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intellhave committed Apr 10, 2019
1 parent dfa5242 commit 758a1c8
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Showing 328 changed files with 1,373,102 additions and 0 deletions.
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions SDRReg.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
% M and B are input point cloud (can be dense)
function [out] = SDRReg(M, B, config)
stop = false;
out.time = 0; out.iter = 0; out.maxInls = 0;

M_subsampled = subSamplePointCloud(M, config.NSubsample, 'random');
B_subsampled = subSamplePointCloud(B, config.NSubsample, 'random');
%Now, compute the surface normals
normalM = computeNormal(M); normalB = computeNormal(B);
MTree = KDTreeSearcher(M'); BTree = KDTreeSearcher(B');
cMIdx = knnsearch(MTree, M_subsampled');
cBIdx = knnsearch(BTree, B_subsampled');
normalM_subsampled = normalM(:, cMIdx);
normalB_subsampled = normalB(:, cBIdx);

n = config.pointPerSample;
maxInls = 0;

% For large-span sampling
bb = boundingBox(M_subsampled);
maxDist = abs(bb(:,2) - bb(:,1));
config.pointDistance = config.pointDistance*min(maxDist);

% For parallel
PTM = cell( config.innerIter,1); PRT = cell( config.innerIter, 1);
PInls = zeros( config.innerIter,1); PTime = zeros(config.innerIter, 1);

% Start sampling
while (iter < config.maxIter&& ~stop)
idxBPool = []; idxM = [];
for sp = 1:config.kSample
CS = [];
while (isempty(CS))
disp('---------Subsample for congruent----------');
[idxMC, r1, r2, d1, d2, angle] = sampleCoplanarPoints(M_subsampled, idxM, config);
B_subsampled_for_congruent = B_subsampled(:, randsample(size(B_subsampled,2), min(config.SamplesForCongruent, size(B_subsampled,2))));
CS = findCongruentSet(B_subsampled_for_congruent, r1, r2, d1, d2, angle, config);

% close all; plotPointClouds(M_subsampled, M_subsampled(:, idxMC), 'b.', 'ro');
% hold on;
% plot_plane( M_subsampled(:, idxMC(1:3)));
% if (length(CS)>0)
% figure;
% plotPointClouds(B_subsampled, B_subsampled(:, CS(1,:)), 'b.', 'ro');
% hold on;
% plot_plane( B_subsampled(:, CS(1,1:3)));
% end
idxM = [idxM; idxMC];
idxBPool = [idxBPool; CS(:)];
% Now, a subset of M has been sampled and its congruent sets
idxBPool = unique(idxBPool);
M_congruent = M_subsampled(:, idxM);
normalM_congruent = normalM_subsampled(:, idxM);
B_congruent = B_subsampled_for_congruent(:, idxBPool);
normalB_congruent = normalB_subsampled(:, idxBPool);
m = M_congruent;
normalm = normalM_congruent;
nIter = config.innerIter;

% Generate samples for parfor
gIdx =zeros(nIter, n);
for it=1:nIter
gIdx(it,:) = randsample(size(B_congruent,2), n)';
%gIdx(it,:) = samplePoints(B_congruent, n, [], config);
if (size(idxBPool)<=n+1)
nIter = 1;
disp('idxBPool'); disp(size(idxBPool));
out.time = out.time+toc;
iter = iter + nIter;

parfor it = 1:nIter
idxB = gIdx(it,:);
b = B_congruent(:, idxB);
normalb = normalB_congruent(:, idxB);
[Rs,ts, ~, corrB] = sdpReg(m, b, normalm, normalb, config);
if (~isempty(corrB))
TM = Rs * M_subsampled + repmat(ts, 1, size(M_subsampled, 2));
%[Ricp, Ticp] = icp(B_subsampled, TM, 'Matching', 'kDtree', 'iter', 20);
%Ricp = eye(3); Ticp = zeros(3,1);
[Ricp, Ticp] = icp(B_subsampled, TM, 'Matching', 'kDtree', 'WorstRejection', 0.3, 'iter', 20);
%[Ricp, Ticp] = huber_icp(B, TM, 20, 5, 1);
%[Ricp, Ticp] = huber_icp(B_subsampled, TM);
%Ricp = Rs; Ticp = ts;
TMICP = Ricp*Rs*M_subsampled + repmat(Ricp*ts + Ticp, 1, size(M_subsampled, 2));
inls_icp = countCorrespondences(TMICP, B_subsampled_Tree, config.epsilon_sampled);
TMTree = KDTreeSearcher(TMICP');
inls_icp2 = countCorrespondences(B_subsampled, TMTree,config.epsilon_sampled);
inls_icp = min(inls_icp, inls_icp2);

