An open BI Dashboard platform that supports interactive multi-dimensional report design and data analysis
Server side framework is Spring+MyBatis and front-end is based on AngularJS1 and Bootstrap. The whole architecture graphic is as below:
**Be attention, refresh level is cube level rather than whole dashboard **
- Simple and beautiful interface and layout
- Lightweight architecture and concise source code, the entire project does not rely on any third-party multi-dimensional analysis tools
- Interactive, drag-and-drop OLAP classisc report development experience
- One dataset, multiple report widgets. Maximize reuse query resoult. But, the first and foremost survival rule in CBoard is make the dataset used in CBoard small using aggregate. Don't worry the source data can be very big. You don't need so many dimension in one chart
Load Data from query or DataSet | Basic Operation |
Switch Chart Type | Calculated Measure |
Add Dashboard Parameters | Use Parameters |
RBAC (Role Based Access Control), easy admin and view your users' role and roles' access resource list in one page.
- Grant roles to user by left Grant button.
- Grant access resource to a role by right Grant button.
- Resource can only be granted to role. A user can act as more than one roles.
1 百度网盘地址 2 进入 0.2.1 目录,下面有两个文件
- cboard.war 这个war包只是单纯的对项目做了编译
- 捆绑了tomcat的包,需要更改一些元数据库连接配置,建立元数据表和库就可以直接运行了
3 元数据库Setup过程参考下面的英文文档2, 3步
Before the start, make sure you have setup environment:
- JDK version above 1.8
- Maven
- Tomcat 1 Download or git clone project
git clone
2 Install metadata of CBoard
take MySQL database as example
Execute ddl to create metadata table: _sql/mysql/mysql.sql_
3 Modify metadata connection properties file according to your db environment
validationQuery=SELECT 1
4 Comile and package project with Maven
cd root path of CBoard
# Install SQLServer JDBC Driver into your local respository
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/sqljdbc4-4.0.jar -DartifactId=sqljdbc4 -Dversion=4.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn clean package
5 Deploy war to Tomcat application
- Copy CBoard/target/cboard.war to webapp folder of Tomcat and rename cboard.war to ROOT.war, Make sure deploy app as ROOT, Otherwise the application will not work
- Start up Tomcat
Default login username and passwor: admin/root123
All tasks are listed in Issue Page group by milestone. Also you can get our development status from Project Page
For more detailed Chinese document CBoard 中文文档
For more detailed English document CBoard Wiki
You can create any issue or requirements through the Issue system of github.
If you like CBoard then use it, contribute to CBoard and don't forget to star it ⭐
Waiting for your Contribution and pull request!
CBoard QQ Group for Chinese: 301028618
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Front-end question:[email protected]