a weather telecast app (for now)
'Nimbus Weather' is a lightweight weather application built with Python, utilizing the OpenWeatherMap API for real-time weather data. Developed using Tkinter for the graphical user interface and requests lib for making API calls, it offers users a simple and intuitive platform to check weather forecasts.
With features like city search and current weather display, users can easily access temperature, description, and weather icons. Error handling ensures smooth operation, while the minimalist approach adds a unique touch. Nimbus Weather aims to provide an efficient and minimalist weather forecasting experience, catering to both normies and weather enthusiasts alike.
▪ Minimal wait times between queries because of the seamless API integration.
▪ Error Prompt for failing to detect a City due to API or Internet failure.
▪ Minimalist UI for the tech enthusiasts especially Linux tards.
API Key - 020814103a2c3e707aeb11f347ed10f2 (personal)