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GreenLightModel- A Python wrapper for the GreenLight Model

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The GreenLightModel class is a Python wrapper for the GreenLight MATLAB model, which allows for running simulations of greenhouse environments with supplemental lighting. The resulting model simulations are outputted as a Python dictionary and saved as a JSON file, enabling direct use within Python programs and the ability to perform various calculations with the obtained results.

Table of Contents


There are two ways to install this application:

Method 1 (Recommended):

Clone the repository and install the dependencies using pip.

$ git clone
$ cd GreenLightModel
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Method 2:

To use the GreenLightModel class, you will need to have the GreenLight and DyMoMa models and GreenLight_Extensions downloaded on your local machine. Once you have downloaded this repository, you should put it in the same folder as the GreenLight and DyMoMa models.

Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Download the GreenLight and DyMoMa models and GreenLight_Extensions on your computer.
  2. Download the repository containing the GreenLightModel class.
  3. Place the GreenLightModel class repository in the same folder as the GreenLight and DyMoMa models.

After completing these steps, you will be ready to use the GreenLightModel class in your Python programs.


Ensure MATLAB R2016b or a more recent version installed on your local machine.You can download it from the official website.

git clone
git clone

Install the required Python packages by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To install the required MATLAB Engine API for Python package, you can use pip:

python -m pip install matlabengine


To use the GreenLightModel class, import it in your Python script:

from gl_model import GreenLightModel

Create an instance of the GreenLightModel class:

# Instantiate the GreenLightModel with custom parameter values (optional)
model = GreenLightModel()
# Run the model
      gl = model.run_green_light(
          filename="sample",  # add file name for saving file
          weatherInput="bei",  # Choose name of location, see folder inputs/energyPlus/data/
          seasonLength=1 / 24 / 6,  # season length in 5 minute intervals
          firstDay=1,  # Beginning of season (days since January 1)
          isMature=False,  # Start with a mature crop, use false to start with a small crop
          lampType="led",  # 'led', 'hps', or 'none'

You can now use the various methods provided by the GreenLightModel class.


import time
from gl_model import GreenLightModel

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start_time = time.time()

    # Instantiate the GreenLightModel with custom parameter values (optional)
    model = GreenLightModel()

    # Set Innitial values
    gl = {
        "p": {
            "tSpNight": 28.5,  # temperature set point dark period [°C]
            "tSpDay": 29.5,  # temperature set point light period [°C]

    total_lampIn = 0
    total_boilIn = 0
    total_co2inj = 0

    # Set a iteration loop for 1-h demo , run 12 times, each time is 5 minutes interval, you can remove it
    for i in range(11):
        # Run the model
        gl = model.run_green_light(
            filename="sample",  # add file name for saving file
            weatherInput="bei",  # Choose name of location, see folder inputs/energyPlus/data/
            seasonLength=1 / 24 / 6,  # season length in 5 minute intervals
            firstDay=1,  # Beginning of season (days since January 1)
            isMature=False,  # Start with a mature crop, use false to start with a small crop
            lampType="led",  # 'led', 'hps', or 'none'

        # Energy consumption of the lamps [MJ m^{-2}]
        lampIn = model.calculate_energy_consumption(gl, "qLampIn", "qIntLampIn")
        total_lampIn += lampIn

        # Energy consumption of the boiler, boilIn [MJ m^{-2}]
        boilIn = model.calculate_energy_consumption(gl, "hBoilPipe", "hBoilGroPipe")
        total_boilIn += boilIn

        # CO2 Use,co2inj,kg/m2
        co2inj = model.calculate_energy_consumption(gl, "mcExtAir")
        total_co2inj += co2inj

    # Close the model

    print("--" * 40)
    print(f"Energy consumption of the lamps in 1 hour: {total_lampIn} MJ m^{-2}")
    print(f"Energy consumption of the boiler in 1 hour: {total_boilIn} MJ m^{-2}")
    print(f"CO2 Use in 1 hour: {total_co2inj} kg m^{-2}")
    print("--" * 40)

    end_time = time.time()

    print("Time taken: {:.2f} seconds".format(end_time - start_time))

The output of the above code is:

Energy consumption of the lamps in 1 hour: 0.21999999999999997 MJ m^-2
Energy consumption of the boiler in 1 hour: 0.9899917224945389 MJ m^-2
CO2 Use in 1 hour: 0.006845308136989725 kg m^-2


The GreenLightModel class provides the following methods:

Core Functions:


Add additional required paths to MATLAB's search path.

