Customizable and re-usable chat component for you to use in your projects. Built on top of shadcn.
Demo • Usage • Simple Example
For full documentation check out the npm documentation
Some of the components rely on shadcn-ui, so make sure to have it installed.
Use the add
command to add components to your project.
It is recommended to install all components at once:
npx shadcn-chat-cli add --all
To view a list of all available components run the following command:
npx shadcn-chat-cli add
Otherwise, install individual components by running:
npx shadcn-chat-cli add [component]
All of the below primitives are unstyled and you can add styling in any way you'd like - for instance with className
This is an example of how to quickly build stunning Chat UIs.
import { ChatMessageList } from "@/components/ui/chat/chat-message-list";
import { ChatBubble, ChatBubbleAvatar, ChatBubbleMessage } from "@/components/ui/chat/chat-bubble";
import { ChatInput } from "@/components/ui/chat/chat-input";
<ChatBubbleAvatar />
Message and other content here
<div className="flex-1" />
placeholder="Type your message here..."
size="sm" className="ml-auto gap-1.5">
Send Message
<CornerDownLeft className="size-3.5" />
For more comprehensive examples, check out this, this & this from the source code.
v.0.2.0 adds additional functionality by adding an expandable chat component that you can use in conjunction with the other components to quickly build a chat-support type feature in your application.
import { ChatBubble, ChatBubbleAvatar, ChatBubbleMessage } from '@/components/ui/chat/chat-bubble'
import { ChatInput } from '@/components/ui/chat/chat-input'
import { ExpandableChat, ExpandableChatHeader, ExpandableChatBody, ExpandableChatFooter } from '@/components/ui/chat/expandable-chat'
import { ChatMessageList } from '@/components/ui/chat/chat-message-list'
export default function ChatSupport() {
return (
<ExpandableChatHeader className='flex-col text-center justify-center'>
<h1 className='text-xl font-semibold'>Chat with our AI ✨</h1>
<p>Ask any question for our AI to answer</p>
<div className='flex gap-2 items-center pt-2'>
New Chat
<ChatBubble key={} variant={message.sender === 'user' ? 'sent' : 'received'}>
src={message.sender === 'user' ? '' : '/chatbot.svg'}
fallback={message.sender === 'user' ? 'US' : 'AI'}
<ChatBubbleMessage variant={message.sender === 'user' ? 'sent' : 'received'}>
<ChatInput />
type="submit" size="icon">
<Send className=size-4" />
And then use that component on all your sites by placing it in layout.tsx
<html lang="en">
<ChatSupport />
Check out this for a better overview of the api.