvs) by a quadratic B-Spline curve, and outputs the interpolated position and the tangent.
- cvs (type: array<Math::float3>)
Control vertices used for interpolating by quadratic B-Spline. You need to have minimum 4 cvs. - parameter (type: float | array<float>)
0.0 to 1.0 value which determines the parametric position on the B-Spline curve.
- position (type: Math::float3 | array<Math::float3>)
Interpolated position on the B-Spline curve on the given parameter. - derivative (type: Math::float3 | array<Math::float3>)
Derivative or tangent on the given parameter.
This compound calcultes total arc length of quadratic B-Spline curve that would be created from the given control vertices. Also, samples the arc length on multiple parameters so that one can convert values between the length and parameters.
- cvs (type: array<Math::float3> | array<\Math::double3>)
Control vertices used for creating the quadratic B-Spline of interest. You need to have minimum 4 cvs. - precision (type: long)
Sample counts. The higher the higher accuracy.
- arc_length (type: double)
Total arc length of the B-Spline curve generated from the given control vertices. - sample_lengths (type: array<double>)
Sampled arc lengths. - sample_parameters (type: array<bouble>)
Sampled parameters. - sample_count (type: long)
Number of the length and parameter samples.
This compounds given array of lengths into array of parameters interpolating them from given samples. The input lengths does not have to be sorted.
- lengths (type: array<double>)
Array of arc length that you want to convert to parameter value. - sample_lengths (type: array<double>)
Sampled arc lengths from the output of b_spline_arc_length or other arc length compounds. - sample_parameters (type: array<double>)
Sampled parameters from the output of b_spline_arc_length or other arc length compounds. - sample_count (type: long)
Number of the length and parameter samples.
- parameters (type: array<float>)
Array of the parameters that are on the given arc lengths.
This compound blends between two given transforms.
- source (type: Math::float4x4 | array<Math::float4x4>)
Transform to begin with. - target (type: Math::float4x4 | array<Math::float4x4>)
Blend target transform. - blend (type: float | array<float>)
Blend value(0.0 - 1.0) between source and target. - apply_scale (type: bool)
If True, scale will be blended. - apply_orientation (type: bool)
If True, orientation will be blended. - apply_position (type: bool)
If True, position will be blended.
- blended_transform (type: Math::float4x4)
Output transform of the blended result between source and target.
Visualizes the position and each axes of the given transform(s).
- transform (type: Math::float4x4 | array<Math::float4x4>)
Input transform(s) to visualize. - arrow_size (type: float)
Size of the arrows. - arrowhead_size_ratio (type: float)
Size of the arrow head relative to the arrow size. - tint (type: float)
lightness of the arrows towards white.