This repository will house the Pact Broker Helm Chart. It is important to note that this is a community maintained Helm Chart that has been brought under the Pact Foundation GitHub for ease of reference. The current maintainers are:
We are always looking for maintainers, please let us know if you'd be interested. :)
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo add pact-broker
helm install pact-broker pact-broker/pact-broker
The Pact Broker Chart is available in the following formats:
The following command can be used to add the chart repository:
helm repo add pact-broker
Once the chart has been added, install one of the available charts:
helm install pact-broker pact-broker/pact-broker
Charts are also available in OCI format. The list of available charts can be found here.
Install one of the available charts:
helm upgrade -i <release_name> oci:// --version=<version>
The source code of all Pact Broker Helm charts can be found on Github: