Hello, I am currently working as Data Engineer at Deutsche Bank.
Interning at Skinzy Software Solutions.
- Mumbai
- sachin-v-portfolio.netlify.app
- @sachin7977
- Pro
goldenlib / rust-book-fr
Forked from Jimskapt/rust-book-fr🇫🇷 French translation of the book "The Rust Programming Language"
goldenlib / CrewLink-server
Forked from ottomated/CrewLink-serverVoice Relay server for CrewLink.
Un éditeur d'HTML avec aperçu et stockage local.
Lightweight console for Minecraft chat and automated scripts
Sony IR codes for controller RM-054 and RMT-VB100I
Updated Nov 28, 2022
Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with Javascript
Build and Deploy a Real Estate React & Next.js Application