flutter_video_chat is a simple front-end combining text-messaging (using Google Firebase) and video chat (using Agora.io for Flutter)!!!!
In the cloned repository, replace the package names with your own
- applicationId in build.gradle (android\app)
- package in MainActivity.kt (android\app\src\main\kotlin\com\example\video_chat)
- package in all three AndroidManifest.xml files (android\app\src\main, android\app\src\debug, android\app\src\profile)
go to https://console.firebase.google.com/
create a project
register project for android (use the package name you chose earlier)
Download 'google-services.json'
move 'google-services.json' to android > app
change pubspec.yaml and both gradle files to include firebase
run 'flutter pub get' to import dependencies
in the firebase console, under "Develop" select "Authentication"
Click "Set up sign-in method"
Enable the "Email/Password" sign-in method
in the firebase console, under "Develop" select Database
Click "Create Database"
Accept defaults
- go to Agora's website, https://www.agora.io/
- sign up
- create project
- copy App ID and set the const APP_ID in lib\video_room.dart