Lists (2)
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A curated list of awesome libraries, packages, strategies, books, blogs, tutorials for systematic trading.
gdsttian / QuantResearch
Forked from letianzj/QuantResearchQuantitative analysis, strategies and backtests
gdsttian / pairs_trading
Forked from IanLKaplan/pairs_tradinggdsttian / pybroker
Forked from edtechre/pybrokerAlgorithmic Trading in Python with Machine Learning
ArbitrageLab is a python library that enables traders who want to exploit mean-reverting portfolios by providing a complete set of algorithms from the best academic journals.
gdsttian / akshare
Forked from akfamily/akshareAKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings! 开源财经数据接口库
gdsttian / alphas
Forked from popbo/alphasalpha101, alpha191, alphalens, backtrader, 量化研究
Source code for Algorithmic Trading with Python (2020) by Chris Conlan
gdsttian / ml-trading-book
Forked from enkammh/ml-trading-bookThis repository contains the python codes as well as data files which have been included in the ML for Trading ebook
gdsttian / qstock
Forked from tkfy920/qstockqstock由“Python金融量化”公众号开发,试图打造成个人量化投研分析包,目前包括数据获取(data)、可视化(plot)、选股(stock)和量化回测(策略backtest)模块。 qstock将为用户提供简洁的数据接口和规整化后的金融市场数据。可视化模块为用户提供基于web的交互图形的简单接口; 选股模块提供了同花顺的选股数据和自定义选股,包括RPS、MM趋势、财务指标、资金流模型…
gdsttian / tushare
Forked from waditu/tushareTuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
gdsttian / Ashare
Forked from mpquant/Ashare股票行情实时数据接口-A股,完全免费的沪深证券股票数据-中国股市,python最简封装的API接口,包含日线,历史K线,分时线,分钟线,全部实时采集,系统包括新浪腾讯双数据核心采集获取,自动故障切换,STOCK数据格式成DataFrame格式,可用来查询研究量化分析,股票程序自动化交易系统.为量化研究者在数据获取方面极大地减轻工作量,更加专注于策略和模型的研究与实现。
gdsttian / QuantsPlaybook
Forked from hugo2046/QuantsPlaybook量化研究-券商金工研报复现
gdsttian / PortfolioTheory
Forked from mscandizzo/PortfolioTheorygdsttian / py4fi2nd
Forked from yhilpisch/py4fi2ndJupyter Notebooks and codes for Python for Finance (2nd ed., O'Reilly) by Yves Hilpisch.
gdsttian / Python
Forked from TheAlgorithms/PythonAll Algorithms implemented in Python
gdsttian / Awesome-Quant-Machine-Learning-Trading
Forked from grananqvist/Awesome-Quant-Machine-Learning-TradingQuant/Algorithm trading resources with an emphasis on Machine Learning
gdsttian / awesome-quant
Forked from wilsonfreitas/awesome-quantA curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for Quants (Quantitative Finance)
A curated list of practical financial machine learning (FinML) tools and applications in Python.
gdsttian / Options-Trading-Strategies-in-Python
Forked from PyPatel/Options-Trading-Strategies-in-PythonDeveloping Options Trading Strategies using Technical Indicators and Quantitative Methods
gdsttian / gs-quant
Forked from goldmansachs/gs-quantPython toolkit for quantitative finance
gdsttian / Financial-Models-Numerical-Methods
Forked from cantaro86/Financial-Models-Numerical-MethodsCollection of notebooks about quantitative finance, with interactive python code.
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT