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EGUM is a simple, powerful python tools help you accelerate graph neural network inference, it's totally open source so you can customize it for your convinience. To use it, you need to have these dependencies:

  • linux
  • Python 3.0 +
  • torch: now EGUM only support pytorch as computation backend
  • dgl
  • numpy
  • ogb if you want to use example

If you want to build from source code, you will additionally need:

  • gcc: to build on linux
  • nvcc: to build CUDA code
  • pybind11: to bind C++ code with Python

However, if you don't want to use the accelerated mode, you can simply download and put the in your working directory and import it just-in-time.

Get Started


EGUM will be published to python package manager pip soon, now it only support install from source code


Four steps to use EGUM for GNN acceleration: 0. Train your model

  1. Use Initializer to step up your dataset
  2. Extend the EGUM model
  3. Create instance of your customized EGUM model and run it

1. Train your model

Please note that EGUM is only a GNN model inference acceleration tools, but not a training framework. To use this inference acceleration tools, you need to train your model before. Currently EGUM only support models from dgl with pytorch as backend, they're dependencies of EGUM. You can find how to create and train models from dgl documentation:, but two small demo about how to create classical GAT and GCN model about node classification using Cora dataset is as follows:

First import necessary packages:

import torch.nn as nn
import torch
import dgl
import numpy as np

Prepare Cora datasets, downloading might takes a while:

from import CoraGraphDataset

data = CoraGraphDataset()

g = data[0]

features = g.ndata['feat']
labels = g.ndata['label']
train_mask = g.ndata['train_mask']
val_mask = g.ndata['val_mask']
test_mask = g.ndata['test_mask']

Creating our GAT models, assuming two layers:

from dgl.nn.pytorch import GATConv
import torch.nn.functional as F

class GAT(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim, num_head=1):
        super(GAT, self).__init__()
        self.gatconv1 = GATConv(in_dim, hidden_dim, num_head)
        self.gatconv2 = GATConv(hidden_dim, out_dim, num_head)
    def forward(self, graph, feat):
        feat = self.gatconv1(graph, feat)
        feat = F.relu(feat)
        feat = self.gatconv2(graph, feat)
        return feat

Creating our GCN models, assuming two layers:

from dgl.nn.pytorch import GraphConv
import torch.nn.functional as F

class GCN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim):
        super(GCN, self).__init__()
        self.gcnconv1 = GraphConv(in_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.gcnconv2 = GraphConv(hidden_dim, out_dim)
    def forward(self, graph, feat):
        feat = self.gcnconv1(graph, feat)
        feat = F.relu(feat)
        feat = self.gcnconv2(graph, feat)
        return feat

Then train our models:

import time

# Select GCN or GAT as you want
# net = GAT(in_dim=1433, hidden_dim=600, out_dim=7)
net = GCN(in_dim=1433, hidden_dim=600, out_dim=7)

# You can use other optimizer like SGD
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=1e-3)

# main loop
dur = []
losses = []
for epoch in range(3):
    if epoch >= 3:
        t0 = time.time()

    logits = net(g, features).squeeze()
    logp = F.log_softmax(logits, 1)
    loss = F.nll_loss(logp[train_mask], labels[train_mask])


    if epoch >= 3:
        dur.append(time.time() - t0)

    print("Epoch {:05d} | Loss {:.4f} | Time(s) {:.4f}".format(
        epoch, loss.item(), np.mean(dur)))

Please note that for GNN model it cannot be trainned for too much epoch (recommend to train for 5 epoch) as it has the property of similarity.

2. Initializer

Initializer is a class of EGUM to help you prepare the input of EGUM. For modifications on graph, it can be divided into six part:

  1. Add node(s) to graph
  2. Add edge(s) to graph
  3. Modify some node(s)' features
  4. Modify some edge(s)' features
  5. Delete node(s) from graph
  6. Delete edge(s) from graph

For these six kinds of change, EGUM provide corresponding APIs to help you setup environments, please note all following function is static and it's packaged in class Initializer so you can directly use from EGUM.Initializer import xxx to import corresponding setup functions you need instead of import the whole class.

