🙋 Who am I?
- Double Master degree graduate and currently a third year Ph.D. student, who embraces any new opportunities to develop my technical background and personal skills
- Open to new cultures and love thinking about how to make the world better through my professional and personal activities
- Always good vibes!
📌 My current status
- Third year Ph.D. student at the LIMOS laboratory and at Jeolis Solutions company in Clermont-Ferrand, France
- My thesis is about multimodal emotion recognition (voice, image, text) using Machine Learning techniques.
Final use: Estimate the motivation of patients with chronic and mental diseases in their remote therapeutic education
💻 My other professional experiences
- Front-End developer of OnkoDICOM, an open-source radiotherapy research platform
- AI research intern in Guerbet for the classification of prostate cancer tumors
🌄 The final word
- Feel free to contact me, I will be happy to have a chat with you! Have a nice day and take care of yourself :)