This script as been created to cover a basic challenge that every person that uses jira from long time in the incorect way. The challenge in this case is how can I copy a project form an old jira instance to a new jira instance ? And how can I get rid of all the junk and clean the project while copying it to the new instance ?
Moreover here you will be able to implement the mapping, famous word that hides a lot of moment when you want to give up in changing the old world and keep the junk.
This script at this point in time is version 1.1 with a lot of room for improvement and to be more user friendly.
To use it you need to modify the methods related to the fields mapping and to the attributes.
For now I've only implemented these features:
copy_versions(j_old, j_new, j_project) copy_components(j_old, j_new, j_project)
copy_issues(j_old, j_new, j_project, start=0)
copy_issueattribs(j_old, j_new, issues_old)
The issues attribs are at the moment are :
copy_comments(jira_out, jira_in, i_new) copy_attachment(jira_in, jira_out, i_old) copy_issuestatus(jira_in, jira_out, i_old) copy_issuelinks(jira_in, jira_out, i_old)
To use it as precondition you need to install the jira-python package:
Download and install using pip install jira or easy_install jira You can also try pip install --user --upgrade jira which will install or upgrade jira to your user directory
Then need to change the file there you have the two jira instances the source is the secret_old the destination is the secret_new. there you place your credentials and the urls for the both servers.
Create the project in the new jira with the same key, so if your source project is called PRJ the destination project needs to have the same key, the project shall be empty.
Now you are ready to run it: Start to copy the component --pc and the version --pv in production -P
$>python PRJ -P --pc --pv
Once it is ready then, you start to copy the issues
$>python PRJ -P --i
Once it is ready then you can copy the issues attributes. which are comments, attachments
$>python PRJ -P --ia --ic
If you are linking issues outside the project, then you need to get the other project already copied in the new jira instance then you can link the issues, if the issues are only linked locally then you can run it whenever you want.
$>python PRJ -P --il
Once the linkage is completed, then you can proceed with the Status. NOTE: the status must be every time the last step because if you have closed issues, usually you cannot update those anymore. There is here a workaround, that is to change the permission scheme then you can also change the status whenever you want.
$>python PRJ -P --is
There is a special customization that you need to do and are dependent on the jira configuration, at this point in time the custom fields need to be changed manually directly in the code. This is a future improvement that need to be done. Next version.
If you need the help here the command to get a small remind about the available combinations:
$> python -h Usage: <project_key> [options]
Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --pc, --components copy project components --pv, --versions copy project versions --il, --issue-link copy issues links --ic, --issue-comm copy issues comments --ie, --issue-estim copy issues estimation --ia, --issue-attach copy issues attachments --is, --issue-satus copy issues status --i, --issues copy issues -b START, --begin=START issue to begin copy from -z ANALYZE, --analyze=ANALYZE issue customfield analyze -P, --production copy to production
Author - Gianfranco Risaliti Date - 29-Sept-2015 Version - 1.1