Type of modification Corresponding Initializer API Description
Add node to graph new_node() Add a new node (Adding several nodes a time is still in process)
Add edges to graph new_edges() Add some new edges (Can add multiple edges a time)
Modify some ndoe features change_ndoes() Change soem nodes' features (Can change multiple node features a time)
Modify some edge features Change_edges() Change some edges' features (Can change multiple edge features a time)
Delete ndoes from graph delete_nodes() Delete some nodes from graph (Can delete multiple nodes a time)
Delete edges from graph delete_edges() Delete some edges from graph (Can delete multiple edges a time)

Please note that these APIs may have different input type (please refer to API reference), according to different functions they perform, but they have a uniform return type:

# If no edge feature is passed in as parameters
subgraph, subgraph_node_feat, graph, graph_node_feat = initializer_functions(...)
# If pass in edge features as parameters
subgraph, subgraph_node_feat, subgraph_edge_feat, graph, graph_node_feat, graph_edge_feat = initializer_functions(...)

3. Extending EGUM

EGUM is more like an interface with some supporting functions rather than a class, you need to extend it in order to make your model accelerated.

However, unlike usual pytorch module, you don't need to create instance of different pytorch nn.Module again. What you only need to do is: Pass the trained model from step 0 to the super initializer. Following is the standardrized EGUM __init__(self, model) function:

# You need to use EGUM as the father class
class MyEGUM(EGUM):
    # Your initializer must have model as parameter
    # model is the model you train in step 0
    def __init__(self, model):
        # pass model to the super initializer
        super(MyEGUM, self).__init__(model)
        # You don't need to redefine your layers again
        # You can define some extra parameters here

When extending EGUM, please kindly note that you don't need to rewrite your layers again, and it's strictly forbidden to redo layer definition when extending EGUM. Instead, EGUM will dynamically load the layers you define in trained model with parameters. If you redefine the layers, those layer won't hold parameters from trained model.

Congratulation! Now you have complete half of extension, only thing left is to extend the forward(self, **kwargs) function to meet the requirement of pytorch. Generally speaking, all you need to do is copy the forward() function from your original model, paste the forward in new class and do three modification:

  1. Insert self.initialize(graph, node_feat, edge_feat) at the first line of your code, note that if you don't have edge_feat, you can ignore this parameter
  2. Insert graph, node_feat = self.extend(graph, node_feat, edge_feat) before every layer with message-passing, which means all the layers from dgl.nn, including GATConv, GraphConv, or other your self-defined layers.
  3. Insert graph, node_feat = self.back(graph, node_feat, edge_feat) before your return, if you don't use edge_feat, you can ignore this parameters.

For example, if I want to transform the forward from GAT model we create before to MyEGUM:

Original GAT Code:

class GAT(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim, num_head=1):
        super(GAT, self).__init__()
        self.gatconv1 = GATConv(in_dim, hidden_dim, num_head)
        self.gatconv2 = GATConv(hidden_dim, out_dim, num_head)
    def forward(self, graph, feat):
        feat = self.gatconv1(graph, feat)
        feat = F.relu(feat)
        feat = self.gatconv2(graph, feat)
        return feat


class MyEGUM(EGUM):
    def __init__(self, model):
        super(MyEGUM, self).__init__(model)
    # Extend the forward funciton
    def forward(self, graph, feat):
        # Add self.initialize at the first line, ignore the edge_feat parameter
        self.initialize(graph, feat)
        # Add graph, feat = self.extend(graph, feat) before every layer invoktion 
        graph, feat = self.extend(graph, feat)
        feat = self.gatconv1(graph, feat)
        feat = F.relu(feat)
        # Add graph, feat = self.extend(graph, feat) before every layer invoktion 
        graph, feat = self.extend(graph, feat)
        feat = self.gatconv2(graph, feat)
        # Add graph, feat = self.back(graph, feat) before your return
        graph, feat = self.back(graph, feat)
        return feat

4. Create instance of your customized EGUM model and run it

Finally you can create your EGUM model and run it to see the result. To create an instance of EGUM, please note that you shall pass in the trained model from step 0 as parameter, which has been mentioned in step 3.

my_egum = MyEGUM(model=net)

There's only a few steps to run the EGUM:

  1. Prepare the feature maps for nodes and edges
  2. load the feature maps and features
  3. run the model
4.1. Prepare feature maps

EGUM relies on the graph locality and incremental subgraph extraction to accelerate graph inference. To make use of incremental subgraph extraction, we need to extract graph features for each layers, i.e, we need to prepare feature map of following graph in each layer. In later version of EGUM, it's now only at 0.0.1, an automatic execution of graph will be provided. But now, we need to prepare the feature maps ourselves, sorry for that. For example, if we want to prepare feature maps for GCN model we train before, we shall:

