Symfony Standard Edition comes pre-configured with the following bundles:
- FrameworkBundle
- SensioFrameworkExtraBundle
- DoctrineBundle
- TwigBundle
- SwiftmailerBundle
- MonologBundle
- AsseticBundle
- JMSSecurityExtraBundle
- WebProfilerBundle (in dev/test env)
- SensioDistributionBundle (in dev/test env)
- SensioGeneratorBundle (in dev/test env)
- AcmeDemoBundle (in dev/test env)
The easiest way to get started is to download an archive with vendors included ( Unpack it somewhere under your web server root directory and you're done.
If you have downloaded an archive without the vendors, you must have git
available to install the vendors:
php bin/vendors install
We highly recommend you that you download the packaged version of this distribution. If you still want to use Git, you are on your own.
Run the following commands:
git clone cd symfony-standard rm -rf .git php bin/vendors install
Symfony SE does/can not use git submodules as you should not keep the .git directory.
Check that everything is working fine by going to the web/config.php
in a browser and follow the instructions.
The distribution is configured with the following defaults:
- Twig is the only configured template engine;
- Doctrine ORM/DBAL is configured;
- Swiftmailer is configured;
- Annotations for everything are enabled.
A default bundle, AcmeDemoBundle
, shows you Symfony2 in action. After
playing with it, you can remove it by following these steps:
- delete the
directory; - remove the routing entries referencing AcmeBundle in
; - remove the AcmeBundle from the registered bundles in
Configure the distribution by editing app/config/parameters.ini
or by
accessing web/config.php
in a browser.
A simple controller is configured at /hello/{name}
. Access it via
If you want to use the CLI, a console application is available at
. Check first that your PHP is correctly configured for the CLI
by running app/check.php