This repository contains the source for the Rundeck docker image.
Latest version: 5.7.0
- Based on debian:bullseye
- Supervisor, MariaDB, and rundeck
- It can take anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes for Rundeck to start depending on the available resources for the container (and host VM).
- No SSH. Use docker exec or nsenter
- If RUNDECK_PASSWORD is not supplied, it will be randomly generated and shown via stdout.
- Supply the EXTERNAL_SERVER_URL or it will default to
- As always, update passwords for pre-installed accounts
- I sometimes get connection reset by peer errors when building the Docker image from the Rundeck download URL. Trying again usually works.
Images are built using GitHub Actions and pushed automatically to Docker Hub
docker pull jordan/rundeck
Start a new container and bind to host's port 4440
sudo docker run -p 4440:4440 -e EXTERNAL_SERVER_URL= --name rundeck -t jordan/rundeck:latest
Start a new container, bind to host's port 4443, and enable SSL. Note: Make sure to update /etc/rundeck/ssl/keystore and /etc/rundeck/ssl/truststore for Production systems as the default certificate is self-signed. Set KEYSTORE_PASS & TRUSTSTORE_PASS to the passwords of those files. Both files can be volume mounted.
sudo docker run -p 4443:4443 -e EXTERNAL_SERVER_URL= -e RUNDECK_WITH_SSL=true --name rundeck -t jordan/rundeck:latest
To add (external) plugins, add the jars to the /opt/rundeck-plugins volume and they will be copied over to Rundeck's libext directory at container startup
Reference: The entrypoint run script will check for docker secrets set for RUNDECK_ADMIN_PASSWORD, RUNDECK_PASSWORD, DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD, KEYSTORE_PASS, and TRUSTSTORE_PASS. If the secret has not been set, it will then check for the environment variable and finally default to generating a random value.
SERVER_URL (deprecated - Use EXTERNAL_SERVER_URL) - Full URL in the form, http//123.456.789.012:4440, etc
EXTERNAL_SERVER_URL - Use this if you are running rundeck behind a proxy. This is useful if you run rundeck through some kind of external network gateway/load balancer. Note that utilities like rd-jobs and rd-projects will no longer work and you will need to use the newer [rd]( command line utility.
RDECK_JVM_SETTINGS - Additional parameters sent to the rundeck JVM (ex: -Xmx1024m -Xms256m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dserver.web.context=/rundeck)
DATABASE_DRIVER - Supply the database driver classname if using a database besides MySQL/MariaDB or Postgres
DATABASE_URL - For use with (container) external database (ex: jdbc:mysql://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/rundeckdb)
RUNDECK_UID - The unix user ID to be used for the rundeck account when rundeck is booted. This is useful for embedding this docker container into your development environment sharing files via docker volumes between the container and your host OS. RUNDECK_GID also needs to be defined for this overload to take place.
RUNDECK_GID - The unix group ID to be used for the rundeck account when rundeck is booted. This is useful for embedding this docker container into your development environment sharing files via docker volumes between the container and your host OS. RUNDECK_UID also needs to be defined for this overload to take place.
RUNDECK_USER - MySQL 'rundeck' username
RUNDECK_PASSWORD - MySQL 'rundeck' user password
RUNDECK_ADMIN_PASSWORD - The rundeck server admin password
RUNDECK_SERVER_UUID - The UUID of the server (set in
RUNDECK_STORAGE_PASSWORD - The password used for project and key encryption (set in
RUNDECK_STORAGE_PROVIDER - Options db (default) or file. Note: file storage looks like it will be deprecated in future releases
RUNDECK_THREAD_COUNT = Number of threads that are available for concurrent execution of jobs. see:
GUI_BRAND_HTML - HTML to show as title in app header. See: Useful to show Rundeck environment where multiple Rundeck instances are deployed, e.g. GUI_BRAND_HTML='<span class="title">QA Environment</span>'
SMTP_HOST - The SMTP server host to use for email notifications.
SMTP_PORT - THe SMTP server port to use for email notifications.
SMTP_USERNAME - The SMTP server username to use for email notifications if authentication is required.
SMTP_PASSWORD - The SMTP server password to use for email notifications if authentication is required
SMTP_DEFAULT_FROM - The from address to use for email notifications.
DEBIAN_SYS_MAINT_PASSWORD - No longer used as of Debian Stretch
NO_LOCAL_MYSQL - false (default). Set to true if using an external MySQL container or instance. Make sure to set DATABASE_URL and RUNDECK_PASSWORD (used for JDBC connection to MySQL). Further details for setting up MYSQL:
LOGIN_MODULE - RDpropertyfilelogin(default) or ldap. See:
JAAS_CONF_FILE - ldap configuration file name if ldap. You will need to mount the same file at /etc/rundeck/<filename of ldap>. See:
SKIP_DATABASE_SETUP - Set to true if database is already setup and/or database admin password is not known
/etc/locale.gen - In format of the well known locale.gen file. All locales listed in this file will get generated.
/var/lib/rundeck - Not recommended to use as a volume as it contains webapp. For SSH key you can use the this volume: /var/lib/rundeck/.ssh
/opt/rundeck-plugins - For adding external plugins
If you are running Rundeck behind a web proxy, use the following:
sudo docker run -p 4440:4440 \
-e HTTP_PROXY="" \
--name rundeck -t jordan/rundeck:latest
The container starts it's own MySQL/MariaDB instance by default which can be used for Key Storage and/or Project Definition Storage. If you want use an external database, check the options below.
OPTION 1: First time setup of external database, you must follow the steps below:
- Create a user named rundeck in your external database
- Set the following environment variables
OPTION 2: If external database is already setup, additionally set the following along with the environment variables from OPTION 1:
If your SCM settings are getting lost after each restart as mentioned here: rundeck/rundeck#6646 and rundeck/rundeck#6651
Add rundeck.server.uuid
to your using the RUNDECK_SERVER_UUID
environment variable. You can get your server UUID from the System Report page.
rundeck.server.uuid = <YOUR_CURRENT_RUNDECK_UUID>