Original Code of GCN

class GCN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim):
        super(GCN, self).__init__()
        self.gcnconv1 = GraphConv(in_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.gcnconv2 = GraphConv(hidden_dim, out_dim)
    def forward(self, graph, feat):
        feat = self.gcnconv1(graph, feat)
        feat = F.relu(feat)
        feat = self.gcnconv2(graph, feat)
        return feat

Code to extract feature maps for EGUM

# Create list to contain feature maps
node_feat = []
def extract(graph, feat):
    feat = net.gcnconv1(graph, feat)
    feat = F.relu(feat)
    # Please append feat to node_feat list after normalization and activation
    feat = net.gcnconv2(graph, feat)
extract(graph, feat)

There's several reminders for you to define a correct function to collect feature maps:

  1. Remember to collect feature maps after activation layers and normalization layers, just insert the node_feat.append() directly before next message-passing nn layer like gcnconv2(graph, feat)
  2. Remember that the graph, feat shall be the original graph before the modification(please refers to the overview), which means it shall be the graph and node_feat at the input of initialization functions (, but not the return of initialization function, which represent the graph and feat after modification

4.2. load the graph and feat to egum

EGUM provide an useful API to help you load the graph and feature to your customized EGUM model, load_graph(graph, node_feat, edge_feat), please note that the graph shall be the input graph before modification, i.e, the return graph from initialzation function ( However, the node_feat, and edge_feat, shall be the node_feat and edge_feat you extract before (i.e, it's the excution result of original graph without modification), in Section 4.1:

# if you don't have edge_feat, just ignore this parameter
my_egum.load_graph(graph, node_feat, edge_feat)

4.3 run the model

To run the model, as required by pytorch, your input shall meet the requiremnt from forward function, and there's some additional requirements from EGUM framework:

Please note that your input graph and features, including node features or edge_features, shall be the subgraph and subgraph features, i.e, the subgraph, subgraph_node_feat, subgraph_edge_feat return from initialization funciton, i.e,

Also, plese kindly note that the output of egum will be in the similar form of initialiation function:

# If no edge_feat is passed in
graph, node_feat = egum(graph, node_feat)
# If edge_feat is passed in
graph, node_feat, edge_feat = egum(graph, node_feat, edge_feat)

Please note that output graph, node_feat, edge_feat is of the whole graph, i.e, it's the result of whole graph after GNN inference after modification but not the subgraph.


API reference

EGUM provides two class EGUM and initializer to accelerate your GNN inference. Class EGUM is the core of EGUM and it provides all functions for acceleration. Another class, initializer, is the class initialize the input for EGUM. Even more, EGUM has a utils class which provides some pytorch tensor logical operations and a tensor based parallel computing hashmap (dictionary).

Main Body: EGUM

  • __init__(self, model)
  • load_graph(self, graph, node_feat, edge_feat=None)
  • initialize(self, subgraph, node_feat, edge_feat=None)
  • extend(self, subgraph, node_feat, edge_feat=None)
  • back(self, subgraph, node_feat, edge_feat=None)
  • forward(self, subgraph, node_feat, edge_feat=None)

init(self, model)

Parameters: model: the pytorch model after training

Return: an instance of EGUM

Note that model must be trained

load_graph(self, graph, node_feat, edge_feat=None)


  • graph: the raw input graph after modification, shall be the subgraph generated by initializer, in form of dgl.graph
  • node_feat: feature maps before modification, it shall be the startup result, in form of torch.FloatTensor
  • edge_feat: feature maps of edge before modification, in form of torch.FloatTensor

Return: No return

Graph shall be the whole graph after modification, node_feat and edge_feat shall belong to graph without modification, see Tutorial Section 4.1 and 4.2

initialize(self, subgraph, node_feat, edge_feat=None)


  • subgraph: the subgraph from initialization function in form of dgl.graph
  • node_feat: node_feat from initialization function in form of torch.FloatTensor
  • edge_feat: edge_feat from initialization function in form of torch.FloatTensor, not compulsory, can be ignored if no edge_feat from dataset

Return: No return

Note that node_feat and edge_feat must be features belongs to subgraph

extend(self, subgraph, node_feat, edge_feat=None)