PRT{it} = [Ricp*Rs Ricp*ts + Ticp];
%PRT{it} = [Rs ts];
PTM{it} = Ricp*Rs*M_subsampled + repmat(Ricp*ts + Ticp, 1, size(M_subsampled, 2));
PInls(it) = inls_icp;
PTime(it) = toc;
out.time = out.time + sum(PTime);
disp(['======CURRENT MAX = ' num2str(maxInls)]);
[nInls,idx] = max(PInls);
if (nInls > maxInls)
maxInls = nInls;
bestRT = PRT{idx};
out.bestR = bestRT(:,1:3); out.bestT = bestRT(:, 4);
TM = out.bestR*M + repmat(out.bestT, 1, size(M, 2));
%[Ricp, Ticp] = icp(B, TM, 'Matching', 'kDtree', 'WorstRejection', 0.2, 'iter', 50);
%[Ricp, Ticp] = huber_icp(B, TM);
% [Ricp, Ticp] = icp(B, TM);
% TMICP = Ricp * TM + Ticp;
TMTree = KDTreeSearcher(TM');
totalInls = countCorrespondences(TM, BTree, config.epsilon);
totalInls2 = countCorrespondences(B, TMTree, config.epsilon);
out.inls = maxInls;
out.totalIns = totalInls;
close all; plotPointClouds(B_subsampled, PTM{idx}, 'b.','r.');
plotPointClouds(B, TM, 'b.','r.');
disp('---MaxInls----'); disp(maxInls);
disp('---Total----'); disp(totalInls);
disp('---Total2----'); disp(totalInls2);
disp(out.bestR); disp(out.bestT);
out.cloudA = TM; out.cloudB = B;
T = computeStopping(0.99, maxInls./size(M,2));
if (iter>=T && iter >= config.minIterRequired)
stop = true;


88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions SDRSAC.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
% Main SDRSAC Algorithm
% Input:
% M, B: Input point clouds, each is a 3xN matrix
% config: Contains all parameters required to run the algoirthm.
% See readConfig.m for more info
% Output: a structure out containing output variables:
% out.bestR: Best rotation matrix
% out.bestT: Best translation vector

function [out] = SDRSAC(M, B, config)
ps = 0.99;

T_max = 1e10;

% Using KDTree for quick computing of consensus size
B_Tree = KDTreeSearcher(B');

% Prepare sampling
n = config.pointPerSample; % N_sample
maxInls = 0;
bestR = [];
bestT = [];

% Start the sampling iterations
stop = false;
while (iter < config.maxIter && ~stop)

idxM = randsample(size(M,2), n);
m = M(:, idxM);
B_to_sample = B;
scount = 0;
while (size(B_to_sample,2) > n*2 && scount < 2)
scount = scount + 1;
fprintf('Current B size: %d\n', size(B_to_sample,2));

idxB = randsample(size(B_to_sample,2), n);
b = B_to_sample(:, idxB);
B_to_sample(:,idxB) = [];

% Solve SDP
[Rs,ts, ~, corrB] = sdpReg(m, b, config);

if ~isempty(corrB)
TM = Rs*M + repmat(ts, 1, size(M,2));

% Conducting ICP
[Ricp, Ticp] = icp(B, TM, 'Matching', 'kDtree', 'WorstRejection', 0.1, 'iter', 100);
TMICP = Ricp*Rs*M + repmat(Ricp*ts + Ticp, 1, size(M, 2));
inls_icp = countCorrespondences(TMICP, B_Tree, config.epsilon);

if inls_icp > maxInls
maxInls = inls_icp;
bestR = Ricp*Rs;
bestT = Ricp*ts + Ticp;

fprintf('Best-so-far consensus size: %d\n', maxInls);%

% For debugging purpose:
%close all; plotPointClouds(B, TMICP, 'b.','r.');

% Compute stopping criterion
pI = maxInls./size(M,2);
T_max = log(1-ps)./log(1-pI^config.k);

iter = iter+1;

% Stopping criterion is satisfied (minimum of 5 iterations)
if iter >= T_max && iter >=5
stop = true;


out.inls = maxInls;
out.iter = iter;
out.R = bestR;
out.T = bestT;
plotPointClouds(B, bestR*M + bestT, 'b.','r.')

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions add_dependencies.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

addpath(genpath('./solver/SDPNAL+v1.0/'), path);
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions countCorrespondences.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
function inls = countCorrespondences(M, Btree, epsilon)

[idx, dist] = knnsearch(Btree, M');
in_idx = find(dist<=epsilon);

inls = length(idx(in_idx));

Binary file added data/bunny10.mat
Binary file not shown.

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