  • *args: A variable-length list of folder names to add to MATLAB's search path.
  • None


Update the values of parameters in the given dictionary, overwriting the default values.

updated_param_dict = update_params(param_dict)
  • param_dict (dict): A dictionary that maps parameter names to their values.
  • updated_param_dict (dict): An updated dictionary with evaluated values for formula parameters and converted values for non-formula parameters.


Runs the Green Light simulation with specified parameters and weather input.

gl = run_green_light(
    seasonLength=1 / 24 / 6,
  • filename: (str) The file name for saving the output data. Default is an empty string, which means the output data will not be saved.
  • weatherInput: (str) The input file name for the weather data, without the file extension. Default is "bei".
  • seasonLength: (float) The length of the season in fraction of a year. Default is 1/24/6.
  • firstDay: (int) The first day of the simulation. Default is 1.
  • isMature: (bool) Whether the crop is mature. Default is True.
  • lampType: (str) The type of lamp used in the simulation. Default is "led". Available options are "hps", "led", and "none".
Variables within the function
  • lamp_type: Lamp type to simulate, may be 'hps', 'led', or 'none'. Default value is 'none'.
  • weather: Weather inputs for the model. If this argument is empty, artificial weather data for a 5-day season will be generated. If this argument is a scalar number, artificial data will be generated for as many days as this scalar number. Otherwise, weather needs to be a 9-column matrix in the following format:
    • weather(:,1): timestamps of the input [datenum] in 5-minute intervals
    • weather(:,2): radiation [$W m^{-2}$] outdoor global irradiation
    • weather(:,3): temperature [°C] outdoor air temperature
    • weather(:,4): humidity [$kg m^{-3}$] outdoor vapor concentration
    • weather(:,5): co2 [$kg{CO2} m^{-3}{air}$] outdoor CO2 concentration
    • weather(:,6): wind [$m s^{-1}$] outdoor wind speed
    • weather(:,7): sky temperature [°C]
    • weather(:,8): temperature of external soil layer [°C]
    • weather(:,9): daily radiation sum [$MJ m^{-2} day^{-1}$]
    • weather(:,10): elevation [m above sea level] (optional, default is 0)
  • filename: Name of the file where the simulation results will be saved. If empty or blank (''), no file will be saved.
  • param_names: Array of strings with names of parameters to modify beyond their default values. Example: ["lampsOn" "lampsOff"]. NOTE: "dependent parameters" (those defined in setDepParams) should be changed by changing their defining parameters. For example, setting aPipe as 0 should be done by setting lPipe or phiPipeE as 0. See setDepParams for a list of dependent parameters.
  • param_vals: Array of values (corresponding to param_names) with modified parameter values.
  • is_mature: If true, simulation will start with a mature crop. Default is false.
  • gl: (dict) A Python dictionary containing the GreenLight model output with the completed simulation. Data of this simulation is given in 5-minute intervals.


Calculate the energy consumption for the relevant parameters.

energy_consumption = calculate_energy_consumption(gl, *array_keys)
  • gl: A GreenLight model instance.
  • array_keys: A list of keys representing the arrays to be combined and analyzed.
  • energy_consumption (float): The energy consumption in MJ m^{-2}, or CO2 consumption in kg m^-2.


Stop the MATLAB engine.

  • None

Non-core Functions:

  • makeArtificialInput: Make an artificial dataset to use as input for a GreenLight instance.
  • co2ppm2dens: Convert CO2 molar concentration [ppm] to density [kg m^{-3}].
  • day_light_sum: Calculate the light sum from the sun [MJ m^{-2} day^{-1}] for each day. These values will be constant for each day, and change at midnight.
  • generate_datenum_list: Generates a list of MATLAB format datenums starting from the specified start_datenum and with the specified time interval and number of days.
  • params_from_string(): Extracts all the parameters (i.e., variables) from the given formula string.
  • formula_result(): Calculate the dependent parameters for the GreenLight model using the given formula string and parameters.
  • default_output_folder(): Returns the default output folder path for the GreenLight model.
  • data_folder(): Returns the data folder path for the GreenLight model.
  • save_to_json(json_data, filename=None): Saves the data to a JSON file.
  • find_comment(var_name): Finds and returns the comment associated with a variable in the source code.
  • help(): Prints the help text (docstring) describing the class and its dictionaries.


