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Unsupervised and supervised discovery of tissue cellular neighborhoods from cell phenotypes with CytoCommunity




It remains poorly understood how different cell phenotypes organize and coordinate with each other to support tissue functions. To better understand the structure-function relationship of a tissue, the concept of tissue cellular neighborhoods (TCNs) has been proposed. Furthermore, given a set of tissue images associated with different conditions, it is often desirable to identify condition-specific TCNs with more biological and clinical relevance. However, there is a lack of computational tools for de novo identification of condition-specific TCNs by explicitly utilizing tissue image labels.

We developed the CytoCommunity algorithm for identifying TCNs that can be applied in either an unsupervised or a supervised learning framework. The direct usage of cell phenotypes as initial features to learn TCNs makes it applicable to both single-cell transcriptomics and proteomics data, with the interpretation of TCN functions facilitated as well. Additionally, CytoCommunity can not only infer TCNs for individual images but also identify condition-specific TCNs for a set of images by leveraging graph pooling and image labels, which effectively addresses the challenge of TCN alignment across images.

CytoCommunity is the first computational tool for end-to-end unsupervised and supervised analyses of single-cell spatial maps and enables direct discovery of conditional-specific cell-cell communication patterns across variable spatial scales.


Hardware requirement

CPU: i7

Memory: 16G or more

Storage: 10GB or more

Software requirement

Conda version: 22.9.0

Python version: 3.10.6

R version: >= 4.0 suggested

Clone this repository (Beta_v1.1.0) and cd into it as below.

git clone
cd CytoCommunity

For Windows

Preparing the virtual environment

  1. Create a new conda environment using the environment.yml file or the requirements.txt file with one of the following commands:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
    # or
    conda create --name CytoCommunity --file requirements.txt

Note that the command should be executed in the directory containing the environment.yml or requirements.txt file. And if you use the .txt file, please convert it to the UTF-8 format.

Alternatively, the requirements can also be installed directly in a new conda environment:

conda create --name CytoCommunity pyhton=3.10.6
conda activate CytoCommunity
conda install --yes --file requirements.txt
  1. Install the diceR package (R has already been included in the requirements) with the following command:

    > install.packages("diceR")

For Linux

Preparing the virtual environment

  1. Create a new conda environment using the environment_linux.yml file and activate it:

    conda env create -f environment_linux.yml
    conda activate CytoCommunity
  2. Install R and the diceR package:

    conda install R
    > install.packages("diceR")

The whole installation should take less than 20 minutes.


The CytoCommunity algorithm for TCN indentification can be used in either an unsupervised or a supervised learning mode. You can reproduce TCN partitions shown in the paper [1] using the commands below. The associated code scripts and example input data can be found under the directory "Tutorial/".

Unsupervised CytoCommunity

Prepare input data

The example input data to the unsupervised learning mode of CytoCommunity is derived from a mouse brain MERFISH dataset generated in [2], including three types of files: (1) cell type label and (2) cell spatial coordinate files for each sample/image, as well as (3) an image name list file. These example input files can be found under the directory "Tutorial/Unsupervised/MERFISH-Brain_Input/".

Note that the naming fashion of the three types of files cannot be changed when using your own data. These files should be named as "[image name]_CellTypeLabel.txt", "[image name]_Coordinates.txt" and "ImageNameList.txt". Here, [image_name] should be consistent with your customized image names listed in the "ImageNameList.txt". The "[image name]_CellTypeLabel.txt" and "[image name]_Coordinates.txt" list cell type names and cell coordinates (tab-delimited x/y) of all cells in an image, respectively. The cell orders should be exactly the same across the two files.

Run the following steps in Windows Powershell or Linux Bash shell:

1. Use Step1 to construct KNN-based cellular spatial graghs and convert the input data to the standard format required by Torch.

This step generates a folder "Step1_Output" including constructed cellular spatial graphs of all samples/images in your input dataset folder (e.g., /MERFISH-Brain_Input/). No need to re-run this step for different images.

conda activate CytoCommunity
cd Tutorial/Unsupervised


  • InputFolderName: The folder name of your input dataset.
  • KNN_K: The K value used in the construction of the K nearest neighbor graph (cellular spatial graph) for each sample/image. This value can be empirically set to the integer closest to the square root of the average number of cells in the images in your dataset.

2. Use Step2 to perform soft TCN assignment learning in an unsupervised fashion.

This step generates a folder "Step2_Output_[specified image name]" including multiple runs (subfolders) of soft TCN assignment learning module. Each subfolder contains a cluster adjacent matrix, a cluster assignment matrix, a node mask file and a loss recording file. You need to re-run this step for different images by changing the hyperparameter "Image_Name".



  • InputFolderName: The folder name of your input dataset, consistent with Step1.
  • Image_Name: The name of the sample/image on which you want to identify TCNs.
  • Num_TCN: The maximum number of TCNs you expect to identify.
  • Num_Run: How many times to run the soft TCN assignment learning module in order to obtain robust results. [Default=20]
  • Num_Epoch: The number of training epochs. This value can be smaller than the default value [3000] for the large image (e.g., more than 10,000 cells).
  • Embedding_Dimension: The dimension of the embedding features for each cell. [Default=128]
  • Learning_Rate: This parameter determines the step size at each iteration while moving toward a minimum of a loss function. [Default=1E-4]
  • Loss_Cutoff: An empirical cutoff of the final loss to avoid underfitting. This value can be larger than the default value [-0.6] for the large image (e.g., more than 10,000 cells).

3. Use Step3 to perform TCN assignment ensemble.

The result of this step is saved in the "Step3_Output_[specified image name]/TCNLabel_MajorityVoting.csv" file. Make sure that the diceR package has been installed before Step3. You need to re-run this step for different images by changing the hyperparameter "Image_Name".

Rscript Step3_TCNEnsemble.R


  • Image_Name: The name of the sample/image on which you want to identify TCNs, consistent with Step2.

4. Use Step4 to visualize single-cell spatial maps colored based on cell type annotations and final TCN partitions.

This step generates a folder "Step4_Output_[specified image name]" including two single-cell saptial maps (in PNG and PDF formats) colored by input cell type annotations and identified TCNs, respectively. You need to re-run this step for different images by changing the hyperparameter "Image_Name".



  • InputFolderName: The folder name of your input dataset, consistent with Step1.
  • Image_Name: The name of the sample/image on which you want to identify TCNs, consistent with Step2.


Yafei Xu ([email protected])

Yuxuan Hu ([email protected])

Kai Tan ([email protected])


[1] Hu Y, Rong J, Xie R, Xu Y, Peng J, Gao L, Tan K. Learning predictive models of tissue cellular neighborhoods from cell phenotypes with graph pooling. bioRxiv, 2022.

[2] Moffitt J R, Bambah-Mukku D, Eichhorn S W, et al. Molecular, spatial, and functional single-cell profiling of the hypothalamic preoptic region[J]. Science, 2018, 362(6416): eaau5324.


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