KlikaOS is a hobbyist and educational operating system written in C (and some small parts are written in assembly).
- x86_64 OS
- Grub2 as boot loader
- Kernel @ 0xFFFF800000000000
- Paging
- 2MB pages
- Userspace mapped at 0x0000000000000000
- Kernel max 512MB
- Userspace max 512MB
- sbrk to extend userspace memory
- Kernel heap (malloc/calloc/free)
- Multi thread
- Kernelspace
- Userspace (ring3)
- Drivers
- Serial
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Vesa
- Ata PIO
- System calls (int 0x80)
- File, memory, messaging, windows, processes
- Graphics
- Window manager in Kernel space
- Double buffered
- FAT 12/16/32 support
- Using DOSFS 1.02
- Read only
- HD must be on Master, ISO CD on Slave
- Mounted Disk.img to qemu
- GUI library
- In userspace
- Based on kernel messaging: get_message/dispatch_message
- get_message blocks process (WAIT state)
- Window look'n'feel logic in userspace
- Fixed font 8x8
- BMP file support :(
You can build KLIKAOS using Vagrant Dev Environment or on your local machine.
Vagrantfile already contains all dependencies needed to build KLIKAOS. To use Vagrant as development environment following dependencies must be installed on your host machine:
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- QEMU (for MacOS use brew:
brew install qemu
Run following:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
make all run
This will create bootable ISO image and HD image in images
folder. To run it, you will need qemu on your local machine. You can run it (FROM YOUR LOCAL MACHINE):
qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom images/klika-os-x86_64.iso -m 128 -drive file=images/disk.img,format=raw,index=0,media=disk -boot order=d -serial stdio
Most effective way to build and run KLIKAOS is to install GCC cross compiler for your platform. GCC tools must be named using x86_64-elf
prefix like:
- qemu (4.0.0)
- mtools (MUST BE 4.0.23)
- gcc crosscompile
- x86_64-elf-gcc (8.3.0)
- x86_64-elf-ld (binutils 2.32)
- x86_64-elf-as (binutils 2.32)
- x86_64-elf-nm (binutils 2.32)
- x86_64-elf-objdump (binutils 2.32)
- x86_64-elf-objcopy (binutils 2.32)
- nasm (2.14.02)
- grub-mkrescue (2.05)
Easiest way is to look into Vagrantfile and see what needs to be installed.
To build and run with qemu:
make all run
Repostiory already contains pre-built ISO and HD images. Fastest way to run it will be using qemu:
qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom images/klikaos-x86_64.iso -m 128 -drive file=images/disk.img,format=raw,index=0,media=disk -boot order=d -serial stdio
Convert raw qemu image to .vdi image:
qemu-img convert -O vdi images/disk.img images/disk.vdi
Mount disk.vdi (master) and klikaos-x86_64.iso (slave). Start machine.
Best way to create new app is just to copy simple_win
from apps
folder. Example for GUI app:
// See ./apps/simple_win
#include <klikaos.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
message_t msg;
window_t *window;
window_t *label;
long counter = 0;
void increment_counter(int add) {
char buff[123];
counter += add;
sprintf(buff, "Count: %i", counter);
label_set_text(label, buff);
int main() {
int layout_y = WINDOW_BAR_HEIGHT + 10;
window = window_create(100, 100, 300, 300, "Simple Window", MSG_USER_WIN, WINDOW_ATTR_NONE, WINDOW_FRAME_DEFAULT);
button_create(window, 10, layout_y, 100, 30, "Click me +", MSG_USER_BTN1);
button_create(window, 120, layout_y, 100, 30, "Click me -", MSG_USER_BTN2);
label = label_create(window, 10, layout_y + 40, 200, 20, "Number of clicks", MSG_USER_LABEL);
while(window_get_message(window, &msg)) {
switch(msg.message) {
window_dispatch(window, &msg);
return 0;
- ATA Write Sector
- FAT 12/16/32 Write
- Time : kernel and syscall
- Kill process (partially done : extend to remove win)
- Load ELF larger than 2MB
- Optimise graphics functions (asm or 64bit)
- Child threads in user space
- Scalable fonts (https://gitlab.com/bztsrc/scalable-font)
- Full screen Exclusive mode (for game loops)
- Transaprent pixels
- Desktop - discover apps from
folder - exit()
- More components (button, text, radio, checkbox, ...)
- Calculator
- Sudoku
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
SamirH 💻 |
Ensar Sarajčić 💻 |
Almir Hamza 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!