WIP library. The current state of the library is not intended for public release/use yet.
ssGUI stands for Super Simple GUI. The goal for this library is "Simple to Use, Simple to Customize, Simple to Extend".
This library can be used for both graphical intensive applications such as games or 2D/3D applications or normal day to day GUI applications.
Allowing user to build GUI with ease, customize it with Extension, extend it by creating custom Extension, Widget, Window and porting to other backends.
You can visit the amazing documentation here
Currently, ssGUI only supports SFML but it is very easy to port to other backends. There's a dedicated documentation [TODO] for it.
Cross Platform. (Depends on Backend)
Customization With Extensions.
Source Compatible And ABI Compatible (Coming Soon).
GUI Code Is Independent From Backend.
Code Templates For Creating Widgets, Windows, Extensions And EventCallbacks (Coming Soon).
[TODO: Insert screenshots]
#include <iostream>
#include "ssGUI/ssGUIManager.hpp"
#include "ssGUI/BaseClasses/Text.hpp"
#include "ssGUI/BaseClasses/Button.hpp"
int main()
//Create the main window
ssGUI::MainWindow mainWindow;
mainWindow.SetSize(glm::ivec2(500, 150));
//Loading the font
ssGUI::Font font;
std::cout<<"font loaded\n";
//Create a text widget and set the respective properties
ssGUI::Text text;
text.SetPosition(glm::ivec2(75, 25));
text.SetText(L"Click on the button to change this text.");
//Create a button and set an event callback to change the text when it is clicked
ssGUI::Button button;
button.SetSize(glm::ivec2(50, 30));
button.SetPosition(glm::ivec2(225, 85));
[&](ssGUI::GUIObject* src)
if(((ssGUI::Button*)src)->GetButtonState() == ssGUI::Enums::ButtonState::CLICKED)
text.SetText(L"Button pressed and this text has changed.");
//Add the text and button widget to the main window
//Create the GUIManager, add the main window and start running
ssGUI::ssGUIManager guiManager;
return 0;