Log parser in Java that parses web server access log file, loads the log to MySQL and checks if a given IP makes more than a certain number of requests for the given duration. The app is built using Sprint Boot and gradle.
- Clone project to local system.
- Import source code as gradle project into your IDE g.g. Intellij
- Wait for all dependecies to be imported
- Add arguments e.g. --accesslog=/path/to/access.log --startDate=2017-01-01.13:00:00 --duration=daily --threshold=250
- Run main class "com.ef.Parser"
- You can also build project to create a runnable jar file of the application
java -jar /path/to/jar/parser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --accesslog=/path/to/access.log --startDate=2017-01-01.13:00:00 --duration=daily --threshold=250
- In package "com.ef.log.application.service" run "LogServiceTest.java"