Tags: jordanlepera/liva
chore(release): 2.0.0 [skip ci] # [2.0.0](v1.8.0...v2.0.0) (2024-04-10) ### Bug Fixes * **config files:** after switching to bun, breaking changes were introduced ([5132cfb](5132cfb)) * **config files:** switch from commonjs configuration files to es modules files ([4642a14](4642a14)) ### Features * **codebase:** major upgrade: code refactor, app router migration, seo and metadata, landing page ([f639838](f639838)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * **config files:** Switch to bun package manager and runtime needed to change tailwind and postcss config files to be renamed to .cjs (commonjs) * **codebase:** Lots of code from boilerplates has been reviewed, and proper code changes for complete migration from next.js pages router to app router has been completed. Complete refactor of the codebase. Project package manager has been switched from pnpm to bun after bun v.1.1.1 Windows support release. Seo and metadata have been updated to latest next.js 14 features and recommendations
chore(release): 1.5.0 [skip ci] # [1.5.0](v1.4.2...v1.5.0) (2023-11-19) ### Features * **Loading.tsx:** new loading animation component ([475662e](475662e)) ### Performance Improvements * **Hero.tsx:** add suspense to support carousel images loading ([e53d0fd](e53d0fd))
chore(release): 1.4.2 [skip ci] ## [1.4.2](v1.4.1...v1.4.2) (2023-11-19) ### Bug Fixes * **Main.tsx:** fix conflicting z-index between mobile menu and menu bar ([03cbee1](03cbee1)) * **Main.tsx:** fix desktop top menu bar z-index to be always on top ([6803160](6803160))