Demo app using Valve Steam OpenID authentication. The app uses Flask and basic openID libraires. A demo of the application can be found a this location :
git clone
cd steam-flask-openid
Make sure you installed the required SDKs by following the instructions on Google app engine
Open the file and add a random secret key for Flask and your steam API key. Steam API key can be registered on Valve website.
Then, you must install the required libraries in the root lib folder:
pip install -t lib/ -r requirements.txt
Testing locally : --host= --admin_host= app.yaml
Using Gloud:
gcloud app deploy --version=<app version> --project=<project id >
gcloud preview datastore create-indexes index.yaml --project=<project id>
Using appcfg: update app update_indexes ../steam-flask-openid/
The appcfg method requires adding the version, project ID and the module values to the app.yam file :
- application: project_id
- version: version
- module: default
Updating the indexes is theoretically only required during the first deploy or during a change to the index.yaml file.
In case of 500 error during deployment, its mostly due to the datastore indexes, it takes a few minutes for google to serve them. Make sure to update indexes and check the datastore admin interface in Google cloud console, as well as the error logs.
OpenID requires the use of a database to store state during the authentication phase. This app uses Google datastore using a simple implementation of the OpenID Store Interface. The Implementation can be found in the root directory as (extracted from the library peterhudec/authomatic). Once the app verified the user through openID and successfully logged in for the first time, an entry is added to the google datastore using a key with the format : steam:md5(steam_id) (provider:md5(provider id)). You may choose another way, like a mysql database for users. Quite frankly my understanding of google datastore is quite limited, i wish it was as simple as dynamoDb...
Flask is eazy to use, i highly recommend checking out Miguel Grinberg github page for examples of applications.
Simple example of sign in with openID : Sign in with Steam ID