Template for clj-new aimed at creating CLJC libraries.
Provides a workflow adapted for working in Clojure and Clojurescript at the same time. Based around deps, the Clojurescript parts being handled by Shadow-CLJS.
Testing is done via Kaocha on the JVM and Shadow-CLJS for Clojurescript.
Created repository is aimed to be managed with Babashka, a wonderful
tool for any Clojurist that provides a powerful task runner. A default bb.edn
file is generated with a set
of common tasks:
$ bb tasks
The following tasks are available:
cp Print the classpath
cp:del Delete cached classpath
deploy Deploy this project to Clojars ; need username and path to file with Clojars token
devclojure Start Clojure JVM dev environment (NREPL on port 14563)
dev:cljs Start CLJS dev environment (NREPL on port 14563, server on port 8000)
install Install jar to local Maven repo
jar Build a jar for this project
lint Start Clj-kondo on './src' (further path can be provided as command-line argument)
lint:import Initialize Clj-kondo and copy configuration files from dependencies
pom Sync POM file with 'deps.edn'
shadow:clean Remove the given profile from Shadow-CLJS cache (for full recompilation)
shadow:clean-test Like 'shadow:clean' but for the ':test-node' profile
test:jvm Run tests on the JVM once ; accepts Kaocha CLI arguments
test:jvm:watch Run tests on the JVM everytime a file is changed ; accepts Kaocha CLI arguments
test:node Run tests on NodeJS after unoptimized compilation
test:node:optimize Run tests on NodeJS after advanced compilation
In ~/.clojure/deps.edn
, add an alias such as (substituting $VERSION
{:extra-deps {io.helins/templ-lib.cljc {:mvn/version "$VERSION"}}
:exec-args {:template helins-lib-cljc}
:exec-fn clj-new/create}
Creating a new project:
$ clj -X:new-lib-cljc :name your-group/project-name
The ./extra
directory contains additional files, not part of the template, but which the user might be interested in.
Currently, it only holds an example of a CircleCI configuration file.
Copyright © 2021 Adam Helinski and Contributors
Licensed under the term of the Mozilla Public License 2.0, see LICENSE.