This module, made for Drupal 8.4.x, exposes Dublin Core metadata (actually, the nodes' content of your Drupal site involved on Dublin Core elements) as XML or JSON, giving a way to supply your content according to the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.
Verb | Done? |
Identify | ✔ |
GetRecord | ✔ |
ListRecords | ✔ |
ListSets | ✔ |
ListMetadataFormats | ✔ |
ListIdentifiers | ✔ |
The field dependencies are specified on OAI_GetResource.php for now...
But here's the basic list:
Element | Is a D.C. element? | Field Name |
Title | ✔ | field_item_title |
Creator Type | ✖ | field_item_creator |
Creator (Pers.) | ✔ | field_item_creator_personal |
Creator (Corp.) | ✔ | field_item_creator_corporate |
Creator (Conf.) | ✔ | field_item_creator_conference |
Contributor | ✔ | field_item_contributor |
Subject | ✔ | field_item_subject |
Coverage | ✔ | field_item_coverage |
Description | ✔ | field_item_description |
Citation | ✔ | field_item_citation |
Type | ✔ | field_item_type |
Format | ✔ | field_item_format |
Language | ✔ | field_item_language |
Publisher's Place | ✔ | field_item_publisher_place |
Publisher | ✔ | field_item_publisher |
Related Reference | ✔ | field_item_relation_reference |
Related Document | ✔ | field_item_relation_document |
Source | ✔ | field_item_source |
Rights | ✔ | field_item_rights |
Digital Document | ✖ | field_item_digital_doc |
Document (Upload) | ✔ | field_item_digital_doc_upload |
Document (URL) | ✔ | field_item_digital_doc_url |
Date of Issue | ✔ | field_item_date_issued |
Status | ✖ | field_item_status |
Well then, I'm still a noob at PHP and even Drupal. Can't do much magic at the time, so get grateful for what you have right now, ok...
You might interest in removing the .git folder of this module, after downloading it. I remember to have some issues with git, specially when you want to push your site in Github, so here's ma tip, bro.
DONE {testing}