Assignments for Geoffrey Hinton's Neural Net Course on Coursera, translated from Matlab into Python.
- assignments 2-4 are quite different than what is presented in the course, as they were refactored into logical classifiers (adapted from the sklearn framework).
- more work could certainly be done to remove redundancy between assignments, especially between 3 and 4.
- course can be found here:
- Implements linear Perceptron for two class problem
- Implements a basic framework for training neural nets with mini-batch gradient descent for a language model.
- Assignment covers hyperparameter search and observations through average cross entropy error.
- i.e. number of training epochs, embedding and hidden layer size, training momentum
- Trains a simple Feedforward Neural Network with Backpropogation, for recognizing USPS handwritten digits.
- Assignment looks into efficient optimization, and into effective regularization.
- Recognizes USPS handwritten digits.
- Trains a Feedforward neural network with pretraining using Restricted Boltzman Machines (RBMs)
- The RBM is used as the visible-to-hidden layer in a network exactly like the one made in programming assignment 3.
- The RBM is trained using Contrastive Divergence gradient estimator with 1 full Gibbs update, a.k.a. CD-1.
- Recognizes USPS handwritten digits.