So, you're writing a RubyGem. Wouldn't it be great if there were a place you could reference which contains all the shared wisdom and experience of gem authors and maintainers? Well, here you are.
A set of community-driven set of best practices, conventions, and gotchas for gem authors and maintainers. It is meant to augment and supplement the RubyGems Guides, and perhaps serve as a sounding-board for ideas before they go into the Guide.
Inspired by Bozhidar's Ruby Style Guide
Translations of the guide are available in the following languages:
- Source Code Layout
- Naming
- Gemspec
- Documentation
- Tests
- Configuration
- Dependency Management
- Exceptions
- Extensions, Plugins, Hooks
- Handling Input and Output
- Maintenance
- Misc
- Tools
- top-level directories:
- app
- bin
- cert
- checksum
- config
- doc
- ext
- features
- lib
- spec
- tasks
- templates
- test
- tmp
- vendor
- what goes in lib?
- what directories are under lib?
- top-level files:
- gemspec
- Gemfile
- dotfile opts
- foo-bar -> foo/bar
- foo_bar -> foo_bar
- files to specify
- specifying included files
- post_install
- security
- releasing for multiple platforms
- Redcard, to determine ruby engine and version, e.g. in [metric_fu](
- File::Separator or File.join('foo','bar')
- What it is
- Basic Usage
- Examples of more usage
- How to develop
- Communication: bugs, questions, code
- Version control policies
- How to run
- Specifying an interface for users to configure your gem
- as a library
- as a command-line tool
- Runtime dependencies
- hard, at install
- soft, e.g. platform issues
- Development dependencies
- required to run tests vs. used in development
- What exceptions can the lib raise?
- How are they handled within the lib?
- how to extend or change functionality
- how it loads plugins, how to configure
- hooks
- rubygems_plugin
- logging
- stdout, stdin, stderr
- warnings
- security
- deprecations
- semver
- issue tracking
- communication
- abandoning
- benchmarking
- internal gems
- gem serving
- app vs. lib
- Twelve-factor App
- git
- bundler
- gli
- irc
- mailing lists
- rubygems-developers
- rake
- homebrew
- Fork this repo, checkout a branch, commit changes, submit a pull request
- Tweet
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
- This is very alpha. Any help or thoughts are appreciated.