Create short surveys with people and generate a unique link for same - Poll Creator helps you tp find the answers easily. You can create a account as well for maintaining the record of old polls. Polls can be deleted only by the user.
Note: In case you are not a user, you can not delete a poll
The webapp also allows user to add image to each choice and each poll question.
python runserver
heroku login
cd poll_anywhere
git init
git add .
git commit -m "$message"
heroku create $websitename
Add environment variables:
heroku config:set EMAIL='[email protected]'
heroku config:set PASSWORD='$password'
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY='$djangosecretkey[path=poll_anywhere/]'
heroku config:set DEBUG_VALUE='True/False'
heroku config:set EMAIL='[email protected]'
Use postgresql heroku-addon:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Migrate changes:
heroku run python makemigrations
heroku run python migrate
Create Super-user:
heroku run python createsuperuser
Run Heroku-cli:
heroku run bash
- Frontend
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Backend
- Django
- Testing
- Deployment
- Heroku
- Storage:
- 404 and 500 pages
- UI enhancement