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Apache Spark best practice

1+ year of using spark

Why Spark for Big Data Computing?

It's ez to use, convenient, large community. v.v. support Stateful Streaming, Batch Processing, Machine Learning enablement.

Chapter I: From ground up

  1. Setting up environment
  • For clustering, just search Hortonworks opensource, setting thing up using Ambari.

  • For local, testing: just come straight to 1st application.

  1. Build your first application

First application for Word Count, suppose you have data.txt in your classpath, the application, try map every line into Map [words, number_instances], and reduce by words, print answer on console.

//used spark 2.3.2 from

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("your-first-name").setMaster("local[3]");

JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);

JavaRDD<String> txtFile = sc.textFile("data.txt");

Map<String, Long> ans = txtFile

.mapPartitionsToPair((PairFlatMapFunction<Iterator<String>, String, Long>) stringIterator -> {

Map<String, Long> tokenMap = new HashMap<>();

while (stringIterator.hasNext()){

String s =;

if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {

String tokens[] = s.split(" ");

for (String token : tokens) {

long initial = tokenMap.getOrDefault(token, 0L);

tokenMap.put(token, initial + 1L);




List<Tuple2<String, Long>> ret = new ArrayList<>();

for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : tokenMap.entrySet()) {

ret.add(new Tuple2<>(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));


return ret.iterator();


.reduceByKey((Function2<Long, Long, Long>) (aLong, aLong2) -> aLong + aLong2)



for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : ans.entrySet()) {

System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());



  1. Transformation and Action in spark

There are 2 concepts in Apache Spark: transformation and action

Actually, RDD is Scala-driven collection, and transformation function of RDD is really similar to Scala collection.

Listing some basic transformation you can use:

Transformation Meaning
map(func) Return a new distributed dataset formed by passing each element of the source through a function func.
filter(func) Return a new dataset formed by selecting those elements of the source on which funcreturns true.
flatMap(func) Similar to map, but each input item can be mapped to 0 or more output items (so funcshould return a Seq rather than a single item).
mapPartitions(func) Similar to map, but runs separately on each partition (block) of the RDD, so func must be of type Iterator => Iterator when running on an RDD of type T.

What cause shuffle, actual computation.

  1. Spark Batch vs Spark Streaming
Criteria Batch Streaming
Resouces Batch claims resource for limited time Streaming take resource forever
Optimization Batch does not need to worry too much in optimization, because it might be done Really serious about optimization (computation time, how many resource is OK ...)
  • From Batching to Streaming

When you are familiar with your batching coding in Spark, move on, try streaming:

  • Try first problem: most popular hashtag in newfeeds in past 30 minutes.

Try not using Window and using your own updateStateByKey, so you can manage what you do in State, and not :D

final JavaStreamingContext streamingContext = new JavaStreamingContext(sparkConf, Durations.seconds(5));



// so 2 minutes -> 2 * 60 / 5 = 24 mini-batch

JavaReceiverInputDStream<String> lines = streamingContext.socketTextStream("localhost", 9999);


public class Counter {

// check if batchPass over 24 -> remove

private int batchPass;

// counter in batch

private long count;


// when DStream#updateStateByKey -> do something ...
  • Data preparation

  • Spark streaming processing

  • Visualize your answer in spark master nodes.

If you running at localhost -> go to this url:

19/01/06 20:02:41 INFO SparkUI: Bound SparkUI to, and started at

  • Convert Streaming into Batching

When you do not real-time processing of your data, in that case, you might consider converting streaming into batching by dumping your data real-time into HDFS file in your favourite codec (AVRO, ProtoBuf, JSON, v.v.), and further use your batching technique to get thing done.

Chapter II: Take off

  1. Running on cluster My experience only worked with YARN, so I will write my practice for it. I'm not that good for deployment, but for performance measurement I knew some. Maybe it's already fixed in current release of Spark.
  • Medium cluster With medium cluster (16 Server, 256GB RAM, Intel Xeon 4? ).

  • Larger cluster When running on large cluster, Network latency is crazy, and also why we need larger cluster, we probably deal with very large amount of data Problem happens with stateful streaming job, and the key is that we need to have least data when checkpoint, cos it will take a lot of time.

  1. Checkpoint Normally one batch will be 5 seconds, so after maybe 6 batches we can have checkpoint. Don't take it too short, cos it will cause extra time on checkpoint task. Don't take it too long, cos when run in fail state, need to run from checkpoint will make performance worse.

  2. Fault tolerant We can have a task similar to checkpoint, do the checkpoint for stateful and use stateful for loading when booting.

  3. Tip and trick:

  • Partition transform is more efficient. In Spark, beside element-wise transformation like map, flatMap, foreach ..., we also have partition transformation like mapPartition, foreachPartition. In partition transformation, the function takes all elements of a partition as input, and output multiple elements. With partition transformation, we can have some advantages as follows:
    • It reduce number of function call, we use 1 function to process multiple elements
    • For some object that take a lot of resouce (Database connection for example), create one object in a partition transformation and reuse it for all elements of a partion is a good performance boost instead of creating one per element.

Chapter III: Best practice on:

  1. Broadcast

Broadcast the metadata, and shouldn't be changing.

Broadcast should be use when we want to share one read-only object to all executor. Broadcast is distributed to all executor in an efficient manner. If we use normal variable instead of broadcast, the value will need to be serialize and transfer to all executor in all the function call. When using broadcast, the broadcast value will be transfer to each executor only once, therefore much more efficient, especially in situation that the object is a big object.

  1. Tuning application

Tuning Application is depending on task you working on, if you run a batch job, there's some point you do not need to tune more to run faster, cos it can be time-consuming, and not too much effective.

Some general tips when tuning Spark application:

  • Notice special value in fields that are use as key. Spark distribute task by key, special value in key field (for exampl NULL) can make data skew and will affect running time very badly.

  • Carefully choose the number of partition. Choosing number of partition is a trade-off. High number of partition result in smaller partition but high number of task. Low number of partion will have less tasks with bigger partition, but will be more prone to out of memory or slow task because of lack of memory. Normally, partition size shouldn't be bigger than 128MB.

  • Need to understand the job is CPU/memory/network intensive to choose number of executor, cores and memory appropriately. CPU intensive jobs benefit from high number of cores while memory intensive jobs doesn't. High number of core will create higher number of concurrent task in each executor. With jobs that are use a lot of memory, this can make the amount of memory for each task smaller, therefore can lead to out of memory error.

  1. Debugging

Debugging: when debugging should look at the graph in management UI, look at DAG, look at the time running each task. You should register extra accumulator (actually we always create 1 class, contain all the accumulator, and then register 1 time) for debugging: to see the relation between metrics you use, to make sure that process is producing right value.

  1. Testing Testing is headache for BigData, cos creating environment like production for development is hard, cos data is changing overtime.


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