CatchAll Agent for Exchange Server.
This code is based on the work of
You can define a domain or regex (regular expression) and redirect all E-Mails sent to this domain to forward them to another address. This only works if the email is received from an external mail server. Internal mails currently can't be forwarded. See issue #13 for further info.
Using MySQL (not required for basic functionality) you get additional features:
- you can block E-Mails sent to specific addresses of such a catchall domain.
- the number of blocked hits will be logged
- each forwarded E-Mail will be logged
Updating to Version >=1.6.0: Please read the following section before updating: Updating to Version 1.6.0!
The .dll is compiled for .NET 3.5 (Exchange 2007 and 2010) or .NET 4 (Exchange 2013 & 2016)
- Exchange 2007 SP3 (8.3.*)
- Exchange 2010 (14.0.*)
- Exchange 2010 SP1 (14.1.*)
- Exchange 2010 SP2 (14.2.*)
- Exchange 2010 SP3 (14.3.*)
- Exchange 2013 (15.0.516.32)
- Exchange 2013 CU1 (15.0.620.29)
- Exchange 2013 CU2 (15.0.712.24)
- Exchange 2013 CU3 (15.0.775.38)
- Exchange 2013 SP1 (15.0.847.32)
- Exchange 2013 CU5 (15.0.913.22)
- Exchange 2013 CU6 (15.0.995.29)
- Exchange 2013 CU7 (15.0.1044.25)
- Exchange 2013 CU8 (15.0.1076.9)
- Exchange 2013 CU9 (15.0.1104.5)
- Exchange 2013 CU10 (15.0.1130.7)
- Exchange 2013 CU11 (15.0.1156.6)
- Exchange 2013 CU12 (15.0.1178.4)
- Exchange 2013 CU13 (15.0.1210.3)
- Exchange 2013 CU14 (15.0.1236.3)
- Exchange 2013 CU15 (15.0.1263.5)
- Exchange 2013 SP1 CU23 (15.0.1497.18)
- Exchange 2016 Preview (
- Exchange 2016 RTM (
- Exchange 2016 CU1 (15.1.396.30)
- Exchange 2016 CU2 (15.1.466.34)
- Exchange 2016 CU3 (15.1.544.27)
- Exchange 2016 CU4 (15.1.669.32)
- Download the .zip and extract it e.g. on the Desktop: Exchange CatchAll
- If you want to use MySQL, then install MySQL Server and execute the commands from
to create the corresponding tables (modify the commands if needed). Don't forget to grant permissions to the user. - Open "Exchange Management Shell" from the Startmenu
- Execute the following command to allow execution of local scripts (will be reset at last step):
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
- Cd into the folder where the zip has been extracted.
- Execute the install script
- Follow the instructions. For the configuration see next section.
- Reset the execution policy:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted
- Check EventLog for errors or warnings. Hint: you can create a user defined view in EventLog and then select "Per Source" and as the value "Exchange CatchAll"
Make sure that the priority of the CatchAll Agent is quite high (best is to set it directly after any Antivirus system).
To get a list of all the Export Agents use the Command Get-TransportAgent
To change the priority use Set-TransportAgent -Identity "Exchange CatchAll" -Priority 3
If you have any problems installing, please check out the troubleshooting guideline
Edit the .config file to fit your needs.
The domainSection
defines the CatchAll domains.
The destination address must be handled by the local exchange server and cannot be an external E-Mail address. Don't forget to add the cathch all domain to Exchange.
The Agent first checks if the recipient address is assigned to an existing user. If not, it checks if the address should be rewritten by the agent to a catchall address.
The customSection
defines different application settings:
: the settings for MySQL logging and blocked check. If you don't need it, setenabled
to false. Currently onlymysql
is supported but feel free to create a pull request for other databases.general
: Set LogLevel (See Logging section below). Enable/Disable 'X-OrigTo' header by settingAddOrigToHeader
defines, if a blocked E-Mail address in MySQL causes a '550 5.1.1 Recipient rejected' response.
