This is a application for search cats in a graph of stations and tubes, where the owners check all the stations, if is possible, trying to find their cats.
To run the application you should have python installed
pip install python
And just run the following command:
This is a console application, you must put an integer greater than 1 (the number of owners & cats) when the application ask for it and just wait until the application finishes.
The application shows severals prints:
- When a owner find his cat
- Total number of cats
- Number of cats found
- Average number of movements required to find a cat
- The owner with the greater number of movements to find his cat
We are going to use tox, with it we control our virtualenv and tests
To run the tests, simple install tox:
pip install tox
And run the tox command:
It will install proper dependencies, execute tests and report results.