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k3b edited this page Mar 12, 2021 · 10 revisions

The android app "A Photo Manager" can use TAG-s as a powerful tool to find and group photos in a gallery view.

Example: Show all photos of peter at a harbour at night.

peter, harbour, night (and other words you choose) are TAGS that can be attached to photos.

Keywords, Categories, Searchterms, Descriptionelements or Virtual-Albums are synonyms for TAG-s.

Question: Why are TAG-s grouped in hirachies?

The TAG-s are grouped in hirachies to make it easier to find TAG-s that belong together.


  • In the TAG dialog search for "peter"
  • The list displays "/people/family/peter"
  • If you short-tap on the "+" button only "peter" is added to the added TAG-s
  • If you long-tap on the "+" button "people", "family" and "peter" are added to to the TAG-s
  • with one search you get three tags which is usefull if you have many potential tags.

Where are TAG-s in the app?

The TAG Dialog is used in these Scenarios:

  • Usage: How to use/find/mark/add/delete Tagnames
  • Find/Filter: Example: I want to see photos of peter at a harbour at night
  • Edit Photo Properties (exif): Example: In Selected Photos add TAG-s peter, harbour, night and remove TAG "winter"

  • The main part of the dialog is the List of TAG-s.
  • The TAG-s are organized and displayed similar to file-paths:
    • Example: TAG "Holiday" contains the subtags "Beach", "Excursion" and "Habour".
    • Example: the TAG "Habour" is displayed as ".../Holiday/Habour" because it is below parent TAG "Holiday".
  • If you long-tap on a tagname you get a context-menu:
    • Create new TAG to add new childtag below the tapped parent TAG.
      • Note you can add more than one child TAG if you seperate them with ","
        • Example: if you long tap on "Holiday" and enter "Beach,Excursion,Habour" you will add three subtags below "Holiday".
      • Note you can add a TAG path by using path seperator "/"
        • Example: if you long tap on "People" and enter "Family/Peter" you will add "Family" to "People" and "Peter" to "Family.
        • Example: if you long tap on "Holiday" and enter "/People/Family/Peter" you will create root category "People", add "Family" to "People" and "Peter" to "Family. Note the preceeding "/" before "People"
    • Rename rename the Text of the selected TAG.
      • optionally you can choose if you want tho change the TAG-s in the affected photos, too.
      • Note you can modify the TAG hirarchy via rename:
        • Example: Rename "Peter" to "Family/Peter" will insert a new hirarchy element.
        • Example: Rename "Peter" to "/People/Peter" will move "Peter" directly below "People".
    • Delete delete the selected TAG.
      • optionally you can choose if you want to delte the child-TAG-s, too.
      • optionally you can choose if you want tho remove the TAG from the affected photos, too.
    • Cut cut selected TAG with sub-TAG-s to clipboard
    • Copy copy selected TAG with sub-TAG-s to clipboard
    • (Paste) After cut or copy you can paste the TAG-s with sub-TAG-s below selected TAG.
  • In front of the TAG-path are marker buttons
    • If you tap on a marker button you toggle the marker between on and off
      • If you long tap on a marker button the item and it-s parent items are selected.
        • Example: If you long tap on bookmark "/_demo/holiday/habour" then the TAG-s "_demo", "holiday" and "habour" are bookmarked.
  • or "Ok" button apply the changes.
  • or "Cancel" button or the back button closes the the view without applying the changes.

The List shows TAG-s that

  • match the incremental search edit field (in the example: contain "bea") or

  • that is bookmarked with or

  • that is marked with add or remove or

  • that is already included in at least one of the selected photos

  • In incremental search mode there is incremental search edit field: TAG-s that match are shown

  • In bookmark mode the incremental search and it-s result are hidden.

  • You can toggle between and by tapping them.

In "A Photo Manager" you can find photos via TAG-s through

  • the TAG-s-[...] button in the Filter-View
  • the TAG Filter menu or symbol in Gallery-View in non multiselection mode.

In Filtermode the checkmarks in the TAG list have this meaning

  • Images must contain all TAG-s that are marked with .
  • Images must not contain any TAG-s marked with
    • Example: if you mark the TAG-s peter, harbour, night with and the TAG "winter" with then you will get all pictures of peter at a harbour at night that are not related to "winter".
  • TAG-s bookmarked with will not be removed by the search filter

In "A Photo Manager" you can add/remove TAG-s of one or more (selected) photos through

  • the Set TAG-s menu or symbol in Gallery-View in multiselection mode.
  • the Set TAG-s menu or symbol in Image-View.

In photo-tagging mode the checkmarks in the TAG list have this meaning

  • TAG-s that are marked with will be added to the selected images.
  • TAG-s that are marked with will be removed from the selected images.
  • TAG-s bookmarked with will not be removed by the search filter
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