SumatraPDF 是非常优秀的epub/mobi/pdf阅读器,启动速度快,轻量小巧。但有些美中不足的是对中文书籍的支持不太好,经常出现标点符号导致不正确的换行,看起来很扎眼。
- 每行固定字数,遇到标点不会导致换行,排版很工整
- 把行间的行距加大了一些,看书时更舒服
SumatraPDF is a multi-format (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, FB2, CHM, XPS, DjVu) reader for Windows under (A)GPLv3 license, with some code under BSD license (see AUTHORS).
More information:
- main website with downloads and documentation
- wiki with more docs
To compile you need Visual Studio 2015. Free Community edition works.
Open vs2015/SumatraPDF.sln