  • subgraph: the subgraph from initialization function in form of dgl.graph
  • node_feat: node_feat from initialization function in form of torch.FloatTensor
  • edge_feat: edge_feat from initialization function in form of torch.FloatTensor, not compulsory, can be ignored if no edge_feat from dataset


  • subgraph: subgraph after extend by a step
  • node_feat: node_feat of subgraph after extend by a step
  • edge_feat: edge_feat of subgraph after extend by a step, will be returned only when edge_feat is input

This function will extend the graph by a step.

back(self, subgraph, node_feat, edge_feat=None)


  • subgraph: the subgraph from initialization function in form of dgl.graph
  • node_feat: node_feat from initialization function in form of torch.FloatTensor
  • edge_feat: edge_feat from initialization function in form of torch.FloatTensor, not compulsory, can be ignored if no edge_feat from dataset


  • graph: whole graph after execution
  • node_feat: node_feat of the whole graph after GNN process
  • edge_feat: edge_feat of the whole graph after GNN process, will be returned only when edge_feat is input

Please note that input is the subgraph, with its node and edge features, but the return is the whole graph after modification, with the node features and edge features of the whole graph after modification.

forward(self, kwargs)

This is an empty function left for user to implement, please refers to Tutorial Section 3 to learn how to implement EGUM.


Initializer is a class contains many static functions, providing support to initialize the inputs for EGUM main body given the modifications. It provides:

  • new_node(g, node_feat, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat=None, predecessors=None, successors=None, edge_feat_prede=None, edge_feat_succe=None)
  • new_edges(g, source, destination, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat=None, edge_feat=None)
  • change_nodes(g, nodes, node_feat, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat=None)
  • change_edges(g, edges, edge_feat, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat)
  • delete_nodes(g, nodes, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat=None)
  • delete_edges(g, edges, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat=None)

new_node(g, node_feat, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat=None, predecessors=None, successors=None, edge_feat_prede=None, edge_feat_succe=None)


  • g: dgl.graph, the graph to be modified
  • node_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the node features for newly added node
  • original_node_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the node features for graph g
  • original_edge_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the edge features for graph g, not compulsory
  • predecessors: torch.LongTensor, the nodes as the predecessors of newly added node, not compulsory
  • successors: torch.LongTensor, the nodes as the successors of newly added node, not compulsory
  • edge_feat_prede: torch.FloatTensor, the edge features for edges between predecessors and newly added node, not compulsory
  • edge_feat_succe: torch.FloatTensor, the edge features for edges between successors and newly added node, not compulsory


  • subgraph: subgraph of the modification place
  • subgraph_node_feat: node feature of subgraph
  • subgraph_edge_feat: edge feature of subgraph, will return only when edge_feat is input
  • graph: whole graph after modifcation
  • graph_node_feat: node features of whole graph
  • graph_edge_feat: edge features of whole graph, will return only when edge_feat is input

This function will generate subgraph and graph with their corresponding node and edge features for modification case a new node is added

new_edges(g, source, destination, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat=None, edge_feat=None)

  • g: dgl.graph, the graph to be modified
  • source: torch.LongTensor, the source of new edge to be added
  • destination: torch.LongTensor, the destination of new edge to be added
  • original_node_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the node features for graph g
  • original_edge_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the edge features for graph g, not compulsory
  • edge_feat: edge features of newly added edges, not compulsory


  • subgraph: subgraph of the modification place
  • subgraph_node_feat: node feature of subgraph
  • subgraph_edge_feat: edge feature of subgraph, will return only when edge_feat is input
  • graph: whole graph after modifcation
  • graph_node_feat: node features of whole graph
  • graph_edge_feat: edge features of whole graph, will return only when edge_feat is input

This function will generate subgraph and graph with their corresponding node and edge features for modification case some new edges are added

change_nodes(g, nodes, node_feat, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat=None)

  • g: dgl.graph, the graph to be modified
  • nodes: torch.LongTensor, nodes whose feature will be modified
  • node_feat: torch.FloatTensor, node_features of nodes after modification
  • original_node_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the node features for graph g
  • original_edge_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the edge features for graph g, not compulsory


  • subgraph: subgraph of the modification place
  • subgraph_node_feat: node feature of subgraph
  • subgraph_edge_feat: edge feature of subgraph, will return only when edge_feat is input
  • graph: whole graph after modifcation
  • graph_node_feat: node features of whole graph
  • graph_edge_feat: edge features of whole graph, will return only when edge_feat is input

