👋 Hello, I am Jose Alexis Jimenez Jimenez from Peru; I currently hold the position of Product Manager where I am always looking for new technologies and improvements of the product that at some point in my time in the company I developed. I have worked in different countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador and Chile performing analysis tasks (requirements capture) and then the implementation of the software. I have worked in companies oriented to Banking, Telephony, Manufacturing, IT Services and Government.
I began my studies doing a technical career in Computer Science at Cibertec in Peru, and then I decided to change to a more business-oriented career called Business and Systems Engineering at the USIL University CEPEL program, where I had to leave my place of comfort, which was the analysis and programming.
I am passionate about technology; I spend my free time learning new languages, tools, trends in software architecture and application design, listening to podcasts or surfing the internet. Also, I like music of different genres and surfing as a life sport.