Make an artificial dataset to use as input for a GreenLight instance.

weather = makeArtificialInput(length)
  • length: length of desired dataset (days)
  • weather: a matrix with 9 columns, in the following format:
    • weather[:,0]: timestamps of the input [datenum] in 5-minute intervals
    • weather[:,1]: radiation [W m^{-2}] outdoor global irradiation
    • weather[:,2]: temperature [°C] outdoor air temperature
    • weather[:,3]: humidity [kg m^{-3}] outdoor vapor concentration
    • weather[:,4]: CO2 [kg{CO2} m^{-3}{air}] outdoor CO2 concentration
    • weather[:,5]: wind [m s^{-1}] outdoor wind speed
    • weather[:,6]: sky temperature [°C]
    • weather[:,7]: temperature of external soil layer [°C]
    • weather[:,8]: daily radiation sum [MJ m^{-2} day^{-1}]


Convert CO2 molar concentration [ppm] to density [kg m^{-3}].

co2Dens = co2ppm2dens(temp, ppm)
  • temp: given temperatures [°C] (numeric vector)
  • ppm: CO2 concentration in air (ppm) (numeric vector)

Inputs should have identical dimensions

  • co2Dens: CO2 concentration in air [kg m^{-3}] (numeric vector)


Calculate the light sum from the sun [MJ m^{-2} day^{-1}] for each day. These values will be constant for each day, and change at midnight.

lightSum = day_light_sum(time, rad)
  • time: timestamps of radiation data (datenum format). These timestamps must be in regular intervals
  • rad: corresponding radiation data (W m^{-2})
  • lightSum: daily radiation sum, with the same timestamps of time (MJ m^{-2} day^{-1})


Generates a list of MATLAB format datenums starting from the specified start_datenum and with the specified time interval and number of days.

datenum_list = generate_datenum_list(start_datenum, num_days, interval_secs)
  • start_datenum (float): The datenum to start generating from.
  • num_days (int): The number of days to generate datenums for.
  • interval_secs (int): The time interval in seconds between each datenum.
  • datenum_list (list of floats): The list of MATLAB datenums for the specified time interval and number of days.


Extract all the parameters (i.e., variables) from the given formula string.

params = params_from_string(formular_str)
  • formular_str (str): The formula string to extract parameters from.
  • params (list): A list of matched words, excluding "pi" and "exp".


Calculate the dependent parameters for the GreenLight model using the given formula string and parameters. Dependent parameters are parameters that depend on the setting of another parameters.

result = formula_result(param_dict, formula_str, para_list)
  • param_dict (dict): A dictionary that maps parameter names to their values.
  • formula_str (str): The formula string to calculate.
  • para_list (list): A list of parameter names used in the formula string.
  • result (float): The evaluated result of the formula.


Return the default output folder path for the GreenLight model.

output_folder = default_output_folder()
  • output_folder (str): The default output folder path for the GreenLight model.


Return the data folder path for the GreenLight model.

data_folder_path = data_folder()
  • data_folder_path (str): The data folder path for the GreenLight model.


Save the data to a JSON file.

save_to_json(json_data, filename=None)
  • json_data: The JSON data to be saved.
  • filename (str, optional): The name of the file to save the data to. Defaults to "data".
  • None


Find the comment associated with the given variable name.

comment = find_comment(var_name)
  • var_name (str): The name of the variable to find the comment for.
  • comment (str): The comment associated with the given variable name.

  • None


Get help for the specified function.

  • function_name (str): The name of the function to get help for.
  • None


  • current_folder : The folder containing the class source file.
  • output_folder: The folder where the output files will be saved.



This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


GreenLightModel- A Python wrapper for the GreenLight Model






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