Emucios has been updated to no longer consume an entire core. This change, along with the implementation of a new Python-centric filesystem, has been rolled into a new version of CIOS, CIOS v2. PyOS can still run on CIOS v1, and automatically puts itself into legacy mode, wherein it should function exactly the same, save for some of the quirks of the older version of emucios.
The new PYA filesystem/archive format uses the shelve module to pack large amounts of data into the filesystem. It can be used as a tar-style compression tool as well as a pseudo-filesystem, and stores files as strings in nested dictionaries. However, it allows any picklable Python object to be stored in a file, which has potential applications in better Python implementation and ease of adding new "file formats." As of yet PyOS does not utilize this feature, and only uses strings (traditional files) and dictionaries (directories), but there is nothing stopping a program from writing Python objects to files. When extracted via the punzip utility, the program will simply call str() on the objects and write the output to the file. Unfortunately, if the extracted folder is recompressed the actual Python object as stored in the file system will be clobbered.