This project automatically updates post(s) with a Pterodactyl server's status in Discord.
Feel free to leave a comment in discussions if you need help or are interested in helping with this project.
- Node.js & NPM
- Docker(optional)
First, you'll need to create a .env
file and a server-configs
folder in the root of the project.
You can run
touch .env && mkdir server-configs
from inside the root folder to accomplish this
Then, go to Discord's developer portal and create an application, create a bot, and get a token. Keep this secure! Don't upload it or post it anywhere! You have been warned. Next, in the developer portal, copy the client ID from the OAuth2 page and paste in the .env file as botId=YOUR-APP-ID
.env should look like
🚨 YOU MUST (for now) create a text channel in your server titled bot-commands
for this to work.
If you'd like to use this too, you'll need to perform a couple steps. First, add OPENAI_API_KEY=
to your .env file. Second, go to and create an API key which you'll put right behind that equal sign. Lastly, create a text channel called ask-gpt. For now, I've hard-coded where the responses end up just to get it working.
In the Discord developer portal, navigate to your_application > OAuth2 > URL Generator, select bot, then Admin (or pick and choose), copy the generated link at the bottom and paste it in a browser, then select your server.
Navigate to the root folder (server-status-discord-bot if you cloned this repo)
run npm i
to install the required packages
run npm start
to get er goin
You're going to need:
A game/file name
Your Pterodactyl FQDN
Your Pterodactyl API key
Your Pterodactyl server ID
The ID of the Discord channel you want this to post in
The current file setup won't work with more than one word for the filename
The Forest
will cause an error.You can put a dash or underscore like
This now works!The-Forest or The_Forest
to get around this until I fix it.
Make sure you've got developer mode enabled for Discord. You're going to need to right click on the channel to get the channel ID (for now).
The bot will create a post in your Discord server's "bot-commands" channel and give you the command to input all the above info. The info will be saved locally in a <file-name_serverId>.json file in the server-configs folder.
The bot will restart several times automatically during setup.
That's it! The bot should do the rest.
Using the docker-compose.yml file inside your projects root directory, you can pull my latest image and use this as-is once you get the initial setup completed. Otherwise, feel free to modify and change it up, add your own functionality, and build your own image.
### Future Features
- ~~Dockerization~~ \- completed, see guide
- ~~multiple server tracking~~ \- completed
- More Pterodactyl functions
- server starts, stops, restarts
- ~~resource utilization~~ \- completed
- user info