Project Name: Airports in the United States
An interactive map of locations of US airports and control towers.
Oregon State University , Advanced Web Mapping GEOG 571
Data: USGS and Mike Bostock of D3.
Base Map: "Airports" by GinnyKatz via Mapbox mapbox://styles/ginnykatz/cjgkk9y9h000m2rqdltjuhvgv
Live link:
Introduction: This map was created to display all of the airports in the United States and whether or not those airports have control towers. The colors chose are meant to evoke a clean airport sense of place.
Major Functions: This map can assist pilots that wish to see what airports they are nearby to and which ones will have control towers that can communicate with their airplanes. A video of an airplane taking off was included for an extra eye-catching effect, and users of this web map can pause or play the video using the buttons on the right side of the screen.
Data Sources: The dataset containing the list of airports in the United States was obtained from USGS, here: The dataset containing the state boundaries of the United States was obtained from Mike Bostock of D3, here:
Credits: This map was created with Leaflet, data from USGS and D3, and CartoDB.
Acknowledgements: Thank the GEOG 571 professor , Dr. Bo Zhao, at Oregon State University.