Bash script to update IPv4 and IPv6 records in Cloudflare. Update with WAN or LAN IP.
- Bash Script for most Linux, Unix distributions and MacOS.
- Choose any source IP address to update external or internal (WAN/LAN) for ech domain.
- For multiply lan interfaces like Wifi, Docker Networks and Bridges the script will automatically detects the primary Interface by priority.
- Cloudflare's options proxy and TTL configurable via the config file for each domain.
- Optional Telegram Notifications
- curl
- Cloudflare api-token with ZONE-DNS-EDIT Permissions
- DNS Record must be pre created in web interface (WIP: Create record if no exist)
To create a CloudFlare API token for your DNS zone go to cloudflare-api-token-url and follow these steps:
- Click Create Token
- Select Create Custom Token
- Provide the token a name, for example,
- Grant the token the following permissions:
- Zone - DNS - Edit
- Set the zone resources to:
- Include - Specific Zone -
- Include - Specific Zone -
- Complete the wizard and use the generated token at the
variable for the container
You can place the script at any location manually.
MacOS: Don't use the /usr/local/bin/ for the script location. Create a separate folder under your user path /Users/${USER}
The automatic install examples below will place the script at /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod +x
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/cloudflare-dns
You can use default config file cloudflare-dns.yaml or pass your own config file as parameter to script.
Place the config file in the directory as the update-cloudflare-dns for above example at /usr/local/bin/
sudo mv cloudflare-dns.yaml /usr/local/bin/cloudflare-dns.yaml
Edit it with your favorite editor and set the necessary parameters.
- name:
ip_type: external
ipv4: true
ipv6: true
proxied: true
ttl: auto
- zone_id: #########
- zone_api_token: ########
- create_if_no_exist: false
enabled: false
bot_token: token
chat_id: id
Multiple domains is supported:
- name:
ip_type: external
ipv4: true
ipv6: true
proxied: true
ttl: auto
- name: # Only name = using default settings
- name:
ip_type: external
ipv4: true
ipv6: true
proxied: false
ttl: auto
- name: ..........
Option | Example | Description |
name | | Domain name. Required |
ip_type | external | Which IP should be used for the record: internal/external. Optional (default: external) |
ipv4 | true | Update IPv4 DNS Record: true/false. Optional (default: true) |
ipv6 | true | Update IPv6 DNS Record: true/false. Optional (default: true) |
proxied | true | Use Cloudflare proxy on dns record: true/false. Optional (default: true) |
ttl | 3600 | 120-7200 in seconds or auto. Optional (default: auto) |
Option | Example | Description |
zone_api_token | token | Cloudflare API Token KEEP IT PRIVATE!!!! |
zone_id | id | Cloudflare's Zone ID |
Option | Example | Description |
create_if_no_exist | false | Not yet implemented |
Option | Example | Description |
enabled | true | Use Telegram notifications: true/false. |
bot_token | token | Telegram's Bot API Token |
chat_id | id | Chat ID of the bot |
When placed in /usr/local/bin/
cloudflare-dns dyndns-update
With your config file (need to be placed in same folder)
cloudflare-dns dyndns-update your_config.yaml
You can run the script via crontab
crontab -e
Example | Code |
Run every minute |
* * * * * /usr/local/bin/cloudflare-dns dyndns-update |
Run every minute with your specific config file |
* * * * * /usr/local/bin/cloudflare-dns dyndns-update myconfig.yaml |
Run every every 2 minutes |
*/2 * * * * /usr/local/bin/cloudflare-dns dyndns-update |
Run at boot |
@reboot /usr/local/bin/cloudflare-dns dyndns-update |
Run 1 minute after boot |
@reboot sleep 60 && /usr/local/bin/cloudflare-dns dyndns-update |
This Script will create a log file with only the last run information Log file will be located at the script's location.
The bats framework is used to perform the unit tests. In addition, if you want to obtain the Code Coverage you use bashcov.
To run them locally:
Clone this repository and update the submodules:
git clone cd DynDNS_Cloudflare_IPv4-6 git submodule update --init --recursive
Execute the tests:
Without code coverage:
# Path: ../DynDNS_Cloudflare_IPv4-6/ ./
With code coverage:
With Ruby 3 or higher, install the dependencies:
# Path: ../DynDNS_Cloudflare_IPv4-6/ gem install bundler export BUNDLE_GEMFILE=test/Gemfile bundle install
Execute tests with code coverage:
# Path: ../DynDNS_Cloudflare_IPv4-6/ bashcov ./
Here we describe how the Github CI workflows for unit testing and code coverage work.
init: {
"fontFamily": "monospace",
"flowchart": {
"htmlLabels": true
"sequence": {}
flowchart LR
subgraph WC[Main Workflow]
A(<b>Unit Test and Coverage</b>\n <i><small><a href=''>test_cov_main.yaml</a></small></i>)
A --> B[Matrix strategy\n\n<table><tr><td align='left'><b>OS           RUBY</b></td><td> 3.0 </td><td style='background-color:'> 3.1 </td><td> 3.2 </td><td> 3.3 </td></tr><tr style='color:brown'><td>Ubuntu 22.04     </td><td>•</td><td>•</td><td>•</td><td>•</td></tr><tr style='color:darkviolet'><td align='left'>Debian 11        </td><td>•</td><td>•</td><td>•</td><td>•</td></tr><tr style='color:forestgreen'><td align='left'>CentOS 9         </td><td>•</td><td>•</td><td>•</td><td>•</td></tr><tr style='color:darkorange'><td align='left'>Mac OS 13        </td><td>•</td><td>•</td><td>•</td><td>•</td></tr></table>\n]
B ==>C[Call a worker for each combination]
linkStyle 1 stroke-width:2px,stroke:red;
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
C -->WU
subgraph WU[Reusable Workflow]
D[<b>Worker to run the tests and coverage</b>\n<i><small><a href=''>test_cov_worker.yaml</a></small></i>]
D --> E[Checkout repository with submodules]
E --> F[Build/Install Ruby and the needed Gems\n<i><small><a href=''>test/Gemfile</a></small></i>]
F --> G[Run unit test with coverage\n<small><code>bashcov ./</code></small>]
G --> H[Upload coverage reports to:\n<a href=''>Codecov</a> and <a href=''>Codacy</a>]
To run the Github CI on MacOS, Debian and CentOS, self-hosted runners are used.
For Debian and CentOS operating systems it is necessary to manually install the Ruby versions that will run the tests. This is required:
Install self-hosted runner.
Install ruby-build. Follow the instructions in Install manually as a standalone program.
Assuming you have used the default work folder name
, you must install the Ruby versions to be run in the runner into that folder:ruby-build X.Y.Z ACTION_RUNNER_PATH/_work/_tool/Ruby/X.Y.Z/x64
Where X.Y.Z is the Ruby version you want to install (3.0.6, 3.1.4, ...).
And mark it as completed with:
touch /root/actions-runner/_work/_tool/Ruby/X.Y.Z/x64.complete
Where X.Y.Z is the Ruby version you have installed (3.0.6, 3.1.4, ...).