A set of dot matrix fonts in the style of TfL's Underground arrivals board.
matrix (web-based green code rain, made with love)
🤖🎨🎸A curated list of awesome projects, works, people, articles, and resource for creating art (including music) with machine learning. It's machine learning art.
A lighthearted facial recognition game powered by face-api.js. Rails backend with PostgreSQL database.
gortron / algo-front
Forked from Liko/algo-frontAn elegant algorithm visualizer built in React. Uses React-spring library to drive animations. Deployed to Netlify.
React frontend for a carbon offset purchase platform, built using Stripe and Auth0 microservices for payments/authentication. Uses context/reducer pattern for global state.
Rails API for a carbon offset purchase platform, built to utilize PostgreSQL and Fast_JSON serializers. Uses Stripe gem to process payments.
An RSS reader built entirely in Rails, featuring session authentication. It's configured for PostgreSQL and deployed to Heroku.
JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js
Intro to Creative Coding workshop with p5.js and Tone.js