A simple tool to convert GFWList into surge config expressions.
Usage: main.py [-c CUSTOM.CONF] [-i GFWLIST] [-o SURGE.CONF] [-t]
Optional argument for your own local custom domain list
Optional argument for local GFWList file (base64 encoded), default is gfwlist
Optional argument for Surge config output, default is surge.conf
-t, --tld
Optional argument for updating top domain list
Automatically combine GFWList with your custom.conf (if provided), and generate surge.conf with uniquified and sorted list in the following format:
You may add a one liner in Surge config file to quickly add these domains to your rules:
Example 1: fetch GFWList and convert to surge.conf
python3 main.py
Example 2: merge GFWList and your custom domain list, then convert to surge.conf
python3 main.py -c custom.conf
Example 3: merge local GFWList (base64 encoded) and your custom domain list, then convert to yourfilename.conf
python3 main.py -i gfwlist.txt -c custom.conf -o yourfilename.conf
Example 4: update tld.txt (top level domain)
python3 main.py -t