This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.0.0-beta.32.3.
I've written a short tutorial about this game. You can view it here
Just download the project, make sure you have angular-cli installed globally then;
- Open up your terminal inside the root folder of this project
- Type
ng serve
- Head to your browser and go to localhost:4200
- Whenever you make any changes to any of the files, it'll compile again immediately without you need to do!
- Enjoy!
This is a tic tac toe game implementation in Angular2. It was a Free Code Camp project on the path of Front-End Developer Certificate.
There is only one component, the root component. All the logic, app.component.ts, resides there.
There is also Angular1 version of this project, you can find it here.
It has also one angularjs controller file and a html file without routing.
- Angular 2 Single Page App
- Generated by angular-cli
- Bootstrap 3 used for the layout.