This function will generate subgraph and graph with their corresponding node and edge features for modification case some nodes' features are modified

change_edges(g, edges, edge_feat, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat)

  • g: dgl.graph, the graph to be modified
  • edges: torch.LongTensor, edges whose features will be modified
  • edge_feat: torch.FloatTensor, edge features of nodes after modification
  • original_node_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the node features for graph g
  • original_edge_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the edge features for graph g


  • subgraph: subgraph of the modification place
  • subgraph_node_feat: node feature of subgraph
  • subgraph_edge_feat: edge feature of subgraph
  • graph: whole graph after modifcation
  • graph_node_feat: node features of whole graph
  • graph_edge_feat: edge features of whole graph

This function will generate subgraph and graph with their corresponding node and edge features for modification case some edges' features are modified.

Please note that edges features must be input, it's compulsory, different from other initialization functions

delete_nodes(g, nodes, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat=None)

  • g: dgl.graph, the graph to be modified
  • nodes: torch.LongTensor, nodes to be deleted from graph g
  • original_node_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the node features for graph g
  • original_edge_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the edge features for graph g, not compulsory


  • subgraph: subgraph of the modification place
  • subgraph_node_feat: node feature of subgraph
  • subgraph_edge_feat: edge feature of subgraph, will return only when edge_feat is input
  • graph: whole graph after modifcation
  • graph_node_feat: node features of whole graph
  • graph_edge_feat: edge features of whole graph, will return only when edge_feat is input

This function will generate subgraph and graph with their corresponding node and edge features for modification case some nodes are deleted from graph

delete_edges(g, edges, original_node_feat, original_edge_feat=None)

  • g: dgl.graph, the graph to be modified
  • edges: torch.LongTensor, edges to be deleted from graph
  • original_node_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the node features for graph g
  • original_edge_feat: torch.FloatTensor, the edge features for graph g, not compulsory


  • subgraph: subgraph of the modification place
  • subgraph_node_feat: node feature of subgraph
  • subgraph_edge_feat: edge feature of subgraph, will return only when edge_feat is input
  • graph: whole graph after modifcation
  • graph_node_feat: node features of whole graph
  • graph_edge_feat: edge features of whole graph, will return only when edge_feat is input

This function will generate subgraph and graph with their corresponding node and edge features for modification case some edges are deleted from graph.


utils provides some useful functions help you deal with toplogy operation with pytorch:

  • HashMap: a parallel computing hashmap
  • setdiff1d(ar1, ar2, ar3=None)
  • setin1d(ar1, ar2)

Please note that implemention setdiff1d(ar1, ar2, ar3=None) and setin1d(ar1, ar2) is according to numpy!


This class provide dictionary with parallel computing acceleration, implemented in C++ and CUDA. Support for CUDA is not yet finished...

  • __init__(n, keys, values)
  • set(keys, values)
  • get(keys)
__init__(n, keys, values)

Initialize the hash map with parameters:

  • n: the hash key, an int
  • keys: keys to be set, in form of np.ndarray, only accept integers
  • values: values to be set, in form of np.ndarray, only accept integers

Return a hashmap

set(keys, values)

Set the key, value pairs to hash map

  • keys: keys to be set, in form of np.ndarray, only accept integers
  • values: values to be set, in form of np.ndarray, only accept integers

No return


get values according to keys


  • keys: keys to be set, in form of np.ndarray, only accept integers


  • values: values of corresponding keys, in form of np.ndarray

setdiff1d(ar1, ar2, ar3=None)

perform set operation ar1 - ar2, i.e, return the part of ar1 not in ar2. ar3 can be the array corresponding to ar1 (like the key:value pair in hash map), it will then only have the part corresponding to ar1. (Index Correpondence)


  • ar1: torch.Tensor as left operand of '-'
  • ar2: torch.Tensor as right operand of '-'
  • ar3: torch.Tensor according to ar1, not compulsory


  • ar1: torch.Tensor, result of ar1-ar2
  • ar3: torch.Tensor, result according to ar1, return only when ar3 is input

setin1d(ar1, ar2)

perform set operation ar1 and ar2, i.e, return the part of ar1 in ar2.


  • ar1: torch.Tensor as left operand of 'and'
  • ar2: torch.Tensor as right operand of 'and'


  • ar1: torch.Tensor, result of ar1 and ar2

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