<!-- Domain name comparison and the regex are case insensitive! -->
<!-- Redirect all E-Mail sent to an address with domain to [email protected] -->
<Domain name="" regex="false" address="[email protected]"/>
<!-- Use a regex to redirect. Redirects all mails to *@* to *
E.g. [email protected] -> [email protected]
or [email protected] -> [email protected]
<Domain name="^.*@(.*)\$" regex="true" address="[email protected]"/>
<!-- LogLevel: 0 = off, 1 = error, 2 = error+warn, 3 = all
AddOrigToHeader: Enable/Disable 'X-OrigTo' header
RejectIfBlocked: If recipient blocked in database, directly send error to sender. Otherwise the address will be handled by Exchange which then decides the action.
<general LogLevel="3" AddOrigToHeader="true" RejectIfBlocked="false"/>
<!-- Database settings.
enabled: enable/disable database logging/block checking
type: mysql, mssql
connectionstrings: Use this page for additional information:
<database enabled="true" type="mysql" connectionstrings="SERVER=localhost;PORT=3306;UID=catchall;PWD=catchall;DATABASE=catchall;"/>
The CatchAll agent logs by default all errors and warnings into EventLog. You can set the LogLevel in the .config file:
Possible values:
- 0 = no logging
- 1 = Error only
- 2 = Warn+Error
- 3 = Info+Warn+Error
If you want to update the Exchange CatchAll Transport Agent simply re-download the .zip file and follow the steps in the installation section.
If you have a version prior to 1.6.0 installed and are updating the CatchAll Agent please change the following line in you config file:
<database enabled="true" type="mysql" host="localhost" port="3306" database="catchall" user="catchall" password="catchall"/>
<database enabled="true" type="mysql" connectionstrings="SERVER=localhost;PORT=3306;UID=catchall;PWD=catchall;DATABASE=catchall;"/>
Additional Information on Connection Strings for MySQL can be found here:
You also need to rename the Database Table cought
into caught
and the column idCought
to idCaught
RENAME TABLE cought TO caught;
ALTER TABLE caught CHANGE idCought idCaught int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
Follow the install instructions but execute .\uninstall.ps1
It isn't allowed to distribute the .dll required for development of this transport agent.
Therefore you have to copy all files from
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Public Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Common.dll Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Common.xml Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.dll Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.xml
into the corresponding subdirectory from the Lib directory of this project.
If you want to debug the .dll on your Exchange Server, you need to install Visual Studio Remote Debugging on the Server.
- After the Remote Debugging Tools are installed on the Server, open Visual Studio
- Compile the .dll with Debug information
- Copy the recompiled .dll to the server
- In Visual Studio select Debug->Attach to Process
- Under 'Qualifier' input the server IP or Host Name
- Select "Show processes from all users"
- Select the process
and then press 'Attach' - When reached, the process should stop at the breakpoint
22.05.2022 [1.7.0]:
- New: Support for Exchange 2013 CU23
22.12.2016 [1.6.9]:
- New: Support for Exchange 2013 CU14, CU15 and 2016 CU4
25.09.2016 [1.6.8]:
- New: Support for Exchange 2016 CU3
01.08.2016 [1.6.7]:
- New: Support for Exchange 2013 SP1 CU13 & Exchange 2016 CU2
24.04.2016 [1.6.6]:
- Fix: Use MySQL charset for better unicode support: utf8mb4
29.03.2016 [1.6.5]:
- New: Support for Exchange 2013 SP1 CU11, CU12 & Exchange 2016 CU1
01.11.2015 [1.6.4]:
- New: Support for Exchange 2013 SP1 CU10 & Exchange 2016 RTM
09.09.2015 [1.6.3]:
- New: Support for all current Exchange Versions
- Fix: Install script now unlocking files (#8)
11.03.2014 [1.6.2]:
- Fixed Issue #7 (Exchange 2013 Null Pointer if database disabled)
10.03.2014 [1.6.0]:
- Added MSSQL database support (Thanks to @AlexLaroche)
- Fixed Issue #3 (Same message ID's in Dictionary for Orig-To Header)
24.01.2014 [1.5.2]:
- Fixed database disable config (not correctly evaluated)
- Added additional supported Exchange versions (2007, 2010, 2013)
27.11.2013 [1.5.1]:
- Support for regex domains
25.11.2013 []:
- Added custom X-OrigTo header.
- Added install and uninstall script.
- Added build for all Exchange 2010 Versions with different SPs.