Instructor: Sebastian Raschka
Lecture material for the Machine Learning course (STAT 479) at University Wisconsin-Madison. For details, please see the course website at
Part I: Introduction
Part II: Computational Foundations
- Lecture 3: Using Python, Anaconda, IPython, Jupyter Notebooks
- Lecture 4: Scientific Computing with NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib
- Lecture 5: Data Preprocessing and Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Part III: Tree-Based Methods
Part IV: Evaluation
- Lecture 8: Model Evaluation 1: Introduction to Overfitting and Underfitting
- Lecture 9: Model Evaluation 2: Uncertainty Estimates and Resampling
- Lecture 10: Model Evaluation 3: Model Selection and Cross-Validation
- Lecture 11: Model Evaluation 4: Algorithm Selection and Statistical Tests
- Lecture 12: Model Evaluation 5: Performance Metrics
Part V: Dimensionality Reduction
- Lecture 13: Feature Selection
- Lecture 14: Feature Extraction
Due to time constraints, the following topics could unfortunately not be covered:
Part VI: Bayesian Learning
- Bayes Classifiers
- Text Data & Sentiment Analysis
- Naive Bayes Classification
Part VII: Regression and Unsupervised Learning
- Regression Analysis
- Clustering
The following topics will be covered at the beginning of the Deep Learning class next Spring. Tentative outline of the DL course.
Part VIII: Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
- Perceptron
- Adaline & Logistic Regression
- Multilayer Perceptron
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Teaching this class was a pleasure, and I am especially happy about how awesome the class projects turned out. Listed below are the winners of the three award categories as determined by ~210 votes. Congratulations!